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Blessing #273

Date of Blessing
New Hampshire
Gender assumed by patriarch

*****, I lay my hands upon your head to give you your Patriarchal Blessing as requested by you this day. Knowing that the Lord loves you and is concerned about your well-being, understand that these blessings are to help you throughout your life that-you might feel the closeness of your Heavenly Father. They are given to you through the Melchizedek Priesthood and in the name of-our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that you might truly understand that these things will be able to direct you, guide you, protect you and help you to overcome obstacles that are placed before you.

The Lord has blessed you with goodly parents. Be able to help them to help you, that you too might know and understand the love that your Heavenly Father has for you as your father has for you also. That you might feel that love and know and be concerned about the well-being of your parents and help them to strive to know you and understand you. That you will not be hard to guide and direct, but that you will be a child that will be guided and directed both by your Heavenly Parents and by your earthly parents. Truly understand that you have been blessed with these particular people that you might have faith, for faith is the greatest thing of all. That you might be able to truly believe that you are a child of our Heavenly Father that He loves you and is concerned. That he will bless you with blessings to give you the strength to carry on when things are bad. There might be some obstacles within your life, but none that you will not be able to overcome; The Lord has promised you that.

I bless you also that you will feel the strength of the Spirit as you go to Him on bended knees and inquire of Him of those things that you really need to know. I bless you that you might make correct decisions. That you will feel the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Listen to that still small voice for that is the way it will come. It will not come with a shout or thunder but with love, peace, joy and happiness that you might find contentment in your life. You have gone forth and have gotten this far and the Lord is pleased with your doing so. He will now bless you with things that will help you gain strength and help you to overcome worldly desires that you might have within you the strength to live the life that you know to be true.

He has blessed you with talents. You have a talent of being able to understand the directions which you receive. You also will have a talent to be able to give directions in your later life and have them understood. This might be important in your life as you go about your daily routine as a laborer to earn the money that is needed to carry out the things needed to help you.

You will be blessed with a young lady of your choice and she will help you to gain that strength also. Together you will be able to go to the Temple to be married for time and eternity and thereby raise up a family that is born under the covenant and they too might feel your great spirit and know of your great love both for them and for the Lord. Show your love to your wife often so that your children will know that you love her that they too will have respect for her. Make sure that you will tell you wife many times throughout your life how much you care and how much you love her. Thank her for doing the things that she does for you.

Be patient and understanding, for patience is a virtue which we all need. There will be trials in your life where patience will be drawn upon. Go to your Lord upon your knees and inquire of him the patience you need, whereby you will not cause problems but will be able to solve them with your knowledge, with your blessing and with your love. Be thankful as you go throughout your life for all that you have and all that you are. For it is given to you by your Heavenly Father and is prompted by those people about you. Be able to show you love to them.

Be faithful in your work in the Church for you will have many callings. You will have the opportunity to oversee and to teach and respond to those questions that come to you. That you will be in a position to gain the knowledge that is needed to help others. Be patient with those people. Be patient with those people that you do not understand the reason for their actions. Help them to overcome anything that opposes the teachings of the Church. I bless you that you will be able to gain the strength needed to carry out the many callings which you will receive. Now be patient, be understanding and be loving. Prepare yourself to go to the Temple often, so to receive those blessings that are there. That you might help people within your line and help within your wife's those ancestors that have gone on before so they will be prepared and meet you with open arms as you go across the veil at a later date.

I bless you with a long healthy life as you live the Word of Wisdom. That you might gain the strength, that you might have faith and that you might have an enduring personality. I bless you that as you go forth you will truly be a picture of health in your life. That you might overcome the adversities that are here. That you will not be involved with any of those things that will deter you from being healthy and strong and patient.

Be mindful of who you are. Be mindful of what you want to be. Look forward to your life ahead, being able to overcome and to understand that as you go forth and in life you will truly feel that love that people around you share. As they do so be able to return that love to them. Be able to live in such a manner as to receive the love that our Heavenly Father has in store for you. Be able to truly go forth to study hard, to read the scriptures daily, to go on bended knees night and morning to inquire of our Heavenly Father the directions tn which you should go. Take time to listen to the Holy Ghost as he imparts messages unto you. Therefore, you will not be lead astray, but that you will have close contact with your Heavenly Father and be involved in Church matters and be able to supervise, lead, instruct and teach those people that you come in contact with.

These blessings are yours as you are from the tribe of Ephraim and the household of Israel. Whereby, you will receive these instructions and whereby you will live your life and be able to find all that is necessary that you should not want. That you might have all that is needed to carry out the work that is here for you to do. These blessings and favors are sealed upon you. I do it as a Patriarch of the _____ Stake and in the name of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

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This patriarchal blessing contains the following promises, which occur in blessings with the corresponding frequency:

A Career








Companionship of the Spirit




Financial Stability


Good Parents






Health and Strength














Non-Specific Blessings










Scripture Study


Sensitivity to the Spirit




Teaching Others


Temple Work


The Word of Wisdom


This Patriarchal Blessing






Wickedness in the World
