I lay my hands upon your head and give unto you a blessing which shall be a guide to you and a source of comfort and guidance as you pursue your journey of life. I give you such promises and blessings and seal upon you such power as the Spirit of the Lord may direct. You are of Israel -- a noble and true spirit, held back until this, the dispensation of the fullness of time, to come upon the earth as a representative of the House of Joseph. The Lord is well-pleased with you and with your devotion to Him and to His great work. He is pleased that you have sought out the services of a Patriarch in the church and thus given evidence of your faith in the ordinances of the Holy Priesthood. The angels of your presence rejoice over you this afternoon and, in the future as in the past, they will draw near to you and you will feel their Holy Presence and they will whisper in your ear that which is best to be done. Cultivate the power to hear and the disposition to yield obedience to that which they inspire you to do. The Holy Spirit of the Lord also will rest upon you and, in the time of your need, these great powers beyond the veil will come to your rescue. During the silent watches of the night your mind will be touched and quickened by the Divine Presence and the visions of the night will be unfolded to you and you will see a course that you are to pursue and you will be given wisdom to interpret the dreams that come into your heart.
You have been valiant thus far in the work of the Lord. You have magnified His name among those who know not of Him. You have demonstrated also that you can walk by faith and not by sight. Continue to give these evidences of your faithfulness and devotion and the joy that will come unto your heart as you continue your journey of life, shall be beyond expression. When the vicissitudes of life draw around you and seem to hedge up the way, go into your silent chambers and call upon the Lord in humble prayer and you will enjoy the revelations of His Holy Spirit and the way will clear and that which seems impossible will be cleared out of the way and you shall go forth with joy and rejoicing in your heart.
You have a noble mission of teaching among the children of the Latter-Day Saints and others who may come may receive the benefits of your instruction. I seal upon you the power and ability to become a great teacher, that you may have influence among those with whom you labor and that you may lead them in the path that they should go. You will be given the spirit to serve, for the Lord has a great work for you to do. You will be called to responsible positions. Be faithful, therefore, in the discharge of every responsibility and you will be magnified in the eyes of those who labor with you and for whom you labor.
The time will come, dear sister, when your hand will be sought in marriage. If the one who thus seeks your companionship is worthy, if he is the one whom the Lord designed that you should be united with in the Holy Bonds of matrimony, he will desire and will be worthy to take you to the temple of the Lord and there be sealed to you, and you to Him, for time and for all eternity under the New and Everlasting covenant of the Priesthood. Choice spirits await in the presence of Our Father upon you, that they might come through your loins to tabernacle in the flesh. Cherish these thoughts in your heart. Call upon the Lord in humble prayer and these blessings will be yours to enjoy for it will be your privilege to enjoy and receive every righteous desire of your heart, inasmuch as it is for your soul's salvation.
I seal upon you power to resist the evils of your day for many of these evils will come among this people and the Evil One desires to lead away the choice daughters of Israel, to lead them into temptation and unto the evil, but you shall have power to resist these temptations and stand clean and pure before the Lord continually, and your body will be a fit receptacle for the Holy Spirit of the Lord to dwell in. Reflect upon these things and your heart shall be filled with joy and satisfaction.
I bless you that you may have health and life and peace, that your days may be lengthened on the earth, that you may live until you are satisfied with days, and that your latter-days shall be happy ones for you may reflect upon the fruits of a well-spent life. I bless you with power to come forth in the morning of the first Resurrection, clothed upon with a body Celestial, glorified and beautiful. It will be your privilege to come with Christ when He comes in the clouds of heaven with His mighty throngs of the faithful, to dwell upon the earth. You shall live and reign with Him during the Millennium and you will see Him present the world and all the faithful who dwell in it to the Father and say to Him, "These are the ones that you sent me forth to redeem." He has bought YOU with the price of His own blood and He loves you and He will call you by name and you will know then that He has been mindful of you. Your testimony shall increase until you shall know, without a shadow of a doubt, that Jesus is the Christ and that this is His great Latter-Day work, designed to save to the uttermost, the children of men. Be of good cheer, Cultivate happiness and gladness. Speak words of cheer to those who are in need. Lend a helping hand and the blessings of the Lord will rest upon you mightily.
To this end, dear sister, I bless you and confer upon you every blessing that it is my right and privilege to bestow at this time and remind you that all good and gracious gifts of Our Heavenly Father come because of faith and faithfulness unto Him. I seal upon you these blessings with every other blessing that will be for your soul's salvation and I do it in authority of the Holy Priesthood, and in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, Even so, Amen.