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32% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Wisdom.

Thy heart shall meditate great wisdom.

The day cometh and now is that wisdom shall open your heart.

You shall be blessed in wisdom.

Knowledge shall be given thee and wisdom guide thy steps.

Greater knowledge and wisdom shall be given thee.

Thou shalt be blest abundantly with wisdom.

Thou shalt have the ministering of angels which shall teach you great wisdom.

Wisdom shall be given unto thee from above, which shall be a comfort and a consolation unto thee, which shall be able to overcome all difficulties and trials hereafter.

Thou shalt have great faith, knowledge, and wisdom before the Lord thy God.

Wisdom shall be given thee above many of thy sex.

Thou shalt confound the wisdom of the wicked and set at naught the counsels of the unjust. Thou shalt counsel wisely among thy brethren. Many shall seek thee for counsel and wonder at thy wisdom.

Thou shalt be a wise counselor among thy sex and thousands shall seek unto thee because of thy wisdom.

Be obedient to the laws of god and seek wisdom, and thou shalt desire a change.

In the own due time of the Lord wilt thou be endowed with wisdom from on High and great faith in the House of God.

I seal upon thee the blessing of wisdom and of the understanding.

I bless you with the blessing of wisdom and understanding which shall enable you to perform all your duties and labors which the Lord shall require of you.

Thou shalt become wise unto salvation. And thou shalt do much good in thy day and generation in bringing many of the honest in heart to a knowledge of the truth, both among the Gentiles and the Jews.

Thou shalt be filled with wisdom.

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The Lord, inasmuch as thou will seek unto him for wisdom and knowledge to order thee in thy duties, shall give them unto thee, for the benefit of thyself and thy children and posterity that shall come after thee.

Thou shalt be greatly blessed with wisdom as a counsellor in Zion. Wisdom and understanding shall be given thee.

The light of the Lord shall give thee wisdom.

By the authority given me to bless, I bless thee with the gift of wisdom.

Thou shalt have wisdom given thee, that thou shalt counsel in righteousness among thy sex that those of riper years shall honor thy judgment, and the younger shall rejoice in thy teachings.

The Lord will bless thee with great wisdom. Thy wisdom shall be sought after.

Ask God for wisdom.

Thou shalt be filled with great wisdom.

I pray the Lord in thy behalf in the name of Jesus that the riches of earth may be thine and that thou mayest have wisdom and faith to use them for thine own blessing and for the upbuilding of God's kingdom.

I bless thee with the gift of faith, wisdom, revelation and the spirit of discernment. You may have power through the exercise of the gift of wisdom to thwart the enemy of all righteousness and bring to naught the plans of the wicked. Thou shalt become mighty and wise in council in the midst of thy brethren for thy mind shall be enlightened by the spirit of revelation and thou shalt know how to do and what to do under all the circumstances in which thou art placed.

In riper years honor thy parents. Remember their counsel and thou shall gain wisdom, often time by the experience of the past.

I seal upon your head the gifts of wisdom and counsel.

You shall be a seer unto those you preside over and they shall look unto thee for counsel and wisdom, and the Lord shall give thee wisdom and power. You shall be one of the wise that shall enter into the marriage supper of the Lamb, before the door is closed against the power of Lucifer

He will multiply thy wisdom. Thou shalt be esteemed as a wise counselor in the midst of the people, for that light and wisdom that cometh from above will rest upon thee in great abundance.

I seal upon you the spirit of wisdom and of judgment that you may govern well the souls of the children of God placed in your charge.

The Lord will give unto you much wisdom and knowledge, and you shall minister wisely amongst your sex.

Ask the Lord for wisdom and he shall answer your prayers.

Inasmuch as you are faithful, the Lord will bless you with wisdom and understanding as he sees you need time after time. I encourage you to faithfully and diligently seek after wisdom.

As you advance in years the inspiration of the Lord will reveal to thee of this earthly mission, here a little, and there a little, until you will become wise in your day and dispensation.

Bless this young man with much wisdom.

I ask our Father in Heaven to grant unto you peace of mind, contentment of soul, increased health, wisdom and understanding.

You will become a wise counselor.

You have a great work to perform among your sisters and the Lord will give you joy and wisdom in this labor.

Be a wise counselor to your husband.

The Lord will bless you with wisdom and understanding.

You shall be wise counselor among your associates. I bless you with wisdom and understanding that you may not stumble or yield to temptation.

You will be given wisdom to interpret the dreams that come into your heart.

Exercise wisdom to choose the right course of life under all circumstances.

Men will turn unto you and seek for counsel and for wisdom at your hands.

Thou shalt receive the more important blessings promised, those of knowledge and wisdom, and as thou shalt seek knowledge and wisdom from the scriptures and from good books thy mind shall be receptive to true principles.

I bless you with knowledge and pray that you may always have wisdom to make proper application of the things you learn.

Thy health and wisdom and knowledge will be increased.

Wisdom is a great virtue that you should seek of the Lord and the promise unto thee is that you will receive it in abundance.

I bless you with wisdom to enable you to fill the full purpose of your creation.

I pronounce upon you the blessing of wisdom and the spirit of discernment to guide you in your work and the choices and decisions you will be required to make.

Thou shalt be given wisdom and understanding in this most important work.

Seek for wisdom and knowledge that you might even find hidden knowledge that it might be useful to you in fulfilling your great mission that was given to you.

You will be given wisdom, and courage and faith.

I bless you that you will have wisdom beyond your years.

Be strong in your faith in yourself and be positive that the Lord has endowed you with talents and wisdom and you will make good decisions.

I give you a promise that you will have the knowledge and wisdom to take good care of your body. The Lord will come to you in your hour of need and give unto you wisdom, strength and knowledge to carry on His work so long as He sees fit to keep you here on this earth.

I bless you that you will have wisdom to do what He would have you do.

I admonish you to use wisdom and preserve your health and strength, to keep yourself clean from the sins of this world.

I bless you that you may have wisdom.

Listen for the whisperings of the Holy Ghost that you might receive wisdom and knowledge.

Your leaders over you will see your wisdom and ability.

You are to grow in wisdom, knowledge, understanding, ability and faith to the degree that you shall be a useful instrument in the hands of the Lord and help in doing His work.

I bless you with the gift of wisdom.

Your life is to be characterized by pursuit of wisdom and knowledge.

I bless you with the qualities of intelligence and wisdom that you will need to determine the path to follow in order to be successful in your life.

You are blessed with the gift of wisdom and knowledge and will receive marvelous blessings and through this gift as you study and ponder those things that are important to you.

I bless you to have special wisdom and inspiration in the rearing of your children, along with your wife, that they may realize their greatness.

You will be blessed to receive some of the gifts of the Spirit. Among these gifts will be faith, understanding, wisdom, and knowledge.

You have been blessed with goodly parents, accept of their wisdom.

I bless you with the gift of wisdom and the ability to teach and counsel your children, so they will grow to maturity whole and healthy.

God will impart unto you added knowledge and wisdom as you seek learning from good books.

I seal you up against the destroyer that you may be free to choose and have the wisdom to do so correctly.

I bless you with wisdom.

I bless you with Godly wisdom - that through the Knowledge acquired you may make wise decisions; sound choices leading unto life eternal and be a blessing unto others as you counsel through the Spirit

I bless you with wisdom and good judgement and the ability to counsel.

You shall have inspiration and wisdom and understanding.

The Lord will bless you with wisdom and inspiration.

As hard decisions have to be made, you will have the wisdom and spirit to weigh both sides of a story, to ponder things as they really are, and then to make decisions.

Your Heavenly Father is anxious to bless you with inspiration, with understanding, with knowledge, with wisdom, and with the truths of the gospel.

Your Heavenly Father will bless you with understanding and wisdom.

I bless you with the gift of knowledge and the gift of wisdom.

In your studies there will be times when you will be challenged and your testimony tested. You will be blessed if you seek the counsel of your priesthood leaders. They will listen as you converse with them about your feelings and how you see it. Know that they will offer wise and just counsel, for in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we pursue the truth of all things.

You will have the courage and the wisdom to perform that which your Father in Heaven would have you do.

Use your intellect and your wisdom to provide a safe haven for your children that they might live in the earthly environment in a positive and productive way.

You will be blessed with the wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

Listen carefully to the counsel of your leaders and teachers, that you may grow in wisdom and stature.

I bless you with healing and strength, and with wisdom and understanding.

I admonish you to be a pure vessel with whom Heavenly Father may pour knowledge and wisdom and you shall be blessed.

You are blessed in your mind to expand as you seek knowledge through your college work and extended learning.

You will use your wisdom and knowledge in spiritually strengthening others.

You will have the gift of wisdom and the ability to use that wisdom in righteousness.

As a woman you will radiate beauty, wisdom, and all of the wholesome qualities you possessed in the pre-existence, but now greatly magnified.

Through your individual efforts to learn the gospel and strengthen your testimony, God will bless you with wisdom.

>I bless you with the gift of discernment. This gift is a special gift for it gives you wisdom. You will learn from your past mistakes. You will also learn from the mistakes of others. It will strengthen you and help you to make your own decisions.

You will often feel the comforting warmth and peace of the Holy Ghost filling your mind with inspired wisdom.

In the next few years you will have many decisions, so take your time and be wise. Be wise in who you associate with and maker certain that you understand the things that you want to do.

You have been blessed with the gifts of knowledge and wisdom.

You are a wise young man. I bless you that you can use this wisdom, also a gift from God, to counsel, to assist, to lift, to encourage others as you see the opportunity, and they will come to you.

I bless you with wisdom, with all that you will need.

I bless you that your temporal and spiritual learning will be a source of strength, and wisdom, and guidance to many souls on this earth.

I bless you with wisdom, wisdom of the lord, not of yourself, that you will be wise and understanding of the principles of the people around you, that you will understand their problems.

You have been given the gift of wisdom to apply this knowledge and help others.

You have the gift of wisdom.

I bless you with prudent judgment, with wisdom, with insight.

I bless you with wisdom to understand all things, to know what your Father in Heaven desires of you, what He wants you to become.

I bless you with the gift of wisdom and knowledge that you will be able to learn and teach and that you will be able, also, to discern the needs of students. You will have wisdom poured out upon you about how to interact with, teach, and care for others.

The Lord will give you wisdom in raising your children.

Blessing #24
You will be blessed with wisdom, and this special gift, born of the Spirit, will be magnified over the years. You will become recognized as one who counsels in wisdom and in love and many will seek counsel at your hand.

Blessing #123
You will make wise decisions whenever called upon to determine the path to follow.