Blessing #382
Repicient William Michael Bromley
Patriarch Henry Moyle
Date of Blessing 9 Jun 1901
Location Utah
Age 61
Gender assumed by patriarch Male
Tribe Ephraim
Language English
Brother Bromley in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by virtue of my office and calling I pronounce and seal upon thee a patriarchal blessing. Thou has descended through the servants and handmaids of the Lord. Thou art of the seed of Abraham thru the house of Joseph and lineage of Ephraim. Thou art entitled to the blessings of the new and everlasting covenant which I seal upon thee. Thy pathway has been marked out from thy youth and the Lord is pleased with the integrity of thy soul, for thou hast been bold in defense of the truth and valiant for the causes of God. Thy name is written in the lamb's book of life and thou art numbered with the fathers in Israel and thy posterity shall be numerous and to their generations there shall be no end for the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob shall be continued upon thee. Thou shalt live long upon the earth and take pleasure in beholding thy posterity spread forth throughout the land of Zion. Many among them shall go forth and officiate in the ordinances of the gospel and shall assist in building up the center stakes of Zion and receive their inheritances. Thou shalt receive information by the whisperings of the spirit regarding thy progenitors for their names and genealogy shall be revealed unto thee and to thy posterity after thee. Thou shalt enter the temples of our God and officiate therein for thy departed ancestors for multitudes of them are looking unto thee and thy posterity for their redemption thru the ordinances of the house of God, which are to be performed in their behalf.
Thy pathway shall brighten from this time henceforth for many great and glorious blessings await thee. The spirit of the Lord shall descend upon thee and the Holy Ghost shall rest upon thee with great and mighty power. Thou shalt live to impart instructions to thy brethren for many years for thou shalt sit in council with thy leaders in Israel. Thou shalt be blessed with the blessings of the earth. Thou shalt yet receive a plenty to make thee comfortable with thy family both for food and for raiment and for the adornment of thy dwellings. Thou shalt become a savior on Mt. Zion and stand at the head of a numerous host who shall rise up and call thee blessed, and thou, having kept thyself clean and undefiled, shalt receive the impress of thy father and God in thy forehead for thou shalt be numbered with the 144,000 who shall stand upon Mt. Zion with Christ. Now dear brother these blessings I seal upon thee thru thy continued faithfulness with every blessing thy heart may desire in righteousness. And I seal thee up unto eternal life to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection a king and priest unto the most high God and with thy queens to rule and reign in the house of God forever. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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This patriarchal blessing contains the following promises, which occur in blessings with the corresponding frequency:
Blessings of Abraham 38%
Children 82%
Companionship of the Spirit 33%
Conditions 72%
Exaltation 52%
Financial Stability 39%
Genealogy 18%
Honesty 13%
Lambs Book of Life 7%
Leadership 27%
Longevity 41%
New and Everlasting Covenant 16%
Non-Specific Blessings 57%
Polygamy 4%
Sensitivity to the Spirit 21%
Temple Work 49%
The 144,000 1%
The First Resurrection 66%