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59% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Love.

Thou hast loved thy parents with a perfect love.

Life and love of the truth shall continue to increase in thee and also many honours shall be conferred on thee. Thy brethren shall love thee.

The love and affections thou hast had for thy companion has given thee strength to stand firm and unshaken as if built upon the rock of ages.

Thy heart is filled with love of the Lord thy God, and to His cause.

Thy partner will be restored to thy bosom in the fellowship of love.

Thou shalt have a companion that will love thee.

It is the desire of your heart to love the Lord and He loveth you because of your integrity.

The Lord loves thee and thy name is written in heaven in the palm of his hands.

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The Lord loves you for your integrity.

Thou art beloved of the Lord and he has a great work for thee to do in this dispensation.

Thou art a blessed woman and all that know thee love thee. Thy patience and love shall give thee power and many shall hear thy voice and bless thee.

You are a noble spirited man and your Heavenly Father delighteth in you, for you are precious in His sight and He will make you a shining light and you shall be honored by the righteous and your companion shall love you because of your faithfulness.

Thou are greatly beloved of the Lord.

Notwithstanding thy weakness the Lord loveth thee and hath a work of importance for thee to accomplish.

God loveth you.

The Lord loveth thee because of the integrity of thy heart.

Thou art beloved of the Lord.

The Hosts of Heaven love thee, because of thy desires to do good.

I bless you with the love of your posterity that in years to come your heart shall be filled to overflow by reason of the love exhibited for you.

Thou art beloved of the Lord, and He is pleased with thine integrity and faithfulness.

I bless your wives and your children and seal upon you the spirit of wisdom and of judgment that you may govern well the souls of the children of God placed in your charge and bless you that you may have and fully retain their love and admiration and respect.

Thou art precious in the sight of God, and the arm of His love surrounds thee. Thou shall win the love and esteem of many surrounding thee throughout thy life with thy words and deeds of kindness.

Be comforted and realize that the Lord loves you.

The spirit of charity covers a multitude of sins and causes your friend to love you in years to come, for your love and kindness you have shown toward him.

Thou hast appeared at the gates of heaven pleading for a safe return of those you love, beyond the expression of thy mother tongue.

Teach your children willing obedience and govern by love and gentleness.

Your lonely heart shall be comforted and love and confidence restored such as you cannot understand at this time.

The Lord loveth thee and shall not forsake thee in the hour of need.

You will be able to retain the love and confidence of your family.

You shall be loved and respected by the people of the Lord. Your children shall call you blessed and love you because of your faithfulness. The Lord loves you because of your desire to serve him.

The Lord loves your soul and your desire to serve Him and keep His commandments.

Thy offspring shall love thee and obey thee and shall call thee blessed, and thou shall have joy in thy posterity.

The Lord loves you for your faithfulness and for the manner in which you have served Him.

The Lord loves you, and no good thing within reason shall be withheld from you.

Christ loves you and He will call you by name and you will know then that He has been mindful of you.

Plead with your husband and let it all be done in kindness and in love that you may hold to him in life and bring him closer to you.

Let love abound in your heart.

I bless you with the spirit of love and pray that you will shower it upon your fellowmen and to continue to measure it out generously to your lovely family.

In consequence of your faithfulness you shall love the gospel and shall love the children of our Heavenly Father, and shall love service to the Lord which is best done by your service to your fellowmen.

The Lord is mindful of you and He loves you dearly.

You will be in your home a loving husband and father.

Tell your parents at every opportunity how much you love and appreciate them, and they will rejoice in gratitude to the Lord for having blessed them with a noble Daughter who loves and appreciates them.

The Lord loves you and has heard your prayers and has led you in the way to truth.

You shall receive strength and power that will bind you to your Father and to your Redeemer with such chains of love and devotion that no power on the earth will ever be able to lead you away or darken your mind or your understanding.

I pronounce the favor and love of the Lord upon you.

The sincerity of your heart shall be felt among your loved ones.

Your Heavenly Father loves you for your labors, devotion and effort you have put forth in His behalf.

Because of His great love for you the Lord has selected for you a righteous lineage.

He has many blessings in store for you and among them are the Spirit of Love.

Let joy and happiness and love and kindness and patience and understanding be a part of your home and your household.

Through the spirit of love which you radiate you will be able to perform a wonderful work in the lives of many people in your family.

I say to you that the Lord loves you and is pleased with you and your attitude in life.

Build your home upon love and the spirit of the Gospel, and you will raise your children in righteousness. Do so with love, mutual consideration, kindness, patience and understanding.

I admonish you also to reciprocate the love which you receive from your father and mother.

Go forth in righteousness and serve in love and purity, being compassionate and understanding of all your fellow men.

Others might realize your love and feeling for the Lord, for the church and for the Priesthood.

I bless you that as you assume the responsibilities of husband and father you shall be guided to fill this responsibility in nobleness, having an understanding heart full of charity and love, and bless you that you shall be dependable and trustworthy as the Lord places responsibilities upon you.

Know that the Lord loves you and that you are numbered among the Lord's chosen.

The Lord loves you for the integrity of your heart.

The time will come when you will understand and know that your parents' counsel was given out of love and out of their desire to have you be successful and to have a full and happy life. I promise you that this can be so for out of their love and out of the love of The Lord, through your faithfulness, great blessings will come to you.

You will be able to change the lives of many people who will cherish your love and friendship.

Through your love and your desire, you will be able to work with many who need the help of an inspired person.

Sister *****, there are not words to describe the depth of Heavenly Father's love for you, His sweet daughter here on the earth. You must know and have His love seared across your whole soul as you sojourn this precarious earth. I bless you to know that His love for you is undaunted; it has no barriers and there is nothing that you could do that would ever remove you from your Heavenly Father's love.

There will be love, unity, harmony, peace and contentment in your home.

You are part of a family that love and appreciate you and look to you for many good things throughout your life.

You Father in Heaven sent you forth into mortality with his love and his blessings.

The establishment of a family centered upon gospel principles, where love and harmony abound.

You have been reserved by our Heavenly Father to come forth under special circumstances and to reside in a special home where you have been taught and trained and loved and appreciated for the stalwart spirit that you possess.

You are blessed with the gift of love and as you share your love with those about you you shall feel their love returned.

Feel at this time you are encircled in the arms of your Heavenly Father's love, for he loves you.

You are one of Heavenly Father’s special, loyal, sons and he loves you very much.

The Book of Mormon will give you a greater desire to love your brothers and sisters.

Now you have come to the earth to prove your Heavenly Father that you will love Him more than you will love the things of the world.

You were born into a marvelous family where there is love and harmony and peace and security. I bless you that your home will be a haven of peace and love and harmony.

The Lord desires to express unto you His deep love.

As you are kind and share yourself with others, you will feel within a deeper sense of love for God and for those around you, especially family members.

That you will be tender, loving and caring unto your children.

Let the Lord know of your love for him and that you desire his companionship through life. You will feel of his guiding hand upon you and know you are his daughter and that his love will be with you forever.

I bless you to display love and kindness and patience and tolerance toward your family and future family and to others who seek your help in righteousness. These acts will return to you many fold.

Your heart is filled with the love you feel from your Father in Heaven and your Savior and it is because of your love for them that you have sought this blessing. Remember this love.

Reserve your love and affection for he who is yet to come into your life. He will love the Lord and love you.

Lift and love. You will find greater love, many choice people and a more abundant life. You will indeed magnify your time upon the earth.

you are a very choice daughter of our Father in Heaven. I feel a great love that he and our Savior have for you.

You will always show love and understanding. You will have many opportunities to evidence and show that love to your parents and to your family members.

You will be blessed with a gift of understanding and love in relationship to your children.

Know that you can have a great faith and love for you Father in Heaven. Through your faith and love you will gain peace of mind and a sense of personal well-being.

Be aware of the tremendous love that your Father in Heaven has for you.

Go now in go in the spirit of love.

You must let your companion and children know always that they are loved unconditionally.

The Lord blessed you with a spirit of love, kindness and gentleness.

Your home will be one of love and the spirit of the Lord will be there.

I bless that you will learn to appreciate more fully the love of your Heavenly Father and the need that you have to give of yourself and to share the love that you have with those that you will work with.

The day will also come when you will go to the house of the Lord, surrounded by those who love you. You will know of the love of your earthly parents and their joy in having you as one of their sons.

You were blessed as you came into mortality with the gift to love others.

Go forward and be at peace and know that our Father in Heaven loves your and is aware of you.

You have been blessed with a sense of caring and love.

You possess a special and loving spirit, *****, and have been blessed in many ways.

The Lord loves you; He knows you; and He desires that you have the best in your life so you may progress as He intended you to do.

I bless you that you will be a strength to your husband, that you will love him and let him know it. You will be able to share your innermost feelings and unity will exist in strong ties of love and peace.

Now take upon you the attributes of the Savior, working towards unconditional love for all those who live here upon the earth, even those that it may seem difficult to love. That is the true test of the Savior's example, to reach out and love those that we may have difficulty in loving and reaching out to.

It is wonderful to be loved by your family and in turn to love them.

Continually look for and rejoice in the beauties that surround you, in the goodness and kindliness of those whom you love and who love you.

You have been blessed to come forth into a family that is filled with love and the light of Christ.

You will be sensitive to the love that others have for you.

If you are faithful you will sit in the councils of the priesthood instructing those in need of instructions, love to those in need of love, and assistance to those needing assistance.

Use your abilities to love, communicate and give guidance and direction to your children.

You will feel the love of the Savior.

your home will be a haven of love. You will come to know God's love most intimately.

You have been blessed to be born to goodly parents who love you very much and who are concerned about you always.

I bless you to love.

Work each day to increase your love for your Heavenly Father, the Savior, and all their children. Each person is a child of God and has divine qualities from which you can learn. Treat them with dignity, respect, and love.

You were loved by many. I bless you to understand the Lord loves you.

You will teach your children with love in a manner that they will never forget. The Lord loves you as His choice daughter. He will take you by the hand and lead you through discouragement as you prayerfully and faithfully seek His guidance.

Heavenly Father and the Savior love you very much.

Raise your children in the spirit of love and kindness and help them find their way in this challenging world. You will come to understand, as your life progresses, the depth of God's love for you and the sacrifice His Son made in your behalf.

Your husband will be able to serve because of your love and your dedication to your faith.

Because of your love for the gospel, for your wife, and your children and for her desire to be of service to your Father in Heaven, and to love you, and your children, you will be able to raise them to adulthood and give them the knowledge they need to be true to the gospel. Love them.

It is important for you to know of the great love your Heavenly Father and Savior have for you.

You will also be able to feel the love of your Heavenly Father.

Love and pray with your wife.

Your Father in Heaven loves you and desires that you receive all of the blessings that are specifically for you.

You will find that you will have children that you will enjoy and like as well as love. You will be able to listen to them and to have their love.

Heavenly Father wants you to know of his great love and his concern for you.

Your Father in Heaven wants you to always express your love when there are opportunities that come your way.

Your home should be a place where voices are never raised in anger, where husband and wife love each other and support and sustain each other in their callings.

This is a blessing from your Heavenly Father who knows you and loves you, and He will be with you to guide and direct you on the paths of life, so that one day you can return to His presence and receive Eternal Life. Your children will love you and will follow your example.

Heavenly Father knows you personally and He loves you.

Now we bless you with love and understanding for your fellow beings. Especially those close to you in your family that you are around much of the time. That you will be able to have love and forgiveness in your mind and in your heart.

I promise that you will be able to look back on your life and recall all the many wonderful things that have happened to you, the love you have known, the joys and challenges.

You love your parents, you love your siblings with all of your heart. It is important for you to express these feelings by being obedient, by living your life in accordance with what you know is right and by sharing your feelings, your love, your appreciation, and your thanks for and to your family members.

You have had the uncommon privilege of being raised in a home filled with love and the Spirit of the Lord.

Love your Heavenly Father and your fellow beings. Speak kind words and guard your tongue and be respectful to others.

I bestow upon you a blessing of great love that your Heavenly Father holds for you.

Your Father in Heaven and your Savior Jesus Christ will be with you every moment to guide you and protect you with their love.

You will prepare yourself for a young man who will come into your life who will love you dearly.

I bless you that you may throughout your life feel the love that your Heavenly Father has to give you.

You have been born into a family that loves you.

You will have a joyful family full of love.

Be quick to let others know what your feelings are. Approach them in a loving manner.

You should give your husband hugs and tell him you love him.

I promise you that you will know the love that your father in Heaven has for you, His daughter.

You will love the scriptures. You will love the gift of repentance. Your love for the living prophets will increase. You will love the kingdom of God.

I bless you to feel love for Jesus Christ and gratitude for what He has done for you which you could not do for yourself.

You should know that your Father in Heaven loves you personally and is concerned about your progress here upon the earth.

I bless you that you will be able to grow in love and affection for the people that come into your life that you desire to serve.

Your Heavenly Father loves you unconditionally and eternally. A portion of God's love for His children will be given to you.

You have a talent and an interest in being friendly and loving others. They will appreciate and return that love.

Your Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ know you and they love you.

Blessing #33
I bless you that all your household shall be filled with love.

Blessing #49
I bless you with the gifts of love, patience, humility, and meekness.

Blessing #80
Your Father in Heaven did not place borders around countries, confound languages, nor color His children's skin for you to be found guilty of the sin of hatred, but sent the Savior, Jesus Christ, to teach love, forgiveness, and to bear one another's burdens.

Blessing #94
You should lead in righteousness and by using patience and love.

Blessing #123
Your humility and your love shall be revealed through your faithful expression.

Blessing #273
Be able to help your parents to help you, that you too might know and understand the love that your Heavenly Father has for you as your father has for you also. That you might feel that love and know and be concerned about the well-being of your parents and help them to strive to know you and understand you.