Beloved Sister Priscilla, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I place my hands upon thy head and pronounce upon thee a Patriarchal blessing. The Lord has heard thy prayers and witnessed the sorrow of thy heart, and has given his angels charge and they will watch over you, and in the great providences of our Father all things shall be controlled for thy good, and thou shalt lose nothing, for thy husband has gone on before there to perform the mission that was designed for him.
He will be exalted and enjoy a fullness even that which pertains to a celestial crown as a martyr. Rejoice and acknowledge the hand of God and thou shalt raise up a posterity that shall honor thy name, and the names of thy kindred shall be honored, for thou art entitled to every blessing that has been promised to the daughters of Ephraim.
Thy name is recorded in the Lamb's book of life and thou shalt enjoy the spirit of discernment to always know the voice of the good Shepherd. Friends shall be raised up unto thee, and thou shalt stand in thy lot and place in thy father and mother's house, and take part in the great work of redemption that pertains to thy departed kindred.
The Lord will confer upon thee every blessing that shall redound to his glory and which shall be for thy good. This blessing is given to comfort thee. Be prayerful and claim the provisions thereof. I bless thee also that thy days of usefulness may be many and thou shalt reign as a queen and priestess in connection with thy husband in the Celestial Kingdom.
If thou desires it thou shalt remain upon the earth and be prepared for the coming of the our Lord and Savior.
I seal all these blessings, with every blessing thy heart can desire in righteousness, by the authority of the Holy Priesthood, even so amen.