Brother *****, by the power and authority of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, I give unto you this blessing and say unto you that the Father in Heaven desires you to know that you are acceptable to Him; that your efforts in serving Him are recognized and He knows the desire of your heart.
I bless you this night with the knowledge that you are of the lineage of Ephraim, a portion of the covenant people of the Father in Heaven, and you are heir to the blessings which were pronounced upon the righteous Patriarch of old and through your faithfulness to the covenants and vows which you have made, you shall receive and become a joint heir with the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and all that the Father has shall be yours.
And so tonight I would bless you and encourage you with the knowledge that you have led a proper life, acceptable to the Father in Heaven, and that He is looking forward to your continued advancement in the Priesthood of God. I would bless you with the knowledge that this Priesthood extends far into the eternities and that as you progress in this eternal sphere, you shall continue to add glory upon glory upon the head of the Heavenly Father and upon yourself.
Now I would bless your mind that it continues to be clear; that it may grasp the truths of the gospel and that you have sufficient time to meditate upon the promises made by the Savior and through this meditation great sermons will come forth in your mind and you will learn to know and enjoy more thoroughly your association with your Heavenly Father.
Now I would bless your limbs, Brother *****, that they may gain a degree of strength; that you will have the ability and power to force them to act according to your mind and will.
Your Father in Heaven has blessed you with the privilege of entering into His Holy House and being sealed to this wonderful mate; and so with the knowledge that you will be together in the eternities, I counsel you to go forth with courage and determination to run the gauntlet of all the evil forces that are in the world this day, helping those who are weaker in the faith by showing them the proper way in which to conduct themselves and the day will come, Brother *****, when you arise with the just to face your Lord and Master Jesus Christ and sing His praises throughout His Millennial reign, continuing your progress towards the goal of exaltation and Godhood, which the Father has promised those who are faithful, and the day will come when you are appointed a dominion over which you must rule and reign in righteousness over your own posterity.
These are the blessings of those who are faithful to the commandments of God. Pray diligently to the Father. Learn to know Him intimately so that the day you meet Him face to face you may fall upon each other's shoulder and welcome one another as you did in your pre-existence.
Be brave in whatsoever conditions that may require your faith and strength to battle or to the culmination of an eventual exalted state to dwell in the presence forever and ever of your Creator.
I seal this blessing upon you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.