Sister *****, by authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, I lay my hands upon your head and pronounce a Patriarchal Blessing, upon your request.
Sister *****, it is important for you to know of the great love your Heavenly Father and Savior have for you.
You were in the pre-existence when the plan of salvation was presented, in The Council of Heaven, and you shouted for joy with the multitudes, because you understood your Heavenly Father was giving you one of the greatest blessings He can give his children, that of eternal progress.
*****, you come through a righteous lineage. You come through the Tribe of Joseph through his son Ephriam. Grave and great responsibilities have been given to his posterity. To those who receive much, much is expected.
Sister *****, I bless you with faithfulness that you will live the commandments you have been taught and will yet be taught. Your testimony will grow.
You have been saved to come forth during this The Last Dispensation, The Dispensation of the Fullness of Times to do a mighty work.
You will be called upon to serve in many capacities in the church. It is important you do them to the best of your abilities. As you do so greater and greater responsibilities will be given you and to your posterity.
I bless you with health and strength that you will have the vim and vigor to be able to accomplish the work that the Lord has in mind for you to do.
You have a loving spirit and a soft way about you. People are going to be drawn to you, Sister *****, because of your light and your good example you will set in this life and beyond. Be ever willing to bear your testimony when prompted.
I bless you with the spirit of missionary work. You will be a great teacher to those that inquire of you. They will want to know what it is you have in your life that they do not have in theirs. You will have the opportunity to teach.
I bless you with the gift of tongues and interpretation. You will be able to speak their language and understand their hearts. You will have the opportunity to go through out the world and preach the gospel.
Again, it is important you understand that your Heavenly Father and Savior love you. They know who you are. They know your name. They know your circumstances. They know the righteous desires of your heart.
I bless you that at the appropriate time and place an eternal companion will be provided for you and he will take you to The House of the Lord and there you will make commitments that will make you happy and give you joy and happiness for the eternities.
I bless you with a great and noble posterity. As you go to the Temple often may you feel the urgency to search out your kindred dead and doing their work.
I bless you with long life that you will be able to see the accomplishments of your children and grand children.
After doing Temple work over the course of your life and you pass through the veil there will be a multitude of people waiting to greet you on the other side. They will embrace you and thank you for doing their work for them. You will be looked upon as a savior on Mount Zion.
Stay active in church. Read your scriptures. Say your prayers. Pray over all the decisions of the day for your family and work and your vocation.
I bless you that as you learn the temporal things of life and get your education, do not neglect the spiritual side of life. Seek out good people and as you do that you will be prompted by the Spirit as to those that are sincere in the desires and you will have the opportunity to teach them. Keep the Spirit close to you and you will feel the sheer joy of family.
I bless you that on the morning of the first resurrection you will come forth clothed in glory, immortality, and eternal life. As you rise on that morning you will feel the sheer joy of family. Know that the Lord loves you and wants you to be successful. He has given you all gifts and talents to be successful and happy.
Read this Patriarchal Blessing often. It is a beacon and guide for you and will buoy you up during times of trial and tribulations. Trials and tribulations are given to us to help build our character.
As you raise your children be thankful for the great family that is yours. Your testimony is dynamic. It is either growing or shrinking. Always strive to move forward and to build your testimony. You will be blessed and generations after generations will be blessed because of your righteousness. These blessings are predicated upon your faithfulness.
I pronounce these blessings upon you, *****, through the power of the Holy Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.