Blessing #360
Repicient Richard Roswell Lyman
Patriarch John Brown
Date of Blessing 6 Sep 1896
Location Utah
Age 25
Gender assumed by patriarch Male
Tribe Ephraim
Language English
Richard Roswell, I lay my hands upon thy head in the name of Jesus Christ and bless thee by virtue of the Holy Priesthood. Thou are greatly beloved of the Lord and he has given his Angels charge over thee to preserve thee in life upon the earth to accomplish the work he has assigned thee. Thou art one of the chosen spirits reserved to come forth in the last days to assist in the gathering of Israel from their long dispersion, to build up Zion and prepare a people for a reign of righteousness. Thou art a son of Ephraim and heir to all the blessings of the promised seed. Thy name is written in the Lamb's book of life, and through thy faithfulness it shall abide there forever. Thou shalt be a messenger of salvation to the nations of the earth, travel in many lands, among many people and shall prevail in many places and have power over the children of men and be enabled to bring many to a knowledge of the truth and lead them to Zion. In as much as thou art faithful and diligent in searching the Holy Scriptures, and storing thy mind with the principles of the gospel thou shalt be blessed and qualified for thy work, and be able to put to silence the gainsayers of truth: Many will seek counsel at thy hand and shall not be disappointed. Thou shall witness much of the power of God, manifested in the gathering of Israel. Thou shalt have power over the elements. At thy rebuke the winds and waves shall be stilled.
Thou shalt be with the servants of Israel when they go through the midst of the Gentiles like a lion among the beasts of the forest, who if they go through will tread down and tear in pieces and none can deliver. Thou shalt be a leader and instructor unto them, and shall have power to call forth springs of living water in the desert and perform any miracle that is necessary for the accomplishment of thy work. Thou shalt assist in building the Temple at the center stake of Zion upon the consecrated spot dedicated by the Prophet Joseph Smith. Thou shalt witness the return of the lost tribes who will come to Zion and receive their blessings under hands of the sons of Ephraim. Thou shalt live till Thou art satisfied with days. Thou shalt be blessed with houses and lands flocks and folds and all the means necessary for thy work. Thy name shall be honored in Israel and perpetuated in honor by thy posterity who shall be numerous throughout their generations. I seal thee up unto the day of redemption that ye may not fall notwithstanding the hour of temptation they may come upon you. If thou art tried and enemies seek thy life thou shalt be preserved overcome all evil and receive a crown of Eternal Life. I seal you up unto the Holy Resurrection, to come forth in the first Resurrection and sit down in the kingdom of God with Abraham Isaac and Jacob to go no more out. I seal all these blessings upon thee with all thy former blessings in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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This patriarchal blessing contains the following promises, which occur in blessings with the corresponding frequency:
A Crown 25%
Blessings of Abraham 38%
Children 82%
Conditions 72%
Exaltation 52%
Favor in the Pre-Existence 43%
Financial Stability 39%
Lambs Book of Life 7%
Leadership 27%
Longevity 41%
Love 40%
Ministering angels 21%
Name Held in Remembrance 13%
Non-Specific Blessings 57%
Performing Miracles 7%
Prepare the Earth 16%
Protection 45%
Return of the Lost Tribes 7%
Scripture Study 34%
Serving a Mission 43%
Teaching Others 27%
The First Resurrection 66%
The Redemption of Zion 12%
Trials 41%