Blessing #359
Repicient Amy Cassandra Brown
Patriarch John Brown
Date of Blessing 5 May 1894
Location Utah
Age 22
Gender assumed by patriarch Female
Tribe Ephraim
Language English
Amy Cassandra, I lay my hands upon thy head and bless thee by virtue of the Holy Priesthood which has been sealed upon my head to confer blessings upon the Saints, which shall be a Father's blessing. Thou art a Daughter of Ephraim and in that lineage thou shalt receive thy inheritance. Thou art an heir to all the blessings of the promised seed. Thou art beloved of the Lord and he has a great work for thee to do in this dispensation. Thy life shall be preserved upon the earth till thou shall accomplish the work he has assigned thee. Thou shalt be blest with much of the Holy Spirit which shall enlighten thy mind and cause it to expand to comprehend the great plan of salvation. Thou shalt take much pleasure in instructing the house of Israel who will be brought to Zion to be taught in the ways of the Lord. Thou shalt have an honorable companion in connection with whose Priesthood thou shalt receive all the blessings and covenants associated there with. Thou shalt have a home, and an honorable household over which thou shalt preside in honor and dignity. Thou shalt be blest with the blessings of Heaven and earth, with much means to do much good, according to thy benevolent heart, and shall be a benefactor to the poor and needy who will rise up and call thee blessed.
Thou shalt be blest with an honorable posterity, who will come up about thy table like young olive plants whom thou shalt have power to rear in the fear of the Lord and thy precepts and examples shall exert upon them a saving influence and should any err thou shalt have power by the Holy covenant to reclaim the same. They will honor thee and thy name throughout their generations. And when you have finished your labors in mortality you shall receive a crown of Celestial Glory. I seal you up unto the day of redemption that you may not fall. Although you may be assailed by trials temptation and disappointments or enemies thou shalt be preserved from all harm for thou shalt be brought forth victorious over all enemies. Notwithstanding you may be tried as Abraham you shall be crowned. I seal you up unto the Holy resurrection to come forth in the first Resurrection and stand upon Mount Zion with that great company of saints and Reign with Christ upon the earth a thousand years. I seal all these blessings upon thee with all thy former blessings in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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This patriarchal blessing contains the following promises, which occur in blessings with the corresponding frequency:
A Crown 25%
A Good Example 27%
A Home 24%
Blessings of Abraham 38%
Charity 17%
Children 82%
Companionship of the Spirit 33%
Exaltation 52%
Financial Stability 39%
Influence 20%
Longevity 41%
Love 40%
Marriage 70%
Name Held in Remembrance 13%
Non-Specific Blessings 57%
Protection 45%
Teaching Others 27%
The First Resurrection 66%
The Millennium 10%
The Priesthood 45%
Trials 41%
Understanding 33%