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28% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Genealogy.

You are to receive the numbering of your posterity when you shall be called unto the genealogy which are written in the Chronicles of your brethren.

Thou shalt receive in due time that thou mayest be able to stand in thy proper lot and station in the Redemption of thy progenitors, many of which will be made known unto thee by holy messengers who will come into thy habitation revealing the genealogy of thy fathers.

You shall have the privilege of going to your native land and obtain all the information that you may wish for with regard to your dead.

Thou shalt be an instrument in the hands of the Lord of bearing thy part in the salvation and redemption of thy Father's house for many generations back and in connection with thy companion.

Du skal udføre et start at hævde paa dine Forfædre som en hensaved og staa som en Frelser paa Zions Bjerg.

Thy fathers are anxiously waiting for thee, and ere long many of them will visit thee and they shall make known to you their whereabouts and also their ages and their forefathers.

The Lord will bless thy progenitors. They have a watchful eye over thee, and the day will come, and that not very long, when your progenitors will visit you, when they will reveal unto thee the full links of thy ancestry, according to the genealogy of the Priesthood as it has been handed down from the days of Adam.

I bless thee that thou may have power to gather up genealogies.

Impart all the information concerning your relatives to your posterity.

Thou shalt receive information by the whisperings of the spirit regarding thy progenitors for their names and genealogy shall be revealed unto thee and to thy posterity after thee.

I seal upon you the blessings of your father's house. His name and generations shall be perpetuated thru you and honor generations, and the noble traits of character of your mother and of your noble ancestry shall be transmitted for generations to come, through you and your posterity.

As you have opportunity, gather genealogy.

Take every advantage of every opportunity by seeking out your progenitors and serving them in the temples of the Lord.

The blood of many Pioneers flow through your veins, for which some day you will give thanks to your Heavenly Father.

You have a work to do for those ancestors in the way of searching out genealogy and assisting in the work which can be done for them in the temples of our Lord.

You will be an angel of mercy in your father's household among your kindred ancestors in the temples of the Lord.

You will be one who truly will receive the inspiration of heaven in the gathering of your genealogy.

There is a work to do in your family. You can assist in gathering genealogy, and work in the temples for the dead.

Search for your kindred dead for there are many, many wonderful, honest souls who have already accepted the gospel and are waiting for some loved one to do the vicarious work for them.

You have in your veins the blood of men and women who have made their calling and election sure, men and women who have suffered for the gospel's sake and have gained the great prize for which they came into the world. It is for you to emulate their example, to follow after them, to turn to them in your heart and in your feeling according to the mission of Elijah who came to turn the hearts of the children to the fathers, and the hearts of the fathers to the children, that they may be bound together, in holy ties of fatherhood and motherhood, as brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, in the order of families which is to prevail in the Celestial Kingdom.

There is a numerous host of those who are of your kindred who are yet waiting for_their blessings of the priesthood, for their opportunity to leave the prison house and to go on in their progression. You can seek out their names.

Continue serving your Heavenly Father in His Holy House. Your efforts will be crowned with joy and satisfaction. He will be at your side and direct you in obtaining the information you are yet seeking in order to accomplish the ends you are pursuing.

Be diligent in gathering together records of thine ancestors and thou shalt have much success therein. Thou hast come forth in this a choice generation, under special circumstances, to enable thee to be a saving power unto thy kindred and thine ancestors.

I bless you through your faithfulness and through your devotion that you may seek after your ancestry.

Remember that you can have a reaction from those who enter the waters of baptism. For they will be able to do their genealogy work, even in the House of the Lord, and many shall rejoice of their families, who are now awaiting for this work to be accomplished.

Your heart will be turned to your kindred dead.

I say to you also to develop your skills in genealogy. The opportunities are great for you and your family in this field.

Seek after the information pertaining to those of your ancestors who have gone before you that the ordinances of salvation might be accomplished for them, that they might go forth and rejoice in the day of their salvation.

Thou wast born in this, a choice generation, for a wise purpose to enable thee to accomplish responsibilities in gathering together records of thine ancestors and thy kindred for thou shalt be as a savior upon Mount Zion, responsible of bringing blessings unto many and of gathering together records of many. Thou shalt be given assistance in thine efforts in gathering together those records.

Records of many shall be made available unto thee of thy kindred and thine ancestors. Thou shalt be given assistance in thine efforts in gathering together those records.

You will do genealogical work and help to accomplish the missionary work that is so important for not only the living, but the dead.

As you serve there you will be blessing the eternal lives of those who look to us here for blessings they cannot obtain for themselves and if you are conscious of them and more particularly your progenitors and be involved in preparing information pertaining to them that you and others may enter into the House of the Lord to bless their eternal lives the time will come when they shall embrace you and tell you of their love and through this great opportunity for service you will become in deed a savior in Mt. Zion.

You have been born through a long line of noble ancestry. Always honor your heritage and do that which is expected of you.

You will understand more fully the importance of the genealogical work that must be done.

There is a work for you to do in gathering names of loved ones for whom the sacred ordinances of exaltation must be performed. As you serve in this redemptive labor, the Lord will bless you, and you will feel the presence of those on the other side of the veil who will aid and protect you.

You will also have the Spirit of Elijah fill your heart, and you will desire to know more concerning your ancestors. You will have doors open to you. Labor with other family members in finding the records of your ancestors. During the millenium, those from the other side will honor you and respect you and other family members who have done that great work for them.

In the years ahead you are to learn how to do genealogical research.

I bless you with the spirit of Elijah. As this spirit comes upon you reach forth your hand in the search of the names of your kindred dead. As you do so there will be revealed to you the sources to find the names of many of your progenitors. Be as a savior on Mount Zion in their behalf. Send their names to the holy temples.

I bless you with a desire to do family history research and search out your ancestors.

I bless you with a desire to be close to your ancestors and look forward to the day that you will be able to associate with them.

You will find joy and satisfaction in doing ancestral work.

You will be impressed to provide assistance to your deceased ancestral relatives, which requires Family History research and service in the Temple.

You have a responsibility to do family history work so that your ancestors will be provided with temple ordinances because of your efforts. You will be inspired not only where to look but will have the facilities available to do this and your family will be blessed because of it.

I bless you that you will research your family history.

You will truly be a savior on Mount Zion, a strong link in the ***** family, and will do your best to seek out your kindred dead.

I bless you also with the Spirit of Elijah, that burning in your heart and in your soul will be the desire to seek out your ancestors and to see that their work is done.

your heart will be turned to your ancestors and your desire to understand the contributions that your ancestors made in the communities where they lived will become important. You will find as you search out your ancestors that there will be many special experiences wherein records will be made known to you and information made known to you that was seemingly hidden or difficult to find. You will bear testimony of the influence of your ancestors in your own life in doing this work. You should know that they are looking out for your well-being and anxious for you to do this work.

Take an interest in genealogy and seek out your deceased relatives.

Your Father in Heaven wants you to get involved in family history work where you will have the privilege of locating many of your ancestors. You will be able to see that their names are sent to the temple and their work is done by you and by others. This will also be a great privilege to you and a great blessing to your ancestors.

Be faithful and appreciative of your heritage, by seeking out and doing the genealogical work that is so important to you as an heir in righteousness and being of the seed of Abraham of old.

Your life is known to your ancestors. They are depending upon you to do for them that which they cannot do for themselves. Many of them were true and faithful to the light and knowledge which they had. They did not receive the gospel for the knew not where to find it. You will seek out the records of their existence. They will help you from the unseen world.

You bear the humble responsibility of researching your family history.

I bless you to be very keen with genealogy. You will discover hidden knowledge and treasures about your family. You will take names to the temple with this knowledge. These things will become important to you as time goes on.

Recognize at all times the importance of the family, and you will have the opportunity to search out your ancestors.

As you go to the Temple often may you feel the urgency to search out your kindred dead.

One of your responsibilities as a member of the Church and a member of your family here upon the earth is, at the appropriate time, to seek for your ancestors and have the sacred ordinances of the Temple performed for them.

Search out your own forefathers and learn who they were and what they had accomplished.

The church is developing new ways to identify these ancestors. I bless you that you will have the desire to learn how to search out your ancestors and have their names taken to the temple where they can be baptized and receive their endowments and sealings.

You are here because of your lineage. It comes through Father Abraham, through the House of Israel, and through the loins of Ephraim. Ephraim was a great individual and you have all of the blessings given to him and they are many.

Your heavenly father wants you to be come involved in genealogical research. Study it out in your mind, as time progresses. Join with your family and those who are living. Research out your ancestors.

You have great responsibilities to your extended family. Learn of your ancestors by doing family history work. As you do this, they will become more than names on a page. They will be real people with desires and passions, and as you do ordinance work for them, they will love you.

You will love family history, and you will want to do the work for those who have gone before that may not have been done before.

You will strive to seek out the histories and the genealogies of your ancestors, and to take their dear names to the holy temple so they can receive all of these sacred ordinances and covenants. I promise you in the name of the Lord, that all of the things you help bind on Earth for your ancestors, will be truly bound for them in heaven as well, and will provide great meaning and great power in their lives. You will truly be guided in this work. Many, many doors will be opened for you through the power and the revelations of the Holy Spirit. I bless you with a sure understanding that without us and our ancestors working diligently together on these things, neither we nor they would be able to become all that our Father in Heaven desires us to be.

You have many wonderful ancestors who were faithful. They know of your life on this earth. They pray for you. They will know of your experiences.

Your ancestors did their very best with the light that they had, and you, in return for their loyalty to their posterity, will be able to receive on their behalf all of those blessings in the temple that will already have been bestowed upon you.

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You have the opportunity to serve your ancestors. I bless you with the interest and the dedication to seek them out and to share your spirit and your friendship. You will feel a kinship with them. You will build a network of relatives, through your service, which will be of satisfaction to you in the next life when you meet them personally and renew those relationships.

I bless you that you will also be mindful of your kindred dead, those family members who have gone before you. I bless you that you will have the desire to seek them out.

Blessing #25
I bless you with the desire to seek out your progenitors, those who have gone on, who have not had the opportunity to hear the Gospel.

Blessing #23
You will be active in genealogy and will seek out your ancestors.

Blessing #74
I bless you to know, that as a pioneer in the Church in your family, that there are those of your loved ones who have gone on to the next life without the knowledge of the Gospel, and you hold he keys to opening the doors for them that they can progress.