Brother John Alfred Lindberg, as a servant of the Lord, acting in the authority of the Holy Priesthood with my hands upon thy head, I pronounce and seal upon thee a Patriarchal and a Father's blessing.
I declare thy lineage to be of the house of Israel. Thou art a descendant of Joseph through the loins of Ephraim and the blessing of Ephraim and of the fathers do I seal upon thee, with all thy former blessings and ordinations and all the blessings pertaining to the New and Everlasting Covenant with power to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection to enter into exaltation in the presence of the Lord, and I pray the Lord in thy behalf in the name of Jesus that the riches of earth may be thine and that thou mayest have wisdom and faith to use them for thine own blessing and for the upbuilding of God's kingdom. And that thy life may be preserved. I pray the Lord to give his angels charge concerning thee and that thou mayest be preserved from the powers of the adversary and the snares laid to entrap thee that thou may become valiant in the cause of truth, in the spread of truth, in the establishment of truth in preparing for a righteous reign upon the earth. That thou mayest receive with the faithful in the City of the New Jerusalem an inheritance for thy self and thy posterity that thou mayest assist in the Redemption of the dead and be a willing instrument in the hand of the Lord in laboring for the accomplishment of his purposes on the earth.
I bless thee to become the father of a multitude, a spiritual advisor and a potent factor in the establishment of Zion, a representative of thy race even of Ephraim, to assist in crowning the Lost tribes of Israel and partaking with them of their glory and honor in the presence of the Lord. I seal these blessing upon thee and seal thee up unto the day of Redemption that thou mayest not be overcome in the hour of trial, that thou mayest walk in the steps of thy father, conquer thy self and earn Eternal Life. Which blessings I seal upon thee by virtue of my calling and Priesthood as a Patriarch and in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.