Brother *****: By virtue of the Holy Priesthood and the office of Patriarch to which I have been ordained, I lay my hands upon your head and give you your Patriarchal blessing, for which you have been found worthy by your Bishop and which will be a source of comfort and inspiration and guidance to you throughout your life. You are an heir to the great promises and gifts and privileges which have been promised by the Lord to the faithful under the New and Everlasting Covenant. You were born of goodly parents which has proved to be a great blessing and advantage to you also.
You are of the lineage of Ephraim, a son of Joseph who was sold into Egypt by his brothers and you are an heir to the promises and blessings that were given to Ephraim and his ancestral fathers of old.
The Lord has been mindful of you for good ever since you were born.
He has a great purpose for having you born into mortality at this particular time. You have an important mission to perform. You will live through a variety of experiences from day to day and on into the years to come from which you derive many choice lessons which will be helpful to you in your future days and on into the eternities to come.
Your mission in life will be varied. You will be impressed as time goes by to give equal emphasis to all three purposes for the Church to carry out for the benefit of the Latter-day Saints: to be a missionary and proclaim the Gospel at home and abroad; to help and assist in perfecting the Saints through the organizational activities at home; and to provide assistance to your deceased ancestral relatives, which requires Family History research and service in the Temple. In the days to come you will give much emphasis to all three activities, every one is important. You will be called to serve as a missionary to proclaim the Gospel to people far away from home. You will be dependable and an example in diligence and accomplish much good in your missionary service. You will want to do missionary work among people you associate with throughout your life.
You will be called into positions of responsibility in the Church - to be a leader or a teacher. Wherever you serve you will be an example of diligence and faithfulness and influential for good to the people you serve. You will have a desire to give strong attention to people in your Ward and Stake who are commonly referred to as Inactive. They bear the name of Latter-day Saint and are members on record but they seldom take part in the activities of the Church. They will receive special emphasis of the blessings they deserve and need by you and those associated with you.
You will learn to love the Temple. You will spend many hours and days in your lifetime serving in the Temple and in taking care of ancestral responsibilities and provide ordinances of the Gospel for those departed ancestors. You will derive comfort and inspiration and increased appreciation of the Gospel to a much greater extent through your attendance and service in the House of the Lord.
You have much to look forward to and days of joy and satisfaction await you. You need to always be humble and study the Gospel principles, to observe carefully the functioning of the Church and listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit every day of your life.
If you will always listen to and follow the counsel of your Church leaders and the promptings of the Holy Spirit, the Lord will be your companion in all that you do. He will bless you every day of your life. He will protect you from harm and danger as you carry out your daily responsibilities both in the Church and community. The Lord will bless you with wisdom and inspiration.
He will magnify you in your Church callings. You will be respected as a good, friendly, patient caring leader in the Church. You will have temptations confront you in life but the Spirit of the Lord will be with you to prompt you as to what is right and what is wrong and give you the courage to resist temptations to do wrong. You will have the wisdom and courage to resist the follies and vices of the world and keep yourself pure and clean and worthy at all times, for the Spirit of the Lord will be with you and help you.
The Lord will help you to acquire the necessities of life and help you to make your home a place of peace and comfort and joy. He will help you to overcome problems and difficulties that will confront you from time to time and be a source of comfort to you in times of trials. Your life will prove to be a choice experience and a source of satisfaction and joy to you. Your testimony will grow and become stronger with time.
These blessings I seal upon you and I seal you up unto the day of the resurrection of the just to receive with honor the blessings that await you through your faithfulness.
In the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.