Sister *****, In the name of the Lord, and in the authority of my calling I do seal upon you a patriarchal blessing, which shall carry with it a spirit and influence that shall be for your comfort and good, to give you hope, strength, and courage in the battle of life, in so far as you shall exercise faith therein.
I seal upon you the gifts of faith, of hope, and charity. Yea, the gifts of the spirit, even the gifts of the gospel of salvation that you may be guided aright in your actions from day to day.
You are of the House of Israel, and are a true Ephraim-ite, entitled by birthright to the blessings of the House of Israel. Yea it always was, and always shall be natural for you to believe the truth, to be willing to be led by those whose right it is to lead, but never to be driven; for you are pronounced in your convictions and by nature bold in your defense of what you think is the right, yea, a defender of the weak, and the downtrodden, the unfortunate, and those who are less favored than you; and such as others shall speak of lightly, and make sport of, they shall learn that you are their defender, for you shall come to their rescue, and be charitable to them, and to the poor, even to a fault, and thus shall your name be praised among men, and your name shall be perpetuated in honor in their generations.
I seal upon you the blessings of your father's house. His name and generations shall be perpetuated thru you and honor generations, and the noble traits of character of your mother and of your noble ancestry shall be transmitted for generations to come, through you and your posterity; for you shall be fruitful, even as Ephraim, and shall stand in your place, at the head of a noble race.
I seal upon you the blessings of the new and everlasting covenant, yea, of the Temples of the Lord, with all the privileges pertaining there unto.
I bless you that you may take your place in society, even in the sphere in which you move, yea, that you shall be a leading character, that you shall preside in honor, and with dignity, in the organizations of your sex; yea, that you shall teach and instruct the young and the old from age to age, as you shall progress along the journey of life.
I seal you up against the powers of the destroyer, that you shall be immune from pestilence and from disease, and from accidents and harm, that your days may be many, and may be useful and happy.
I bless you that you may have and enjoy the necessaries and comforts of life, yea, that you may always have a home where in to dwell among this people, even a home of peace and of plenty.
I seal you up unto the day of redemption, and unto eternal life, and unto a glorious resurrection, thru your faithfulness.
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen