Brother George Bentley Teeples, as thou hast desired it I place my hands upon thy head to pronounce and seal a blessing upon thee, that thy heart may be comforted.
For years past thy mind has been troubled. Thou has prayed unto the Lord for strength and grace sufficient for thy day, and I say unto thee be comforted, for the Lord hath heard thy petitions. He knoweth the secrets of thy heart and will reward thee as thou shalt merit over many things. Thou hast been faithful for which thou shalt also receive thy reward. Therefore I say unto thee, from this time forward be obedient to the laws of god, and seek wisdom, and thou shalt desire a change. Therefore let thy faith fail not.
Thou hast suffered privations and witnessed trying events for the Gospel's sake. Therefore I say unto thee be at rest in thy mind, seek to know the will of the Lord, and strive to do thy duty and it shall be well with thee, for thy memory shall be strengthened as you reflect upon the past. Thy mind shall be enlightened as you look forward to the future. Therefore as thy duty is made known unto thee by the spirit seek to perform the same for thou art numbered among the fathers in Israel. Therefore prepare thy self to go down to thy grave like a shock of corn fully ripe for the gathering of our Lord.
Counsel in righteousness among thy posterity that they may receive benefit from the experience which thou hast had in the past. Thou art of the blood of Joseph and thy name shall be written in the chronicles of thy fathers with thy brethren. Thou shalt also realize that the hand of the Lord has been over thee for good. Therefore give praise unto him.
This blessing I seal up on thy head, with the forgiveness of thy sins, in the name of Jesus Christ, and I seal thee up unto eternal life to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection as a king among thy kindred. Even so amen.