By virtue of the priesthood I hold, I lay my hands upon your head and confer upon you a Patriarchal Blessing after the order which has been established in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
You are a descendant of Ephraim in the house of Joseph and Jacob and are entitled to all the blessings which pertain to the gospel in these latter days. You have received the gospel because of the faithfulness of your parents and because of the good lives of a long line of worthy ancestors. Dear sister, you have a work to do for those ancestors in the way of searching out genealogy and assisting in the work which can be done for them in the temples of our Lord.
There is a blessing in store for you also as a mother in Israel, and the Lord will give you great joy and comfort as you watch your family of little ones grow up into noble manhood and womanhood. Great will be your joy and great will be your eternal reward. The Lord will bless you in this regard with all the righteous desires of your heart.
At this time especially, while your husband is away in the service of his country, I bless you that the comforting influence of the spirit of the Lord will be with you at all times and under all circumstances. The Lord will bless you with great blessings and bring joy to your heart.
You have a calling also to work with the children of Zion as a leader and teacher of the young that may be placed under your care. Seek the guidance of the spirit of the Lord and you shall have joy in your labors.
I bless you with all the blessings of the gospel. These are yours through your faithfulness. I do this by virtue of the priesthood I hold and in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.