Sister Janet, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I place my hands upon thy head and seal upon thee a patriarchal blessing. Thy name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life never to be erased. Thou art of Joseph and thine inheritance shall be with Ephraim's children. Thy sons and thy daughters shall be mighty and numerous, to the increase of which there shall be no end. Thy last days shall be thy best for all thy desires shall be granted unto thee in righteousness. Thou shalt be a wise counselor among thy sex and thousands shall seek unto thee because of thy wisdom. Thou shalt do a work in the house of the Lord which shall commence the redemption of all thy kindred which shall be continued until all are redeemed and gathered into one. Thou shalt be crowned a queen and reign with thy companion over thy numerous posterity to all eternity.
If thou desirest it with all thy heart, doubting not, thou shalt not taste of death but be changed and caught up to meet thy Savior, thy companion and children with thee. Thou shalt see a temple built and a cloud and pillar of fire rest upon it, do a work therein, and see thy sons and daughters stand as mighty pillars in Zion.
All thy former gifts and blessings I renew upon thee in the name of Jesus thy Redeemer with Eternal Lives: Amen.