Dear Sister *****: By virtue of my holy calling I lay my hands upon your head and bless you, and I declare thy lineage. Thou art the seed of Joseph, reaching back to Abraham, the friend of God, and you have been sent here for a wise purpose in the Lord, to educate yourself in the plan of life, and the Lord is pleased with you in desiring a blessing from his hand, and you shall be blessed.
First of all I bless you with life and health, with power to carry on as a mother in Israel. You shall be particular to teach your children the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You shall be early to lose yourself in making others happy, and this shall bring happiness into your soul.
Plead with your husband and let it all be done in kindness and in love that you may hold to him in life and bring him closer to you, and that a desire shall always be in his heart to cherish you to care for you and bring happiness that you may go on in life together that you may see beyond this life that you may pour out your soul to God our Father asking him to help you to uphold the truth to be valiant in his cause and that His spirit may guide you from day to day. Do this dear sister in humility and God shall hear you and your prayers shall be answered.
A heavenly peace shall come into your soul. Your understanding shall reach to the heavens and you shall have joy in bearing children and this shall bring you to exaltation.
You must study the Gospel. Ask the Lord to enlighten you that your intellect may be bright and active and that your life shall conform to your praying. Tend to your duties in the Church. Remember that God has commanded his people to meet together often to partake of the bread and water in remembrance of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Sister, obedience is the great and governing power of Heaven, so keep the commandments, be obedient to the laws of God and you shall be blessed with all the blessings that your heart can desire. Also remember to look beyond this life to a life of peace and joy without sorrow, without temptation. You shall bring this about through your obedience to the Gospel plan and life everlasting shall be given to you.
This means patience, love, sacrifice and charity, which is the pure love of Jesus Christ. Live them, make them a part of you and your children shall bless you forever.
Now by virtue of my calling, I seal these blessings upon your head and I seal you up against the power of the adversary. You shall come forth in the resurrection of the just and receive a crown of glory in the mansions of our Father.
Study these things sister, listen to them and no power shall turn you from the paths of truth. And God's hand shall be over you to protect you. I seal these blessings in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.