*****, in the name of Jesus Christ and by virtue of my ordination as a Patriarch in the _____ Stake, I lay my hands upon your head and give unto you a Patriarchal Blessing. You are of the House of Israel and the Tribe of Ephraim.
I bless you at this time with every blessing it is my right and privilege to bestow upon you. I bless you with health and with strength and ask you to always be careful of the things which concern your health, that you might have vigor of body and mind to accomplish the many things you were set apart to do while you were yet in the pre-existence.
I ask you to be prayerful. Seek the inspiration of our Father in Heaven, especially for your daily activity, as well as for the major decisions you must make from time to time. What you do each day will determine to a great extent the kind of person you will become.
Be obedient to those who are placed in authority over you. They have been called of God and set apart to handle His work here upon the earth. I ask you to accept responsibilities which they give you from time to time. By your acceptance, and if you carry them out to the best of your ability, your testimony will grow and develop and you can be an instrument in the hands of the Lord in helping to aid and assist in building up the Kingdom of God here upon the earth.
Study and learn all you can about the Gospel, that you might be in a better position to aid in doing missionary work, and listen to that still small voice which will testify to you to the truthfulness of the Gospel, and will help you to explain it unto others, and will bear testimony to the spirits of others that what you are saying is the truth.
You are the head of the household and have a great responsibility. The raising of a family is one of God's greatest commandments and, along with your wife, you have this great obligation. Seek the help of our Father in Heaven always, that you may know what to do and how you should handle this responsibility.
I ask you to study and learn all you can about the other things which affect your vocation, that you might have greater influence among your associates and be better prepared to influence others, and thus aid in assisting to build up the Kingdom of God here in the latter days.
Continue to seek the Lord for advice and counsel you need concerning all things which affect you and your family. The Lord has said that we will understand the things of God only by the Spirit of God, and it is best that we accomplish all things in a manner according to the directions which our Father in Heaven gives us.
Remember the commandment the Lord has given us concerning Temple work. Only by obedience to that commandment concerning marriage will you be able to enjoy the same family association in the hereafter that you enjoy in this life.
Be concerned with others who are less fortunate than you are. The Lord has said we are our brothers keeper. Many blessings can come to those who will aid and assist others who are unable to fulfill the measure of their creation here upon the earth without the aid and assistance of their friends and neighbors.
These blessings I seal upon your head according to your faithfulness and I do it in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.