Blessing #190
Repicient Caroline Marian Williams
Patriarch John Smith
Date of Blessing 6 Aug 1870
Location Utah
Age 27
Gender assumed by patriarch Female
Tribe Ephraim
Language English
Sister Caroline by virtue of my office I place my hands upon thy head and in the name of Jesus pronounce and seal the Blessings of the Redeemer's Kingdom upon thee and say unto thee, be of good faith and of good cheer. The eye of the Lord is upon thee. He hath given thine Angel charge concerning thee who will watch over thee and guide thy footsteps and remove the stumbling blocks from thy pathway and give thee peace of mind. Listen to the whisperings of the still small voice of the comforter. Let thy faith fail not and thy days and years shall be lengthened according to the desires of thy heart. Thou shalt fill up the measure of thy creation and fulfill thy mission upon the earth. Wisdom shall be given thee above many of thy sex. Thou shalt counsel wisely and thy name shall be handed down in honourable remembrance among the saints and written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Thy children shall grow up around thee like olive plants healthy and fair, and rise up and bless thee in thine old age. Thou shalt have power over the Adversary and be enabled through prayer and faith to heal the sick of thy family. Thou shalt be blessed in thy labor and have joy therein. Thou shalt be protected in thy daily avocations and duties through life. Thou art of Ephraim and entitled to the blessings of the New and Everlasting Covenant. Be prudent and thou shalt be strengthened in body. Thy mind shall expand and thou shalt see and understand things as they are and comprehend the blessings promised unto the saints, and thou shalt be numbered among the mothers in Israel. This blessing I seal upon thy head and I seal thee up unto eternal life to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection a Savior unto thy father's house, even so Amen.
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This patriarchal blessing contains the following promises, which occur in blessings with the corresponding frequency:
Body, Mind and Spirit 17%
Callings 52%
Children 82%
Faith 45%
Hard Work 5%
Joy 43%
Lambs Book of Life 7%
Listening 15%
Longevity 41%
Ministering angels 21%
Name Held in Remembrance 13%
New and Everlasting Covenant 16%
Power over the Devil 46%
Power to Heal the Sick 19%
Prayer 50%
Protection 45%
Sensitivity to the Spirit 21%
The First Resurrection 66%
Understanding 33%
Wisdom 29%