Dear Sister *****, in the name of Jesus Christ and by virtue of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood in me vested and acting within my right as a Patriarch in the _____ Stake of Zion, I place my hands upon your head and give unto you a Patriarchal Blessing. This is done at your request and upon the recommendation of your bishop who has recognized your faithfulness and loyalty to the church and has recommended you to receive this sacred ordinance, that through this blessing you may receive additional understanding that will strengthen your testimony and bring you joy. You are to be commended for your faith and you may be sure the Lord will bless and reward you for your efforts, and as you study and attend to your duties as a member in the church, your faith will grow and your testimony will increase and you will know beyond question that God lives, that His Son, Jesus Christ, is truly the redeemer of the world and that Joseph Smith is a prophet assigned the work of restoring the gospel in its fullness in these last days. Be grateful that you have been born in the great land of America where you have freedom to worship the Lord as you desire and may express your feelings in matters that concern your welfare.
Through your study of the scriptures and listening to the testimonies of the Elders in the Church you have convinced yourself that this is the work of the Lord and the way to salvation. You have acquainted yourself with the doctrine of the church with respect to your former life - that you lived in the spirit world before you were born in the flesh, and that your mortal mission is to acquaint yourself with the conditions of earth life; to gain experience; to be tried and that you will be judged according to your work. You are a free agent and may live your life as you wish but in order to achieve and merit the blessings of the Lord requires effort, study, sacrifice, and service. Your reward for faithful observance of these principles will be joy and happiness and a place in our Father's Kingdom. Through the waters of baptism you have associated yourself with the House of Israel and you have the promise, that if you continue faithful and maintain the standards of the Church, and are willing to make such sacrifices which will be required of you, you will share in the gifts and blessings of the Lord. You will have joy in helping to carry forth the work of salvation, to establish righteousness in the earth and do your part to prepare the way for the second coming of the Savior. The Lord loves you and has heard your prayers and has led you in the way to truth.
Your lineage is through Ham and you have a great mission to perform, that of bringing the light of the Gospel to your people. Your ability, your talents, your willingness to serve the Lord, your good example and knowledge of the Gospel will be the forces which will make your missionary work successful. Now dear sister, I seal upon you the blessings of health and strength and pray that you may live long upon the earth to do good. I pronounce upon you the blessing of wisdom and the spirit of discernment to guide you in your work and the choices and decisions you will be required to make. May you have the ability to choose values and the strength to withstand the temptations of Lucifer who is always present with his cunning devices and inducements to deceive and mislead. May you always have love in your heart for the truths of the Gospel, for the welfare of your fellow-men and in the upbuilding of God's Kingdom. May you always have due respect for those in authority over you and when called upon to act in any capacity of righteousness, be willing to respond and do your part and thus merit the blessings of the Lord. All blessings come as a reward for faithfulness. Therefore devote your energy, your time and talents to worthy projects. Then will the Lord support you in your responsibility to mother, train and care for the two lovely children you have adopted. That as a mother in Zion you may teach them the plan of life and salvation that they may rejoice in the truths of the Gospel. Support your husband in his efforts to serve the Lord that your lives together may be joyous, that the blessings of Heaven may rest upon you and yours. So I pray and seal you up to eternal life and bless you to come forth in the resurrection of the just, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.