Sister *****, by authority of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, as a Patriarch in the _____ Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I lay my hands upon your head to give unto you your Patriarchal Blessings. Sister *****, you will feel the promptings of the Holy Spirit as you receive your blessing. Your Father in Heaven loves you and desires that you receive all of the blessings that are specifically for you, and there are many. You are one of His choice daughters and entered mortality at this time to be able to receive the gospel and all of the incumbent blessings reserved for the faithful. As you follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit your footsteps will be guided and you will be able to complete your foreordained mission in this, your second estate. You have much work to do for the Lord. You will be blessed and inspired as long as you honor the covenants you make with the Savior and you will feel His love and have the inner peace that comes only from Him and know that you are on the path leading to eternal life.
Sister *****, you are from the tribe of Ephraim through the patriarchs of old, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, and have all of the rights, privileges, blessings and responsibilities that attend this sacred lineage. You will be a witness for the Savior in that which you do. Others will watch you, especially those of your family, and they will know you are a choice daughter of God who desires to serve Him as they see your example, and they will desire to know about the Church and the Savior Jesus Christ. The scriptures will unfold as you study and the Lord will speak directly to you through the Holy Spirit, giving answers to your questions and prayers, and you will have the witness of the Holy Spirit to guide and direct you. You must heed these promptings and impressions for the Lord will guide you by the Holy Spirit which will lead you to His promised blessings. You will have the opportunity to further your education and as you study, seek first the Kingdom of God and all else will be added unto you. You must weigh that which you study and encounter against the revealed truths of the gospel. If they are in harmony, you may embrace them. If not, immediately discard them and press forward. The Lord will open your mind to that which you must know and as you gain revealed knowledge you are to use it in the service of others, for you will receive many blessings and gifts and talents from Him which you are to share with His children who are not blessed as you are. You will have positions of responsibility in the Church and as you heed the directions given to you by your priesthood leadership and those who direct your service you will be blessed. You will understand the needs of those who fall within your stewardship responsibility and you will experience great joy and happiness as you serve the children of our Father in Heaven, your brothers and sisters, and they will express great love for you because of your efforts and energies in helping them draw close to their Savior. I bless you that Satan will have no power over you for he is bound by personal righteousness and you need not fear him.
You will be blessed to enter the Holy House of the Lord and there be endowed with power from on high. One of your responsibilities as a member of the Church and a member of your family here upon the earth is, at the appropriate time, to seek for your ancestors and have the sacred ordinances of the Temple performed for them so they may have the blessings that are yours. You will feel close to their spirits as you do this work and know that they are waiting for you to free them and allow them to progress. You will have ample opportunity to do this. Do not forsake this stewardship which is yours. You will be sealed in the Temple to a righteous bearer of the holy priesthood, one who is worthy in every respect to be your eternal king, and you, his eternal queen. Father in Heaven will send you spirit children who you are to love and to cherish and teach the ways of the Lord. You will watch them grow and develop and they will love you, and by the power of the Holy Ghost you will know what you must do to have them with you throughout the eternities. I bless you to be successful as a mother in Zion and receive the blessings reserved for the faithful. In your second estate hereupon the earth you will witness many changes in the world in which you live and as they occur you must look to the latter-day prophet of the Lord for guidance and direction for as you follow him you will remain on the path leading to eternal life. He will not lead you astray.
I bless you to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection, with all of the glory and all of the honor befitting a worthy handmaiden and daughter of our Father in Heaven, to inherit eternal life. This blessing I seal upon you, through your faithfulness, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.