Brother *****, by the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood and in the name in Jesus Christ, I lay my hands upon your head and give you your patriarchal blessing. This blessing will be a help and a guide to you throughout your life as you keep your Father in Heaven's commandments and do His will. You will be blessed with inspiration from your Father in Heaven which will allow you to have the ability to understand and to learn, especially learn and understand the gospel principles. You will be blessed as you read and study the scriptures to understand the meanings. You will be blessed with the ability to know and to understand gospel principles. You will be blessed with the ability to teach others concerning the gospel in a manner that others will be able to understand. You will have a special talent given to you of teaching the gospel to others.
You will be blessed with inspiration from your Father in Heaven which will guide and direct you and which will protect you from harm and accident. You should listen carefully to the promptings as they come to you. Through these promptings, you will be able to avoid the temptations of Satan. You will understand and be able to know when those temptations are coming from Satan, and through that inspiration you will know what to say and what to do in order to avoid these temptations. You will be blessed as this same inspiration will also help you avoid harm and accident.
You will be blessed with the opportunity of serving missions for your Father in Heaven. When you are called to serve your Father in Heaven, you should be willing to serve him wherever he might call you. You will be blessed to serve and you will be given special blessings that will help you serve your missions. As you serve your Father in Heaven, you will be called upon to lead and you should lead through example and through following the promptings from your Father in Heaven.
Brother *****, you are from the tribe of Ephraim, the son of Joseph who was sold into Egypt, and you are promised the blessings that go with this tribe. You should study the scriptures so that you will understand the responsibilities that you have.
You will be blessed with the opportunity of attending the temple and making special covenants with your Father in Heaven. You will have the opportunity of taking a special companion with you. You will be blessed to be a father and have the responsibility of teaching your children the gospel. As a priesthood holder you will be blessed with inspiration on how to lead your family. You should lead in righteousness and by using patience and love. You will be blessed to have your children listen to you and to follow your example.
You have been born of goodly parents and you should listen to their counsel and advice. They will have special advice and counsel for you, and as you listen to this advice you will be able to avoid many of the problems that you see here upon the earth. You should keep the commandments of your Father in Heaven, especially of keeping the Sabbath Day holy, as this will bless you in your occupation and will allow you to earn a sufficient means to support your family and to support those you may be called upon to help and assist. You will be blessed with courage and inspiration, especially the courage to choose the right and to do those things that your Father in Heaven wants you to do.
Father in Heaven, I ask Thee to bless Brother ***** at this time that Thy spirit will be with him. Bless him that he will always keep Thy commandments; that he will be worthy to receive Thy promptings. Bless him that he will live his life in such a manner that he will return to Thee and live with Thee in Thy kingdom. These blessings and any others that he may need, I seal upon his head through his faithfulness and in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.