Blessing #356
Repicient Gibson Condie
Patriarch Joseph L. Robinson
Date of Blessing 24 Sep 1891
Location Utah
Age 56
Gender assumed by patriarch Male
Tribe Ephraim
Language English
Brother Gibson, in the name of Jesus Christ I lay my hands upon thy head to impart unto thee a father's blessing and patriarchal blessing. Thou art a son of Abraham of the family of Joseph through the loins of Ephraim, a legal heir to the holy priesthood, which thou shalt receive in the due time of the Lord, according to thy diligence in its fullness. Thou hast received the gospel with good and honest heart. It is and shall be more than thy meat and thy drink to do thy father's will in heaven. Thou hast been diligent and faithful in the labour of thy hands and thou hast to perform thy duty in the interest of Zion in which labours the Lord thy God hast blessed thee in thy house and in thy family and with kindred. Thou shalt be a savior on Mount Zion, a savior to thy father's house to redeem thy kindred back to thy fathers who died in the Holy Priesthood back to Adam. Thy head shalt be strengthened by the Spirit of God, thy brains shall be blessed and become a healthy condition; thy mind shall become clear and comprehensive and thou shalt possess a discernment of spirits; thy body shalt be strengthened and invigorated and the Holy Ghost shall rest upon thee to strengthen and enlighten and inform thee; and thy feet shall be shod with the preparation of peace. The holy ghost shall be a lamp to thy feet and a light to thy path that thou shalt not stumble nor fall. Thou shalt be blessed in thy fields and in thy flocks and herds and thy basket and store and thou shalt be greatly blessed with wisdom as a counsellor in Zion.
Thy sons and daughters shall rise up and call thee blessed for thou shalt come down to thy grave as a shock of corn fully ripe, thou shalt be endowed with the attributes of faith and patience and perseverance and wisdom and understanding shalt be given thee. And thou shalt become one of the great and good. It is thy privilege to see Zion redeemed and the kingdom of God to be given to the Saints of the Most High, to labour up for the kingdom of God upon the earth, and thy way and duty shall be plain before thee; able to perform thy duty from day to day, and thy reward shall be sure. Thou shalt be exalted on high. Thou shalt receive a glorious resurrection and inherit celestial glory with your companions and these blessings together with all you can earn and all that your heart desire in righteousness, I seal upon your head in the name of Jesus, even so, Amen.
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This patriarchal blessing contains the following promises, which occur in blessings with the corresponding frequency:
A Keen Mind 12%
Body, Mind and Spirit 17%
Children 82%
Companionship of the Spirit 33%
Discernment 19%
Exaltation 52%
Faith 45%
Financial Stability 39%
Hard Work 5%
Longevity 41%
Marriage 70%
Membership in the Church 24%
Non-Specific Blessings 57%
Obedience 35%
Patience 11%
Polygamy 4%
Temple Work 49%
The First Resurrection 66%
The Priesthood 45%
The Redemption of Zion 12%
Understanding 33%
Wisdom 29%