Sister *****, by the authority of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood vested in me and in the office of a Patriarch, I place my hands upon thy head to give unto thee the Patriarchal blessing that thou hast desired to have and pray that it may be to you a source of comfort and a help and a guide throughout your life.
Thou art of the House of Israel, of the loins of Ephraim, the son of Joseph and are blessed to have come forth in this dispensation and to have had the privilege and opportunity of gaining a knowledge of the Restored Gospel and entering the waters of baptism and making thy covenants with thy Heavenly Father to keep His commandments and to serve Him.
Continue to study the Gospel, that you may be more able to work out your salvation and exaltation. Read the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon for therein is the full Gospel plan of salvation.
Conform thy life to the teachings and principles of truth that have been laid out for us, that your life may be richer and fuller.
Make use of the hours of each day, to work towards perfection, overcoming faults and failings and seeking to make the best use of thy talents and gifts that have been given thee, that not only your life may be enriched, but that others may be blessed also through your devotion and dedication to the Gospel teachings and principles.
I bless you that you may have health and strength of mind and a desire and a thirst for knowledge and understanding of those things pertaining to your salvation and exaltation.
I bless you physically that you may be able to fulfill your mission in life as a wife and mother in Israel. I bless you spiritually that you may have those opportunities to grow and develop and fit yourself for the rich and wonderful blessings that your father in Heaven has for the faithful.
I bless you that those things you desire to do and accomplish and have happen in righteousness may come to pass.
Motivate thy husband to magnify his callings and his priesthood; encourage him to fulfill all his assignments and obligations and co-operate together and work together to serve your Heavenly Father.
Let joy and happiness and love and kindness and patience and understanding be a part of your home and your household, that those therein may have an increase of faith and a strengthening of their testimonies through understanding and teaching the knowledge of the gospel. Edify one another and remember your Heavenly Father at all times and He shall bless thee and be with thee and watch over thee and be ever ready to hear thy prayers.
Thou shalt have opportunities to serve your Heavenly Father and whatever assignments you are called to fulfill or whatever office or positions, if thou shalt prepare thyself to work diligently, thou shalt be an influence for good in the lives of others.
Prepare thyself to go to the Temple and there be sealed for Time and Eternity to thy loved ones. Remember thy covenants always and seek to live them, that you may assure your salvation and exaltation.
Neglect not your responsibility to your loved ones that have passed on. Thou shalt have opportunities, through thy faith and prayers, to accomplish a good work on their behalf. In the troublesome times ahead, when the judgments of the Lord shall be poured out upon the wicked and upon mankind, if thou shalt continue to live close to your Heavenly Father, and be obedient to His teachings and commandments, He shall watch over thee and thine and shall guide and direct you and protect thee.
I bless thee if thou shalt make the best use of thy time here upon earth and seek to grow mentally and spiritually that life shall be rich and meaningful to thee and thou shalt have periods of great happiness and joy. The Lord shall also give thee problems and difficulties and trials to endure and overcome and to try and test thee and if thou shalt endure to the end, thy blessings shall be multiplied unto thee.
All these things I seal upon thee, with other blessings the Lord shall see fit to add and I seal thee up to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection and this I do in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.