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Blessing #122

Date of Blessing
13 Jul 2014
Gender assumed by patriarch

*****, as an ordained patriarch in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I lay my hands upon your head and by the authority of the holy priesthood, pronounce your patriarchal blessing. Your Heavenly Father has watched over you and blessed your life considerably. You were born like Nephi of old of goodly parents who blessed your life with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father has watched over you and He has blessed you. He has responded to your prayers. He will continue to be there for you. He wants to bless you continually. Stay close to Him. Live the principles of His gospel and you will feel the closeness of your Heavenly Father. The answers to your prayers will come during the very quiet moments of your life. They will not always come immediately after you ask. You need to become familiar with the process of pondering so that you are prepared to recognize the answers when they come into your heart and mind. Have the quiet moments in your daily life that it takes to receive His answers.

You are blessed to be of the House of Israel through Ephraim. Ephraim is a special lineage, a lineage in which our Heavenly Father places much responsibility. You share that responsibility with others of Ephraim. Your primary responsibility is to help prepare a righteous people here on this earth that will be ready to receive the Savior when He returns. You will accomplish this in many ways. One of them being by the example that you set in the way you live your life. *****, there will be people watching you unbeknownst to you. They will be watching to observe how you react to the situations that come into your life. They will be watching to see if you will continue to be faithful even when life is hard for life will not always be easy. There will be challenges and difficulties, none of which will create major problems for you, but Satan is very real and he will attempt to influence you and to put stumbling blocks in your way. Know that his stumbling blocks will not cause you any difficulty whatsoever if you are righteous. In fact, his stumbling will become steppingstones of growth for you that will improve your desire and ability to be strong in living the gospel.

You have a strong testimony of the gospel. You have a strong desire to serve your Savior, Jesus Christ and to expand your knowledge of His gospel. It will be important for you to come to a deeper understanding of the scriptures. Read them from the point of view of how they affect daily life here on this earth. You will be strengthened by the example of those in the scriptures who overcame difficulties.

It will be important that you study hard in school for you will be faced with a world in which education will be important to you. I bless you with the opportunities you will need to receive advanced education. Use those opportunities wisely. Accept them as they come into your life, but be cautious of things that will be taught to you by academic people. They will often be misinformed and will not understand the gospel and will attempt to teach you things that will lead you away from the things you know to be true. Carefully evaluate the things you are taught against your own testimony and knowledge of what is true and what is not true. By so doing, you will never be fooled. Your education will be important to you and you should make it a goal to be successful.

Your real success, however, will come as you serve a mission. You will have the opportunity extended to you to serve people who need a better understanding of the truths of the gospel. You need to prepare yourself to be ready to explain these things to them and to express your own testimony in terms that will help them see what the gospel will do for them in their lives. By so doing, you will be an example of righteousness and a teacher of truths. You will be so known amongst the people with which you deal. I bless you with the health and stamina you will need to serve your mission for it will not always be easy. There will be physical challenges and you will be equal to them because you are preparing your body to be healthy, strong and able to overcome any physical weaknesses.

It will be important for you to come to understand the teachings of the temple. You will make covenants there with your Heavenly Father. These teachings will be expansions of the things you already understand, but they will be important to you in solidifying how you live the gospel. There is work there for you in providing ordinances for those who preceded you and who are being taught the gospel. Now they desire to have the ordinances performed for them. They look up to you to accomplish that which they cannot do for themselves.

In the temple you will feel closer to your Father in Heaven. It will be through the temple that you will find a righteous mate, a daughter of our Father in Heaven who desires to have the blessings of the temple. She desires to have a righteous priesthood holder as her mate. She will be looking for you in observing the way you love and you will recognize her by the way she lives and by the goals that she has set for herself. Be prepared so that she recognizes you by your righteous attitudes. You will be joined together in marriage in the temple to be sealed for eternity. You will honor your priesthood and honor the covenants you make in the temple and together you will create a family based on righteous principles. It will be a joyful family full of love, fun and also full of work. You will have righteous children come into your home who are even today seeking to strengthen their testimonies so that when they are born into this life, they will be strong. You will have the opportunity to lead, guide and direct them and see them grow and become men and women of stalwart actions prepared to serve our Father in Heaven.

I promise you these blessings, based on your righteous attitude. if you continue with this attitude you will be prepared to be greeted by your father in heaven when you arrive in His presence. He will recognize you as a faithful servant having served Him here on this earth. You have the gift of leadership. You have the gift of stalwartness in being able to accomplish righteous goals. You will serve in leadership capacities serving our Father in Heaven with diligence. If you accept those responsibilities prayerfully, you will not only bless the lives of the people you serve, but you will increase your own spiritual strength. You will be improved in your ability to communicate and use the skills of communication that you have. You have been blessed to be prepared to serve in many capacities. One of those will be through your music in which you will bring joy into the lives of your family. They will be encouraged by good music.

I send you forth to serve your Father in Heaven in righteousness and to be prepared to enter into Exaltation with your family and other loved ones. You will live eternally in His presence. I promise you these blessings through your faithfulness, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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This patriarchal blessing contains the following promises, which occur in blessings with the corresponding frequency:

A Good Example


An Eternal Family


Art and Music














Good Parents


Health and Strength










Power over the Devil




Prepare the Earth




Scripture Study


Serving a Mission


Teaching Others


Temple Work




The Priesthood


