*****, in the authority of the holy priesthood and my calling as patriarch of the Kaneohe-Hawaii Stake in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I humbly lay my hands upon your head to give you your patriarchal blessing and pray our Heavenly Father's spirit will abide with us and what is said and pronounced upon you at this time will be a comfort to you and a guide and a stay throughout your mortal life.
*****, you have pleased our Heavenly Father greatly in having asked to become one of His within this gospel. You have been in His presence in your previous estate and chose to come forth at this time to take upon yourself a mortal body for a wise and a glorious purpose, that you might work out your salvation through your faithfulness in living the gospel, and doing that which you will be taught it is necessary that your life will be so lived, that you will be eligible to receive the blessings of the Celestial Kingdom when our Heavenly Father calls you back into His presence.
You are of the House of Ephriam, the son of Joseph who was sold into Egypt and you are entitled to all of the blessings that have been pronounced upon this holy seed in the kingdom of our Heavenly Father.
I bless you, *****, that your life will be a life of joy and service, one which will touch many hearts. That you will be able through the way that you life to impress others, so that they will have a desire to have the joy and the knowledge that you have. Whether you might know it or not, many will be influenced to eventually seek the truth. I bless you that you will be a missionary in thought, mind and deed at all times throughout your life, and that you will serve our Heavenly Father in whatever callings that are given to you. That you will immerse yourself into the directions that are given particularly those of missionary duty. There are many areas that seek servants as missionaries, and you should be conscience of these, as you are instructed and you know, and as you have a desire to be a missionary, our Heavenly Father will bless you with all of the knowledge, all that you will need to be able to answer the questions of those who are seeking the truth.
I bless you with health and strength of mind and body that you will be able to give the time that is necessary, that you will be able to budget so that you will be able to answer and do those things that will be required in the gospel. And if you will do this and if you will pray to our Heavenly Father diligently, and will keep Him in mind at all times, whether it be in praying to Him in your closet, as you walk along in those leisurely moments, that you have to pray silently to Him. If you will do this I bless you that the adversary will pass you by and can have no hold upon you. You will be blessed if you will keep the covenants that you have made through the waters of baptism and the many covenants that you will make in the future. You will be blessed that you will have led to you an eternal companion, one who will be worthy to take you to the House of our Lord and there to be sealed for time and for all eternity. That you might raise up a family unto our Heavenly Father that will be a joy and a comfort to you, and you will have these blessing, and they will be poured out upon you, and you will know that the Lord is blessing you with them because of your faithfulness.
I charge you to always pay a full tithe, to be the first to give of yourself to others who are in need, to be quick to lend an arm and a hand to those who are in sorrow, for you will have an opportunity not only to make many friends, through the way that you live, friends will be brought to you and you will influence them and will have an opportunity to bring them to an understanding of why you have so much joy in your heart.
All of these blessings are sealed upon you and the blessings that you have in your heart will be given to you as you remain faithful and as you do those things that our Heavenly Father asked you to do by obeying His commandments. And I seal upon you the power to come forth in the hour of the first resurrection to be clothed in glory to be met by our elder brother, Jesus Christ, to live there with Him and our Heavenly Father, your family, your loved ones, all of those who will come after you, in the Celestial Kingdom with joy and happiness. All of these blessings are yours predicated upon your faithfulness. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.