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66% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Prayer.

Thou shalt have power to heal the sick in thy house by the prayer of faith.

Thy spirit in deep meditation has reflected upon many things. By faith call on him who is mighty to save and he shall protect thee.

You shall be able to heal the sick by the prayer of faith and shall have power over the destroyer.

Those that accompany thee shall be preserved because of thee, for the Lord will hear thy prayers in their behalf.

Be upon thy guard and forget not to be humble and prayerful.

The Lord knoweth the secrets of thy heart. He hath heard thy petitions, and will answer thee to thy satisfaction.

The Lord hath heard thy prayer and knoweth thine integrity.

The Lord hath heard thy petitions and will answer thee to thy satisfaction and reward thee for every trial through which thou hast passed.

Thou shalt be enabled through prayer and faith to heal the sick of thy family.

Thou shalt be a queen to reign with thy husband in the kingdom and dominion that are appointed unto him, when thou hast prayed and humbled thyself before the Lord.

If thou lack wisdom, ask in faith and thy guardian angel will whisper in thine ear and give thee council in time of need.

Thou has prayed unto the Lord for strength and grace sufficient for thy day, and I say unto thee be comforted, for the Lord hath heard thy petitions.

Pray to thy Father in Heaven in mighty prayer and thou shall live to see these blessings fulfilled and thy spirit shall rejoice.

The Lord, thy God, has heard thy prayers, and has answered them upon thy head, for the good of thyself and for the good of thy children.

Be faithful and humble and prayerful.

Ask and it shall be given thee.

Say thy prayers and God will be thy friend.

The Lord has heard thy petitions.

Inasmuch as thou will be humble, prayerful and faithful, the Lord will bless thee with every blessing thy heart can desire.

Ask God in humble prayer that your physical nature may be strengthened, that you may be able to endure and prove faithful to your covenants which you have made with God, to the end of your days.

Be prayerful and listen to the spirit that will be with you continually and you will understand the mind and will of the Lord.

I say unto thee make it a matter of prayer and call earnestly upon the name of the Lord and submit to the dictates of His Holy Spirit and you will not be disappointed.

God loveth you. Listen to the whisperings of his spirit. Call upon his great and holy name, for the heavens and the eternal truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ shall be revealed unto you.

Do not forget your secret prayers for that is the key to the Father's heart.

The Lord has heard thy prayers and witnessed the sorrow of thy heart.

The Lord hast heard thy prayers and the pleadings and he has ever been near thee by the ministry of his holy spirit as also the angel of his presence.

Be thou faithful and give thyself to prayer in secret and in public and thy guardian angel will ever be with thee.

The Lord has heard thy prayers.

The Lord will ever be attentive to thy humble supplications and will answer thy petitions in blessings upon thee and thine.

Your prayers have been answered and shall continue to be heard.

And I bless you with every blessing that your heart desires in righteousness, that you may go to the Lord in faith and He will answer your prayers.

Call upon the Lord in secret every day of thy life.

Call upon the Lord when you are young, exercise faith in his promises and you shall become a mighty man of God.

Study good books and pray to the Lord in secret to keep you from evil and help you to overcome temptation.

The Lord has heard and answered your prayers, and he is well pleased with you.

The power of the destroyer shall be rebuked for your sake for through prayer and faith you shall overcome every assault made by him.

The gift of healing is yours and through your faith and prayers.

O what a record of prayers and tears thou has offered up unto the Lord for thy children and especially for some of thine erring sons. Oft times thy pillow has been investitured by the dews of heaven. Oft times, during the still hours of night while the angels kept a faithful watch, thou hast appeared at the gates of heaven pleading for a safe return of those you love, beyond the expression of thy mother tongue, and know ye this that thy humility, thy faith and supplication have saved their souls from death and shall hide a multitude of sins.

If thou shalt be prayerful and obedient unto the councils of the priesthood, thy life shall be preserved unto thee.

Because of thy faith thou shalt be comforted and sustained by the answers to thy prayers.

Learn thou in thy youth the principle of prayer, for it is that which opens up a communion between earth and Heaven.

Seek ye the Lord in the humility of your heart by faith and prayer and He will make known unto you many things that will be for your good both temporally as well as spiritually.

Seek the Lord often and earnestly, that he may enlighten and expend your pure mind with the influence of His Holy Spirit.

Pray both in private and in public.

Your prayers and petitions and your cries have been heard. If you will be faithful and prayerful night and morning every day of your lifetime, there shall be no trials or perplexities that shall arise but you shall be able to surmount and overcome.

Be prayerful, be honest, be virtuous, seek the Lord at all times and he will guide and direct you in the way of truth and righteousness.

A song of the heart is a prayer unto God and He will sanctify it to your blessing and benefit.

Be prayerful and listen to the promptings of the holy spirit. Thy prayers shall be answered.

Treasure up much knowledge by study, prayer and supplication. Therefore, pray always that ye may not faint or fall by the way.

Put your trust in the Lord, dear Sister, and pray to him constantly for the companionship of His Holy Spirit, and the Lord will hear and answer your prayers.

The Lord has heard your prayers and will answer them in righteousness.

You will be able to shun the very appearance of evil if you will keep humble by prayer.

Draw nearer unto your Father through the Spirit of Prayer.

If you are true and faithful, and will seek our Heavenly Father in humbleness and prayer, in time of need if you ask in faith you shall receive an answer to your prayers.

I say unto you, at all times be prayerful and humble and if you are in doubt ask of Him who giveth to all men liberally, for He has made this promise to all who seek Him in prayer, and He will answer you.

When the vicissitudes of life draw around you and seem to hedge up the way, go into your silent chambers and call upon the Lord in humble prayer and you will enjoy the revelations of His Holy Spirit.

Dear Brother, be faithful and prayerful in your secret prayers. Call upon the Lord early and late and He said I will answer your prayer even before you start.

God shall hear you and your prayers shall be answered.

Pray that thou mayst have the gift of discernment to know the various influences which thou mayst come in contact with.

The Lord will hearken unto your prayers.

Go to the Lord in humility in your secret chamber and pour out to Him your desires and your innermost thoughts and He will listen to you and while you are upon your knees you will be inspired to know the answers to your petitions and will know what to do under every circumstance.

Continue to pray as you have been taught, and if you will continue to pray and to draw near unto the Lord in your youth, Satan will not have power to lead you astray.

May you always have the desire to council with the Lord in all you do.

Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct you for good.

I bless you that you may have power to solve the problems that confront you daily and that those things which bother you from time to time may find solutions because you share your problems with the Lord. Ever pray to Him faithfully and humbly, and in deep humility you shall walk with Him, for your hand shall be in His.

Pray the Lord that He will enlighten your mind, and give you strength and courage to appreciate your great privilege of living on earth, that you may lay diligent hold on all the wonderful things He is offering you.

You have talents. Seek to understand and know them by prayer and you will be able to accomplish much good in helping others to understand this glorious Gospel.

Seek the Lord in prayer.

Through the wisdom that you will receive in prayer and in righteous living you will be a man of intelligence.

Your prayers will be answered even that you will be able to teach many whom you love.

Learn to know the Lord. Talk to Him as one person talks to another. Pray in humility and you will be blessed.

The Lord loves you and has heard your prayers and has led you in the way to truth.

Draw near unto the Lord by faithful works, by prayer, by service.

Continue to be humble and prayerful and to seek increased knowledge that your testimony will strengthen.

Pray always, and the Lord will answer your prayers.

Be ever prayerful, unburden your soul and impart your innermost desires and wishes to your Heavenly Father. He will thus give you the counsel and advice you may be seeking. As you advance in age, many may feel it their privilege to offer you counsel. Do not be hasty in your decisions, ponder them in your heart. Seek the counsel and advice of your Heavenly Father. When you have received peace and comfort of the soul you will know what you should do.

Pray diligently to the Father.

From time to time as you go to your Heavenly Father humbly in prayer and pour out your soul to Him and ask, He will reveal to you those things you should do to be wholly pleasing in His sight and acceptable to Him and make Him proud of you in this life as He was in the pre-existence.

Continue to seek the guidance of the Lord in prayer and in faith, in humility and all things and the Lord shall not withhold His blessings from thee.

You will be able through your prayers to reach the Throne of God and receive an answer for your important decisions in life and be guided by His spirit through the Holy Ghost which has been given to you. He will direct you in your choices so that you will not be left to wander in darkness, but have the Light of God to direct you. He desires you to develop yourself and not depend upon Him for everything but when you need something beyond your power to understand or to control, then feel free to call upon Him for assistance.

Your Heavenly Father will be ever ready to hear thy prayers.

Exercise the principle of prayer and always be humble before the Lord.

I ask you to be prayerful. Seek the inspiration of our Father in Heaven, especially for your daily activity, as well as for the major decisions you must make from time to time.

Observe the principle of prayer and fasting.

Pray to the Lord for strength and then the Devil will have no power over you.

Pray always that you may be delivered from temptations and that you may be successful in living a spiritual life, in whatsoever conditions you may find yourself. By prayer you will be successful in missionary work also as you expend efforts in this direction.

I admonish you to constantly let your heart be drawn out in prayer to your Heavenly Father.

You will pray to our Heavenly Father diligently, and will keep Him in mind at all times, whether it be in praying to Him in your closet, as you walk along in those leisurely moments, that you have to pray silently to Him.

As you continue to pour out your heart in humble prayer to our Father in Heaven, you will have questions answered that will increase your understanding of the Gospel, and will even unfold to you the mysteries of his Kingdom, the kingdom of our Savior, and you will have great peace in this increased understanding that will come to you.

Be thou humble and the Lord thy God will lead thee by thy hand and give answer unto thy prayers. Pray in secret, pray in public and then be willing to listen to the answers to these prayers and be willing to accept what the Lord gives you.

You will need to be near our Father in Heaven in prayer. Let prayer be prominent and important in your life.

Acknowledge His blessings in your daily prayers, pour out your heart to Him--your needs and your desires and I promise you that you will have answers to your prayers.

I admonish you to be diligent in your prayers that your Heavenly Father can be with you.

Lean to prayer above all to keep a communication open with the Lord that you might receive inspiration and guidance in answer to your prayers.

Seek the blessings of the Lord in prayer, in faith, and in humility, in all things.

And inasmuch as thou shalt continue to seek the guidance of the Lord in prayer, in faith, and in humility, in all things, there shall be peace and happiness in thy household.

When you have your own family, hold night and morning prayers with them. It is the best shield that will be over you. Heavenly Father will hear your prayers as long as you are humble and sincere.

I promise you, if you will use wisdom, prayer, and always seek direction, then serious accidents will not be a part of your life and even through close calls, you will remain unscathed.

Pray at night and in the morning of every day and participate in family prayers.

Through studying the scriptures and daily prayer, become familiar with the life and mission of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Be diligent, humble and prayerful.

Get upon your knees in humble prayer while fasting and this gift of wisdom will become activated in your mind.

You will be inclined to give thanks and express gratitude to your Father in Heaven in the morning, and midday, and evening, and you will carry a prayer in your heart.

Your Father in Heaven hears your prayers and he is pleased with your inclination to go to him. Be assured that your prayers will be answered in accordance with his will and for your best good.

When you feel the need fall upon your knees and seek out your Father in Heaven for counsel as well as that of your loved ones and it will be poured out upon you and you will profit from this experience.

The Lord desires that you avail yourself of the Holy Spirit in all decisions.

That you may seek Him in private prayer to seek the help and guidance that shall be yours, for the Lord will delight to honour you and to give you all of the joy and happiness that shall come by being true and faithful to this great work.

Unspoken blessings will be of most value to you, and when you humbly and prayerfully seek them from Heavenly Father.

I bless you that you will pray often. Do not wait until you are troubled to go to your Heavenly Father in prayer. As you pray you develop your faith, which will give you strength and wisdom.

Make prayer a part of your daily life by kneeling before our Father in Heaven in private and with your family and seek at his hands the blessings you fell you need and express your love and gratitude for blessings received.

Be faithful in prayer night and morning, never missing, always having a prayer in your heart in between times.

Continue to go to the Lord daily in prayer.

Pray unto your Heavenly Father as you have been doing, and His Spirit will attend you, comfort you, inspire you and strengthen you in your desire to keep His commandments.

Your prayers will be heard and answered.

Your Heavenly Father is always available to hear and answer your prayers and bless you according to His will.

The Adversary is mindful of you. In your hours of prayer and meditation as you seek for understanding and strength, you will conquer the Adversary and the agents who uphold his work.

Remember to say your prayers on a regular basis. Pour out your soul unto him in humility and sincerity; express your appreciation, and ask in faith for those things which you are in need of which are expedient for you, and he will hear and answer your prayers.

Remember your personal prayers each morning and evening giving thanks for God's Blessings and seeking the inspiration of His Holy Spirit in all that you do.

Humble yourself before the Lord in prayer. Let him know your love for him and your desire for his companionship through life

Whenever you have to make an important decision, pray for guidance.

Pray unceasingly. Glorify His name that your armor may increase and become as a light that no darkness may befall you. Through love and faithful prayers, you shall overcome all, even the evil one - for in truth, you are a chosen noble warrior of our Lord; He has designs on you, great blessings and accomplishments to be realized.

You must be prayerful before the Lord in all things.

You will find through prayer and sometimes fasting that your desire for righteousness can be sustained and you will find strength in prayer.

Remember that through prayer will come peace and understanding. Go to the Lord. Ask for His direction and I promise you that every request will be honored and sustained. No righteous desire will be withheld.

I urge you to turn often in prayer to our Heavenly Father. Thank Him for the blessings He has given you. Then pour out from your heart those things you need in life. And I bless you, through your faithfulness, the Holy Ghost will answer your prayers and pour blessings upon you.

Our Heavenly Father will bless you as you seek Him in prayer. As you heed the prompting of the Spirit, through prayer, joy and happiness will be yours. Heavenly Father’s spirit will guide and direct you and give you answers to your prayers.

You will be prompted to seek guidance and direction through prayer.

When you kneel, ask for guidance concerning the things that are important to you.

I counsel you to be humble and prayerful. Seek your Heavenly Father often.

As you go forth in humble prayer you will come to understand moreso of the revelations.

I counsel you to be humble and prayerful as you continue to prepare for your future life.

My dear *****, remember the Lord in all that you do. Go to Him daily in prayer, seeking guidance and direction, seeking comfort and knowledge. The Lord will be with you, He will answer your prayers and you will know the truthfulness of these answers by a burning in your bosom. Having received answers to your prayers, rise from your knees and go about your life with renewed vigor, strength, understanding and faith.

The Lord will provide you with an escape from temptations, discouragements and difficulties, by your verbal prayers asking Him to bless you with those good things that you need.

I bless you that you will feel comfortable in asking the Lord for that of which you stand in need, be it great or small. As you approach Him in prayer on a continual basis, the cords of communication between you and the Lord will strengthen.

I bless you that you will appreciate the need to be prayerful.

You will be attentive to daily prayer with your family.

Your Savior will be with you throughout your life as you seek him through earnest, mighty, and constant prayer in your heart, and daily upon your knees, seeking the blessings of your Heavenly Father.

As you continue your study and prayer of the Gospel, you will be blessed with an understanding of the teachings and a testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel

Your Father in Heaven would have you draw near to Him through prayer and through fasting, that you might be in a position and be attuned to receive the guidance that He will give you.

Develop a system to say your prayers daily and commune with your Heavenly Father. Ask for the things you need and they will be given to you.

Always call upon our Father in Heaven.

The Lord will help you if you pray, that you may know that Joseph Smith saw the Father and the Son in the Sacred Grove.

Continually offer your thanks and gratitude to him who is the giver of life and the very breath you take. He will hear you, he will listen to you, and answer you. Go to Him in prayer often – in your times of need, in your times of despair, in your times of happiness and in your times of gratitude.

Seek guidance in your private place, in your own private wilderness and your Father in Heaven will answer you personally and individually. He knows you personally. Express gratitude unto Him for your many blessings.

I bless you with the will and desire to grow through prayer, through reading and understanding of Gospel teachings and through giving of yourself in service in your family, in your Church, and to those in need.

The Lord loves you and desires that you go to Him often in fasting and prayer. As you draw closer to the Lord you will become more like Him.

I admonish you to seek the Lord in prayer that you will be guided and directed in all the things that you do, those things spiritual and those things temporal. You are promised that the Lord shall answer your prayers in his own time and shall give you clear understanding of the things that he would have you do.

Remember your scriptures every day, your daily prayers.

Be faithful in holding family home evenings, family and personal prayers.

Pray many times each day. Have a prayer in your heart at all times. As you get the prayer habit, you will find you have a prayer in your heart about everything in which you are involved. Pray always and faint not and do not perform anything unto the Lord save you pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that your performance may be for the welfare of your soul.

The Lord will take you by the hand and lead you through discouragement as you prayerfully and faithfully seek His guidance.

You will receive answers to your prayers and peace.

When you pray to you Heavenly Father, talk to Him and cry unto Him.

As you pray to your Father in Heaven, He will bless you.

I bless you to begin a habit of saying your prayers, both morning and evening.

Say your prayers.

You will find comfort in your prayers to your Father in Heaven. Pray continuously that you might not be tempted.

Love and pray with your wife.

The Lord will speak directly to you through the Holy Spirit, giving answers to your questions and prayers, and you will have the witness of the Holy Spirit to guide and direct you. You must heed these promptings and impressions for the Lord will guide you by the Holy Spirit which will lead you to His promised blessings.

Listen to the Spirit, ponder and pray and you will, in many cases, be able to direct the minds of those you teach to visualize the things that are transpiring in the scriptures.

Keep the Lord in your life on a daily basis by daily prayer.

I bless you to always remember to have your individual prayers and your family prayers every day.

Always remember that you are just a prayer away from Heavenly Father. When you need help, just pray about it and you will receive answers from Heavenly Father.

Humbly go to your heavenly father in prayer.

Pray daily, morning and night and at other appropriate times. Share your feelings and your desires with the Lord. He will walk with you and talk with you, and He will lead you home.

I bless you as you approach important decisions and crossroads during your life to remember that Heavenly Father is there to bless you as you humbly turn to Him in prayer.

I bless you that you may be prayerful, that your days may begin with thoughtful prayer and may end with thoughtful prayer, prayers of appreciation and thanksgiving, prayers asking for that which is right.

Pray, fast and listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost as you are directed by the Lord. Be careful and prayerful.

Learn, through prayer, to communicate with your Heavenly Father and talk to Him as a daughter would to a father, and be receptive to the impressions He gives you.

Rely on your Father in Heaven through regular prayer. He will answer your prayers in the way that is best for you in His own way and in His own time. Be prayerful in all you do. The triad for your success will be scripture study, regular prayer and service to your fellow man.

Pray constantly.

It is important that you realize that your purpose on earth is to receive counsel from on high, to receive through prayer personal revelation, to receive personal revelation and counsel through prayer, those subtle, quiet moments on your knees will come to you in a whisper but you must acknowledge them quickly and readily or they will dissipate.

You will be blessed because of your study, prayer, and faith to maintain a home of righteousness and of peace, a home of beauty and of prayer, a home that will be a refuge from the ills the world.

Remember the importance of going to your knees in humble prayer, seeking the will of the Lord for you in your life.

The Lord has responded to your prayers. He will continue to be there for you. He wants to bless you continually. Stay close to Him. Live the principles of His gospel and you will feel the closeness of your Heavenly Father. The answers to your prayers will come during the very quiet moments of your life. They will not always come immediately after you ask. You need to become familiar with the process of pondering so that you are prepared to recognize the answers when they come into your heart and mind. Have the quiet moments in your daily life that it takes to receive His answers.

I bless you to recognize the importance of the simple private religious practice daily prayer. As you have prayer both morning and night you will sense a nearness to God which you otherwise will not have.

Through study and prayer and keeping the commandments the great blessings and promises given to Abraham will be effective in your life.

Before you pray, you should ponder upon what you are praying about and come to a decision. Ask the Lord if your decision is correct. If it is, He will let you know. Prayers are not always answered immediately. You should continue to ponder your prayer and if necessary pray again. Eventually you will receive an answer.

Acquire knowledge and wisdom through earnest study and prayer.

When you find yourself distracted or needing to overcome faults or needing to be more humble, if you will get on your knees and seek strength and direction from heaven, our Heavenly Father and His Son will give you that strength.

I bless you as you continue in Church activity and in private religious practices, particularly morning and night prayer and daily scripture study, that your witness of the reality of God and of the saving role of Jesus Christ will grow and strengthen.

Say your prayers daily, that you might keep the lines of communication open between you and your Father in Heaven and He will lead you by the hand and give you utterance to your prayers.

Additional blessings will come about as you are prayerful and as you ask for blessings and as you pray and ask for inspiration.

You will gain in your ability by your study and prayer to meditate upon the truths of the gospel.

Be prayerful, seek to do those things which are right, and the Lord will give you wisdom in raising your children.

Pray sincerely every day.

Blessing #20
Go to your bedroom, kneel on your knees and pray out loud to God, and he will come to you.

Blessing #23
You are blessed to always be prayerful. You should make decisions and then ask the Lord if these decisions are what He would want you to do. The Lord will affirm your decision if it is correct.

Blessing #6
Go forth from this blessing knowing that Heavenly Father loves you. Pray unto Him daily for guidance and support. Thank Him for the opportunity of being on this earth in these latter days and having been born of goodly parents.

Blessing #49
Thank your Heavenly Father every day for your life, for the many good things of the earth that you are blessed with, and the privilege of living in a righteous family. If you will earnestly seek guidance, both morning and evening, you will be given inspiration sufficient to meet every challenge in your life.

Blessing #74
Our Father in Heaven is always as close as prayer, and we need to approach Him daily, and sometimes many time during the day, that we may resolve problems which we face, that we will know the decisions which are best to make.

Blessing #80
Prepare for your mission daily through daily preparing your mind, often through fasting and prayer, strengthening your testimony.

Blessing #123
You will go to the Lord in prayer.

Blessing #273
I bless you also that you will feel the strength of the Spirit as you go to Him on bended knees and inquire of Him of those things that you really need to know. Go on bended knees night and morning to inquire of our Heavenly Father the directions tn which you should go.