Patriarchal Blessing Revelator


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Teaching Others

39% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Teaching Others.

Thousands shall obey the gospel through thy teaching among the gentiles.

Thou shalt counsel in righteousness among the Saints and many shall yet rejoice in thy teachings.

Thou wilt be capable of leading many to a knowledge of thy Redeemer and many children shall give ear to the voice of thy instructions.

Thou shall be called as a teacher and a counselor unto the daughters of Manasseh and they will receive thee and call thee their savior and thou shalt teach them in languages that thou dost not now understand as many have done before thee and they shall rise up and call thee blessed.

Thou shalt take much pleasure in instructing the house of Israel who will be brought to Zion to be taught in the ways of the Lord.

Thou hast already been blest of the Lord by revelation to teach thy sisters and their children, so shall it increase upon thee.

Thou shalt counsel in righteousness among thy sex that those of riper years shall honor thy judgment, and the younger shall rejoice in thy teachings.

Thou shalt be a leader and instructor.

Thy calling shall be as a teacher, especially to instruct the saints in the wards and settlements of Zion.

You will be called to teach many of the daughters of Jacob the principles of the everlasting Gospel.

You will be able to teach with the demonstration of the spirit and with power, so you will be a wonder unto your self.

Many of riper years shall honor thy judgment and the younger shall rejoice in thy teachings.

You will continue to awaken and teach the truth to the inhabitants of God's footstool.

You have been faithful to the trust that has been reposed in you of teaching and instructing those of your sex in the path of duty in the gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

You shall constantly teach the principles of righteousness and virtue and in doing so you will be surprised in the light that God shall give unto you and the words that you shall speak.

Holy Father, let thine angels watch over and guard this dear little boy, that he may have power to help build up the center stake of Zion and to become a teacher.

Many will look to thee with a desire to observe thy counsel and thy teachings.

You shall teach and instruct the young and the old from age to age, as you shall progress along the journey of life.

Thou shalt teach men and women the principles of the gospel.

Thou shalt teach the saints and become a leader among women, a teacher among the young, and an example for those around you.

You have a noble mission of teaching among the children of the Latter-Day Saints and others who may come may receive the benefits of your instruction. I seal upon you the power and ability to become a great teacher.

Thou shalt have the privilege of lifting up thy voice in defense of truth and in teaching the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Even men older than you will hearken unto your teaching.

You shall be called to teach and instruct in various capacities within the Church. You shall be an educator, teaching not only in public schools but in Church institutions as well.

You have a calling to work with the children of Zion as a leader and teacher of the young that may be placed under your care.

As thou shalt teach unto thy posterity the principles of the gospel and the plan of life and salvation, they shall bless thee for the inheritance which shall come unto them as as result of thy faithfulness and thy teaching. The opportunity shall be given unto thee to teach the gospel unto many and thou shalt rejoice in those experiences.

You will be able to teach and to understand that baptism is an earthly ordinance for water is an earthly substance.

You will be a teacher and an expounder of the Gospel even in the classes of the Church and among those with whom you associate.

I bless you that the spirit of a missionary and a teacher of the gospel may accompany you through life.

Do not hesitate to reach out your hand to lift up those who know not the way. Do not hesitate to teach unto them the plan of salvation and they, in turn, shall bless you for this which you have done unto them.

Continue to teach thy posterity of the principles of the Gospel and the plan of life and salvation and they shall bless thee for the inheritance which shall come unto them as a result of thy faithfulness and thy teaching, and they as well as others shall heed thy teachings and thy counsel.

You shall have the opportunity to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

You will have opportunity to teach and preside. You will be called upon to give advice and counsel.

You will also be a teacher, so develop your power and ability as a teacher for this is one of your blessings and callings in both spiritual and secular fields.

You will have opportunities to teach the people you meet.

During your life, you will have the opportunity to teach the gospel, even to those who are not members of the Church.

Be diligent in teaching unto thy posterity the principles of the gospel and the plan of life and salvation, and they shall bless thee for the inheritance which shall come unto them as a result of thy faithfulness and thy teaching.

In thine efforts in teaching the gospel unto others, especially among those of thy sex and among the younger generation of thy sex, many shall bless thee for thine efforts in their behalf and for thy teachings

I bless you that you will have power in your teaching of others

This heritage brings responsibilities to you of being a teacher, a loving helpmate, a leader of children, youth and older sisters, also, in the coming years.

I bless you with the ability to teach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

You have been endowed with the capacity to teach.

You will teach and help others both in and out of the Church.

It shall be your responsibility to teach and to preach and to convert and to assist in bringing ordinances of salvation to many of those whom Heavenly Father has hidden away until these the last days.

You shall have opportunities to teach the principles of the gospel to those who are in need of understanding and, even, to counsel those who are in need of counsel.

You will be able to teach the things which your parents have taught you to others.

You will be blessed with opportunities to teach and counsel young women in the Church, many of whom have lost their way. They will come to you for comfort and friendship. I bless you with the power to communicate, and give wise counsel. Because of your friendship and efforts they will be encouraged and strengthened.

You have previously been chosen and now will be ordained and set-a-part to teach, to expound the gospel of Jesus Christ unto those who sit in darkness from the various nations of the earth.

You will fulfill a very special mission, that of being an instructor to those who will need your help. In all of your teaching, remember to include the knowledge you have gained from the scriptures and be able to apply this knowledge in all that you say. In this way others will be edified, lifted and built up in accordance with the truths that you hold dear.

I bless you with the gift of teaching.

I feel you will have a great influence on many souls as you go through life. I bless you with patience, courage and understanding that you can change lives for the better. There will be many in the Church who will seek your counsel and advice. I bless you that you will set the proper example for all that you meet.

I bless you with a gift of teaching. You will be effective in touching the lives of many of the sisters that you teach and preside over.

You will be a great teacher.

As you study the gospel you will build a background of faith and knowledge that will assist you in positions of teaching and leadership.

You will be called to be a leader or a teacher.

You will be called to teach children and will have opportunity to share the great stories about Jesus Christ.

You have the responsibility to teach and to give instruction to the children of Israel. Remember this constantly throughout your life and take the time to prepare lessons and to counsel with your Heavenly Father in relation to those things that you should share with others, so that He may use you to reach out and to touch the lives of others.

You will be a master teacher, having the power to change the lives of others for good.

I bless you with the gift of speech to teach.

You will have great opportunity through this talent to teach and share with others the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

You are to teach and instruct throughout your life.

It will be your privilege to be called to be a servant of God here upon the earth, to teach and to lead and to preside in the kingdom of God.

You are encouraged to teach others that, through what you know and what you learn, you might guide others along the pathway of eternal salvation.

Your Father in Heaven wants you to prepare yourself to be a teacher and a leader in Zion. He wants you to prepare yourself to work in the Women's Organizations of the Church and also in the Primary and the Sunday School. There you may be a teacher to the members of Christ's Church.

You are to teach and testify in all of your days.

I bless you with confidence in yourself and in your ability to teach, and I bless you with discernment of the spirit in those you meet that you might be guided in thought and deed as you reach out to them in faith.

You are to teach your children the way that they must walk in order to be together through the eternities.

During your lifetime you will have many opportunities to teach the gospel.

Your mission will give you the opportunity to teach and preach the things which you know to be true.

You are to be a teacher.

You will be a teacher and leader among the Young Men of the Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women.

I bless you with the ability to be a teacher.

You will teach great lessons and become a teacher of children and adults.

I bless you to teach in Primary, Relief Society, and Young Women.

God will bless you with the ability to be a teacher and leader among your fellow beings.

You will have the opportunity to teach.

You will be able to teach with power and authority and conviction the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

As you teach you will appreciate the blessing that it is to have the Spirit give to you, after you have carefully prepared, the pure knowledge that will flow to you. You will be able to select from this information those things that you should share as you will receive it rapidly. It will not be necessary for you to rush through this information as you will share only those things that the Spirit intends. Teaching will be enjoyable for you.

You will serve the Lord during his millennial reign teaching those who have never heard his name.

In your own life, when you have children, it will be your responsibility to teach the children the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

You will become a great teacher and a leader in the church, in your home, and in the communities where you reside.

You will become especially talented in teaching the youth of the church.

You will teach the youth the Gospel of Jesus Christ and prepare them for missions.

You will be responsible to teach the Gospel to everyone you meet.

You will have many important callings in the church which will require you to teach in very spiritual ways, and to lead others in very spiritual ways.

You will be a teacher, a counselor, a person where people will see you as on a hill with a light similar to the light of Christ and they will want to come and be near you and learn.

The Lord will trust you to do as has been done for you; to teach your children the truth, to help them learn to love their Savior and their Heavenly Father so that they also may be able to return once again into their presence.

You will be called upon to teach others.

You will be an example of righteousness and a teacher of truths.

You will teach others and provide service to them.

Ephriams lineage is to lead and teach heavenly fathers children.

You will lay for your children the spiritual educational framework that will allow them to be able to experience mortality and not be overcome by it.

With the gifts Father has given you and the talents you have developed you are to share and to teach and to draw others unto Christ.

You will be a counselor and a teacher.

You will be called to teach, and to direct, and to guide.

You will labor much in teaching the truths of the everlasting gospel to the Father's children. The Sisters of the Relief Society will be your strength. It will be your ministry to school the Sisters in many of the fine points of the gospel and unite them in the cause of helping others. Great shall be your joy in this service.

Blessing #20
People will come to you for advice and counsel on how to be a good mother and wife.

Blessing #24
You will teach others with clarity and with influence, and will lift many to a higher plain spiritually.

Blessing #25
You will have opportunities to teach and to influence for good those around you, in the classroom, in your life generally.

Blessing #94
You will be blessed with the ability to teach others concerning the gospel in a manner that others will be able to understand. You will have a special talent given to you of teaching the gospel to others.

Blessing #49
I bless you with the gift to expound the scriptures. This gift will enable you to understand, to explain, and to teach. You shall have the opportunity to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the congregations of the church, in the classrooms, in the home, and to your own family.

Blessing #123
When called upon you will become a teacher and a leader.

Blessing #273
You will have the opportunity to oversee and to teach and respond to those questions that come to you.