Blessing #300
Repicient Esther Caroline Mayer
Patriarch Levi W. Hancock
Date of Blessing 13 Apr 1878
Location Utah
Age 13
Gender assumed by patriarch Female
Tribe Ephraim
Language English
I lay my hands upon thy head and as the Lord shall direct I will bless thee with thy patriarchal blessing, which is according to the established order of Heaven given for the benefit of all the honest in heart who are seeking to be established in their minds concerning points of doctrine that there may be a unison of mind and thought, that there might become a mighty effort in faith for the benefit of a fallen word. Thou art a daughter of Israel, a spirit that needs education from the Fathers of Israel that thou mayst come in possession of that wisdom which in intended for thee. The qualities of thy years is tenderness and a love for that which is right. Thou wilt be required to listen to the voice of the instructors that are set to guide the minds of men and the daughters of Israel to that principle which emanates from on High, which brings with its promptings intelligence that cannot be overcome by the powers that are from beneath. Thou hast great cause to rejoice that the sins of thy fathers extend to the prophets who passed through much tribulation to escape with their lives from the hands of persecutors. Let this thy blessing sound in thy ear. Commit it to memory as much as possible and in it thou wilt find waymarks to guide thy mind so that thou shalt not fall. And in the end thou shalt be perfected with Father and Mother, brothers and sisters, who will salute thee with much joy, together with children that shall spring from thee. For in the own due time of the Lord wilt thou be connected with one as husband and wife, endowed with wisdom from on High and great faith in the House of God, and will make thee comfortable all thy days, so that thou shalt not suffer for the comforts of life. The more thou dost study these things the better will thou relish the words of eternal life which will be as a well of water forever satisfying the thirst for that element. Thou hast enough of the blood of Ephraim within thee to increase thy desires and hope until wisdom shall be in thee equal to any of the daughters of Israel. Thou wilt be capable of leading many of them to a knowledge of thy Redeemer and many children shall give ear to the voice of thy instructions. Thou shalt live to see mighty things transpire on the earth for the accomplishment of the great and terrible things that are to transpire previous to the coming of the Son of God. All this I seal upon thy head in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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This patriarchal blessing contains the following promises, which occur in blessings with the corresponding frequency:
Children 82%
Education 23%
Faith 45%
Financial Stability 39%
Intellect 7%
Joy 43%
Listening 15%
Marriage 70%
Righteousness 24%
Teaching Others 27%
The Endowment 16%
This Patriarchal Blessing 31%
Wickedness in the World 32%
Wisdom 29%
Witnessing Changes 13%