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Blessing #106

Date of Blessing
23 Aug 2015
Gender assumed by patriarch

*****, by the authority of the holy Melchizedek priesthood which I hold and in the name of Jesus Christ and as my calling as stake patriarch, I lay my hands upon your head to give you your patriarchal blessing. Your patriarchal blessing is based upon your faithfulness and upon the will of the Lord.

You were sent to this earth through the royal blood of Israel and the household of Ephraim and are entitled to the blessings of Abraham, Isaac And Jacob. You are blessed to remember that all the Lord has you can obtain. The Holy Ghost will guide, comfort and protect you. You will be protected from evil. There will never be a wrong choice placed before you that the Holy Ghost does not first let you know that it is wrong. Follow the prompting that you receive from the Holy Ghost.

You are a special young woman who has been given many spiritual gifts. You have been given the gift through the Holy Ghost to know that Jesus is the Christ. You have also been given the gift to let others know that Jesus is the Christ through your testimony. You have been given the gift of knowledge and the ability to learn. You have been given the gift of wisdom to apply this knowledge and help others. You have been given the gift of being healed. There are other gifts of the spirit mentioned in Doctrine and Covenants Section 46. You can obtain other spiritual gifts. One of the gifts that you will be able to obtain if you serve a mission is the gift of tongues. You will understand and speak the language of those in your mission.

The Lord loves you very much and will depend on you to do right. Seek the best in all that you do. You will keep the commandments because you want to be obedient to your Father in Heaven and to your mother and father. As you have questions as to whether or not to do something, ask yourself if this is something you would like to tell your parents that you did. If it is not, do not do it.

You will successfully complete your schooling. You will be able to attend the college of your choice. You need to work hard to obtain high grades on the ACT or SAT exams. You should also further your spiritual education. Attend seminary when you are high school age. If you go to a church school, take religion classes. Listen each day for something that you can apply to your life. You should read the scriptures daily.

Sometimes bad things happen to good people. You can overcome adversity with Christ's help. You are blessed that there will be no adversity in your life that is too great to overcome. You will grow as you overcome adversity. As you approach nineteen years of age, you are blessed with a desire to serve a mission. You will receive a mission call and go to a land where people are waiting to hear your testimony. On your mission, obey the mission rules, work hard and use your testimony. Your testimony will help others to know the truthful of the gospel. You should bear your testimony often in your life. Take opportunities in sacrament meetings to bear your testimony. It will strengthen you and will cause others to change their lives.

You are blessed to follow the standards in the 'For Strength of Youth' pamphlet and to earn the Young Women awards. You will have a strong desire to attend seminary. It will charge your spiritual batteries as you start each day. 'The Family Proclamation' outlines many of the things that families should be doing to overcome the evils in the world today. It defines marriage and the relationships within the family. Apply the things within it to your life.

Give a family home evening on the things that you have learned by studying it. You are the oldest child in your family for a reason. The Lord knows that you will set the proper example for your brothers and your sisters. He knows that they will love you and follow the example that you set. There will be occasions later in life when they will look to you for guidance and help. You are blessed to marry in the temple for time and all eternity. Be very particular about the young man that you marry. Make sure he has served the Lord and comes from a good family. He should have standards that are similar to yours. He will treat you like a princess. He will never speak mean things about you or degrade you in anyway. He will want you to be his wife and have children together.

You are blessed to love the temple. As you go, remember that you are of the tribe of Ephraim and will be taught what you need to do to receive all that the Lord has to offer. You will love the Celestial room. If you feel that you have not received answers to a prayer, go into the Celestial room and pour out your heart to the Lord and you will receive an answer. Before you pray, you should ponder upon what you are praying about and come to a decision. Ask the Lord if your decision is correct. If it is, He will let you know. Prayers are not always answered immediately. You should continue to ponder your prayer and if necessary pray again. Eventually you will receive an answer. The most important calling that you will have on this earth is being a mother and a good wife. You are blessed to have good obedient children. You should have family home evening, family scripture study, family prayer, and fun activities with your family. Be sure and pray each night with your husband that you can have a celestial marriage. As you do these things, your children will follow in the path that you desire for them. You will see all of your children baptized into the church, some serve missions and all married in the temple. You should take your children to the temple when they are young and let them see the beautiful grounds and touch the temple. Teach them the importance of the temple and about forever families.

Support your husband in all that he does. You should give him hugs and tell him you love him. Be patient with him and realize that he is a good man. Use his priesthood and ask for blessings for yourself and your children. You and your husband will receive many church callings. You will teach others and provide service to them. You should accept all callings. Through your preparation and prayer, you will be able fulfill all callings. It will be necessary to budget time to fulfill church callings, professional obligations and be good parents.

Be thrifty with your money. Be sure and pay your tithing. You should save money to take vacations and visit parents and grandparents. Let your children learn of their great heritage.

Your health will be good throughout your life as you honor the Word of Wisdom. Make a covenant with yourself not to take anything harmful into your body or mind. Avoid anything of a pornographic nature. As you keep your body and mind clean, you will receive the spirit of the Lord and know what you should be doing.

You are blessed to look for opportunities to serve others. You should be the very best visiting teacher that you can be. There will be sisters whom you will teach and help with problems. Be sure and accept visiting teachers and home teachers. They will bring much joy and knowledge to you and your family. Your home will be protected from the evils of men and the forces of nature. It will be a place where the spirit will dwell. There will be opportunities for missionary work.

Your life here upon this earth will be long. You and your husband will serve additional missions and work in the temple. You will teach your grandchildren many things. Your family will be the greatest joy that you will have. You are blessed to be able to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection and receive Celestial Glory even the highest degree within the Celestial Kingdom and there be united with those that you have loved and served. This blessing and other blessings not mentioned I give unto you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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This patriarchal blessing contains the following promises, which occur in blessings with the corresponding frequency:

A Good Example


A Home


An Eternal Family


Blessings of Abraham


Body, Mind and Spirit










Companionship of the Spirit






Financial Stability


Gifts of the Spirit


Hard Work












Non-Specific Blessings










Scripture Study




Serving a Mission


Teaching Others


Temple Work




The First Resurrection


The Priesthood


The Word of Wisdom








Wickedness in the World


