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46% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Faith.

If your faith fail not as it now is you shall be blessed in the benefits derived from the Priesthood.

Your days and years shall be given unto you according to your faith.

You shall be blessed in standing in your place as one of the horns of Joseph in the appointed hour as also with days and years to be multiplied according to your faith and the desires of your heart.

Great shall be your blessings in consequence of the exercise of faith in the morning of your days.

Your days and years shall be according to your faith and the desires of your heart.

You shall be brought to stand in your place upon Mount Zion according to your appointment if your faith fail not..

Endure in faith dear brother, and no word shall fail which I have spoken for I seal it upon thee and thy posterity forever.

The number of thy years shall be according to thy faith and in as much as thy faith is one with thy companion and does not fail thou shalt live and reign on the earth with him a thousand years.

It is thy privilege to have mighty faith to command the wind and the waves of the sea, and they shall obey thy voice, to divide the waters of the rivers and lead the numerous armies through.

By faith call on him who is mighty to save and he shall protect thee and raise thee up from deep trouble.

Thy faith shall reach the Heavens and thou shalt be blessed and crowned with sheaves, for thy rejoicing, in the day of the Lord Jesus.

Thou shalt have faith to heal the sick in thy house and preserve thy children in life until they are old.

Thy life shall be prolonged according to thy desire and faith.

All the desires of thy heart that desirest in righteousness shall be granted unto thee and no gift or good thing shall be withheld from thee if thou wilt exercise faith in the promises of God.

You shall be able to heal the sick by the prayer of faith and shall have power over the destroyer.

Thou shalt be able to heal the sick through faith, even thine own family, in the absence of thy companion.

Thou shalt have great faith, knowledge, and wisdom before the Lord thy God.

Let thy faith fail not for better days await thee.

Thy faith shall increase.

I say unto thee be of good faith and of good cheer and let thy heart be comforted.

Let thy faith fail not.

Be of good faith and of good cheer and let thy heart be comforted.

Do right and have faith doubting not.

For the virtue that is within you through your faith and works you have been gathered to Zion. And through your faith you shall be blessed in Zion.

The Lord thy God has seen the sincerity of thy heart and thy faith.

Your faith shall be great in obtaining visions.

Let thy faith fail not.

Thy faith is great before the Lord.

In the own due time of the Lord wilt thou be endowed with wisdom from on High and great faith in the House of God.

Thou shalt have faith to administer the ordinances in thy family.

Your faith and health and activity shall increase from day to day.

It is thy privilege and thy duty to contend for the faith of the saints.

Du skal være fuld af Tro.

Du skal være fuld af Haab, Tro og Kærlighed.

I seal upon you the Gift of Faith that you may have power over sin, sickness, pestilence, and death.

Be full of faith, hope and charity.

All these blessings I seal upon your head through your faith and faithfulness.

Through your faith you shall inherit all things.

Your faith shall increase.

Thou shalt be blessed to comfort them that mourn, to inspire them with faith.

You shall be exercised with faith to overcome every difficulty in all your trials.

The Lord has given you faith and his Holy Spirit and has brought you into His Church and Kingdom.

Thou shalt be endowed with the attributes of faith and patience and perseverance.

If humble, you shall never depart from the faith you have espoused.

You shall have faith to stand in the midst of the Saints of Zion while the judgments of God shall be poured out upon all nations.

The Lord has led you by His holy spirit and the gift of faith to behold the glories of the latter days.

I pray the Lord in thy behalf in the name of Jesus that the riches of earth may be thine and that thou mayest have wisdom and faith to use them for thine own blessing and for the upbuilding of God's kingdom.

The faith and good works that you have shown entitled you to a blessing, even a patriarchal blessing.

According to your faith and the desires of your heart I confer upon you a patriarchal blessing.

I bless thee with the gift of faith, wisdom, revelation and the spirit of discernment.

Thy faith shall increase and the spirit of prophecy shall rest upon you.

I bless thee that thou may become useful in society and have mighty faith to enjoy the gifts and blessings of the Holy Ghost, even that faith which rested upon the good sisters of old.

The faith of the gospel is thy birthright. Thou shalt never be turned from it.

Thou shall not fail to continue faithful to the end of thy life.

Doubt not for the Lord has taken notice of your integrity and no blessing or promise shall fail.

The gift and power of Faith will rest upon thee, even that thou mayest he healed from time to time of infirmities that beset humanity.

Thou shall have faith to heal the sick and cast out evil spirits.

God has blessed you with faith.

I bless you that you may be full of faith and open charity and of the testimony of Jesus.

Your faith in God is unshaken for you have realized his power.

The power of the destroyer shall be rebuked for your sake for through prayer and faith you shall overcome every assault made by him.

The gift of healing is yours and through your faith and prayers.

Know ye this that thy humility, thy faith and supplication have saved thine erring sons' souls from death and shall hide a multitude of sins.

If you live, it will be through your faith.

The Lord has seen thy faith and thy devotion.

Seek ye the Lord in the humility of your heart by faith and prayer and He will make known unto you many things that will be for your good both temporally as well as spiritually.

I pray God to bless you according to thy great faith and your desire to live.

I seal upon you the gifts of faith, of hope, and charity.

I bless bless you with the blessings of faith, that you may be firm and steadfast in the truth.

Holy Father be Thou gracious to this Thy daughter, increase her faith.

I bless you with the blessing of faith that you may be enabled to go forth and discharge the duties that will be required at thine hands.

Because of your faith your life shall be spared to a remarkable old age.

Ss thou grow in years, thou shalt grow strong in faith.

Blessed be you for seeking the Lord, and for having faith in His servants and in this Holy Ordinance.

Your faith shall increase as you exercise it for the benefit of yourself and those among whom you labor.

Let not the deceitfulness of the learned men of this world affect your faith, for the Lord is ready to answer all questions and mysteries that may trouble you, and will give you divine assurance so that your soul will be at peace regarding questions of a religious nature.

Seek diligently that your faith and testimony shall be strengthened and that you shall be able to comprehend all of the principles of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as they shall be presented to you.

Our Heavenly Father desires the service of His children to re-establish faith and love and harmony in the hearts of the people.

I pronounce upon you a blessing that shall be according to your faith and your desire.

You are richly blessed with the gift of faith.

The Lord is pleased that you have sought out the services of a Patriarch in the church and thus given evidence of your faith in the ordinances of the Holy Priesthood. You have demonstrated also that you can walk by faith and not by sight.

I seal this patriarchal blessing upon your head, and I say unto you, it shall be unto you according to your faith.

Your faith shall not be shaken, neither shall you be afraid, for the arm of the Lord shall sustain you.

The Lord has blessed you with faith, and faith must be nurtured. Live righteously all of your life in order that your faith may ever burn brightly, and that in times of stress and trouble it may be a light unto you and a comfort always.

Have faith and great determination.

Your parents instilled into your heart and soul a faith in God and in His Son Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world, a faith in the Prophet Joseph Smith whom the Lord called to usher in this great and last dispensation of time and restore the gospel and establish His church and kingdom upon the earth.

You are to be commended for your faith and you may be sure the Lord will bless and reward you for your efforts.

I bless you that faith and service may be yours.

Because of your faith and devotion you were chosen and promised certain blessings to be given to you here in mortal life.

Continue to have faith.

You will be given wisdom, and courage and faith.

Be brave in whatsoever conditions that may require your faith and strength.

Continue to seek the guidance of the Lord in prayer and in faith, in humility and all things and the Lord shall not withhold His blessings from thee.

I bless you with the Spirit of Faith.

Be strong in your faith in yourself.

Be strong in your faith at all times. Realize that whatsoever is done or said, other than that which comes from the Prophet upon the earth is false, and follow only that which you know is from our Lord, Jesus Christ.

I bless you that you will have health and strength, commensurate with your desires and your righteousness and your faith, that you will be able to continue to function as you would desire.

I bless you with the gift of faith.

Seek after faith, hope, charity and love. These are the qualities that will prepare you for an inheritance in the Celestial kingdom of God.

I seal upon you the faith and the strength to endure to the end that you may thereby have eternal life.

I bless you that you will be able to establish a home founded upon the principles of righteousness, such as love, faith, harmony, sacrifice.

I bless you with great faith-faith unto great works.

Seek the blessings of the Lord in prayer, in faith, and in humility, in all things.

And inasmuch as thou shalt continue to seek the guidance of the Lord in prayer, in faith, and in humility, in all things, there shall be peace and happiness in thy household.

I bless you to have faith through any trial or tribulation or any temptation that comes along.

You are here to learn to live by faith. This will require that you place your trust in the Lord.

Develop your faith.

I bless you with the gift of faith. You shall have the faith, when you shall have received the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood, to lay your hands upon the sick and they shall recover.

Your Father in Heaven is pleased with the faith you have manifested.

As you pray you develop your faith.

The whole object of your life from now on should be to study and learn the true meaning of valiance. It has little to do with words and much to do with deeds and actions and faith and good works.

If adversity should come He will bless you to overcome these things through the faith which you will have.

I promise you the gift of faith, for it will be by faith in God that you will be able to perform the great miracles that will follow you and to lead those who depend upon you for leadership.

You are blessed with the gift of faith in Jesus Christ to know He is the Son of God, the resurrected and glorified Redeemer who atoned for the sins and infirmities of mankind. Stand upon your feet at appropriate times and places and declare your testimony of Him and His holy work to redeem. As you bear this testimony, many individuals will be drawn to you, and desire greater faith in Jesus Christ and His divine work.

As you go through your life, do so with confidence and faith in the Lord, for He will stand beside you.

I bless you that your faith will fail you not, but it will grown and flourish for I seal upon you the gift of faith. Faith in God, faith in self, faith in family, faith in all mankind, and faith in all things to which God has to do.

Your Faith will increase day by day.

Your faith and testimony will grow each day. By faith you will overcome all tempatations that come before you.

Pray unto the Father in the name of His Son Jesus Christ that you may understand the import of the Words of Life which is the Gospel; for they will be a spiritual armor and will see you through challenges which will come upon you; and you shall overcome through faith, His Spirit and Word.

I bless you, as the Lord calls upon you, to have courage and strength and faith to go and do the things He commands and asks of you.

You will be steadfast and immovable in your religious beliefs.

Go forward in faith, with hope in your heart and charity for others and your life will continue to be happy and full.

I bless you with the ability to endure to the end of your mortal life in faithfulness to the Restored Gospel.

I bless you with a deep faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

This blessing comes to you as a result of your faithfulness, your steadfastness, and your righteous living. You will help others to come to know that they have the power within themselves to live lives of righteousness and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

You can have great faith and love for your father in Heaven. Through your faith and love you will gain peace of mind and a sense of personal well-being.

You will enjoy the fruits of the Holy Spirit as defined by the apostle Paul, even love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance.

I bless you that you will exercise all the faith necessary to do the things of the Lord on this earth.

You will build a background of faith and knowledge. I bless you with great faith and nothing will deter you from the paths of righteousness. You will always be recognized as a faithful servant in Israel.

There may be times when your faith will be tested.

I bless you that you will appreciate the gift of faith and the need to exercise this gift throughout your life, so that you may be in tune with the Spirit and be able to recognize those things that you will need to do to accomplish the tasks and responsibilities that will be given to you. I bless you that you will be strong in this regard.

Because of your great faith and your understanding of the Savior, you will know your eternal Father in Heaven.

I bless you with the gift faith.

I also bless you with the gift of faith, faith in the power of the priesthood and faith in the path you are following.

You will be tempted in your studies, in your personal examination of the gospel, to explore some of its mysteries, things that we do not know. But always return to the principles of faith and repentance, for these are the principles, they key efforts that the Savior spoke of, and in fact, which affect our lives most profoundly. The knowledge of facts and other things will not bring as much joy to your life as the exercise of faith in behalf of yourself and your family and others in the church.

You have been blessed with the gift of faith.

The Lord would have you seek learning by faith and by study.

I bless you that your faith will not fail you, that you will strengthen those around you, especially your family.

As you keep yourself unspotted from the sins of this world, your faith will increase and your love for others will grow.

Remember that it is through your faithfulness and by the will of the Lord that the promises of this blessing will be fulfilled.

You have come to your present family because of your faith.

You have the gift of faith and as you enlarge and improve upon it you will have the sure knowledge that the Savior loves you and that you will come back into His loving embrace. It is your faith that will ultimately enable you to return to the presence of Father in Heaven.

Your faith will stretch as wide as eternity.

Before you walked by sight. now you learn to walk by faith.

You are a faithful and noble son of Heavenly Father.

Go forward in faith and step out of your circle of comfort and do the difficult things your Heavenly Father calls you to do.

To help you, spiritual gifts have been conferred upon you, including the gift of faith.

Your faith in Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice is a choice and wonderful blessing.

Your faith will grow as you read in Alma, chapter 32 and learn of faith. Remember that faith starts with a little seed.

You are here because of your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Heavenly Father knows of your faith and of your righteous desires.

These blessings are yours through your faith and your faithfulness.

Through your faith and the power of the priesthood many blessings can give you the necessary recovery from problems that may be facing you.

Use you faith and bear your testimony. This will strengthen others and youself.

I bless you with the strongest faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

I bless you with faith to know that if you will serve wherever it is that you are called, and know that you are called to be a missionary, then God will bless you with the righteous desires of your heart.

You have the gift of faith. You have faith in your Heavenly Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ. Your faith is established upon the Rock of the Redeemer, wherein you shall never fall nor fail.

Have faith that your Heavenly Father's purposes will be fulfilled according to His will and ways. Have faith in Him above all others and trust in His judgment.

I bless you with increased faith that you look to the heavens for guidance.

I bless you that because of your faith and that of your husband you will have the power to resist the influences of the world that would seek to intrude upon the spirit you will be able to maintain in your home.

Now have the faith and the courage that you need to open your mouth boldly and share with them these important truths and be that true and faithful instrument that the Lord would have you be, as you share these important testimonies and truthfulness of the restored gospel.

You have also received the gift of faith. That faith will drive your hope.

You have the gift of faith.

You will be blessed in times of difficulty to have faith and trust in the words of the living prophets.

I bless you with faith when the answer is not what you hoped for or expected.

You will be known as a man of strong faith who relies upon his Father in Heaven to give him direction.

Day after day on your path to your eternal destiny you must increase your faith in God.

Du hast eine Óberzeugung vom sühnopfer.

Go with confidence in yourself and faith in God.

Always remember that you must ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Jesus Christ and you will be able to come to a knowledge of the truth.

Blessing #20
I bless you with faith.

Blessing #24
You will go forward with faith and determination, and be exemplary in your life.

Blessing #33
I bless you with faith.

Blessing #49
I bless you with the gift of faith; faith to live correct principles; faith to live in righteousness all the way to the celestial kingdom; faith to know that your Heavenly Father lives; and faith to know that He will receive and answer your prayers.

Blessing #273
You will be a child that will be guided and directed both by your Heavenly Parents and by your earthly parents. Truly understand that you have been blessed with these particular people that you might have faith, for faith is the greatest thing of all.