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Blessing #66

Date of Blessing
6 Nov 1999
Gender assumed by patriarch

Brother *****, by virtue of the Melchizedek Priesthood and in the presence of your wife and on behalf of our Heavenly Father, I lay my hands upon your head and give you a Patriarchal Blessing.

You are of the lineage of Ephraim. It is through this lineage that the blessings which our Heavenly Father bestowed upon the children of Israel through the ancient patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, will come to you as you obey the commandments of God. Remember that obedience is the first law of Heaven.

You are a spirit child of God and a member of the Lord's Church. As a result, you have been given self respect, eternal principles and truths, power and motivation to move against Satan and evil and opposition. Maintain a strong spiritual orientation throughout your life. Do the will of your Heavenly Father, even at inconvenient times. Stay close to your family and faithful Church members. As you do so, you will acquire an even stronger Christlike character. You will progress toward that great goal of exaltation and eternal life.

The Melchizedek Priesthood has been conferred upon you. It is a royal and holy priesthood. Exercise it righteously, humbly, in faith and with love, and your life and the lives of many other people will be helped and enhanced in different ways. You will come to know and feel the power of the priesthood of God.

Build a deep, firm and abiding testimony of the Restored Gospel and the Lord's Church. Fully realize that Jesus Christ made possible your salvation, your exaltation, through the Atonement. Continue to learn of Him, believe in Him, follow Him, and you will earn and reap the blessings and riches of our Heavenly Father in this life and in eternity.

Follow the righteous leadership of the Lord's Church and you will receive knowledge, direction, vision and inspiration for your life.

Always be temple worthy, Live to have no regret.

Have a positive outlook on life. Fill your mind with uplifting thoughts. Be kind and helpful. As you radiate the Gospel teachings you will be an influence for good in the lives of people. You will have friends. Your life will be enriched and fruitful.

As you are willing to serve, assignments and callings will be given to you. The lives of many people will be blessed as a result of knowing you and feeling of your goodness, love, humility and spirit. I bless you with satisfaction, contentment and fulfillment in your service to the Lord and the members of His Church.

Be willing to share your blessings and life with others and you will perform modern day miracles. You will know that you are walking in the footsteps of the Master.

Always seek the things that exalt the mind and heart, that are worthy of a son of God. Pattern your life after that of Christ. Be a friend. Lift and love. As you do so many people will see in your life the principles of the Gospel at work and some of them will desire to have that which is meaningful and precious to you. You will be an effective goodwill ambassador for the Church.

I bless you in your home. Make it the base of operations for your life. With your wife teach your children the things they will need to know and do in order to walk uprightly before their Heavenly Father and their fellowman. Be aware of the needs of your wife. Love her. Treat her as an equal and contributing partner. Help her magnify her divine callings. As you honor the demanding and holy callings of husband, father and family patriarch, you will help build a happy and spiritual home, a home where love abounds.

I bless you and your wife to be faithful, truthful and loyal to each other and to make your first priority the comfort, well being and respect of your spouse. As you do so, you will be happy, secure and richly blessed in your marriage relationship.

Attend the temples of the Lord often and you will become an even better person. Your mind and heart will be elevated to and reminded of some of the glorious revelations of God. The peace, love, reverence, beauty, joy and hope found in the temple worship experience will accompany you in the thoughts, decisions and affairs of your life.

Organize yourself. Know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses. When your short-comings become evident to you, work diligently to overcome them and to improve yourself and you will experience the feeling of victory that comes with personal improvement.

Fully understand that the ways of the Lord and the teachings of His Church are often different from the laws, policies and practices of world governments, other institutions and most people.

Never permit yourself to get caught up in the negative attitude, thinking, feelings, words and actions of Church members and other people that would be destructive of your testimony of the Restored Gospel and of your eternal progress. Strive to have on the full armor of God and to live the Lord's way at all times.

Repent, forgive and forget if circumstances develop that require such action by you.

Remember the covenants and promises which you have made with your Heavenly Father. Honor them and our Father in Heaven will be with you. He will lead you along and things will work together for your eternal good.

Your future is bright with hope. Be committed to the work of the Lord. Serve Him with all your heart, mind, might and strength. Enjoy living the Gospel truths and following our Heavenly Father's plan of salvation. As you do so, He will open the windows of Heaven and pour out His blessings upon you. Your contributions will be numerous and most helpful you will help many people see the great potential for good that lies within them. You will find greater love, many choice people and a more abundant life. You will indeed magnify your time upon the earth.

I bless you with the ability to endure to the end of your mortal life in faithfulness to the Restored Gospel. As you do so, the blessings of our Heavenly Father will be yours.

You will come forth on the morning of the first resurrection, as you are worthy. You will dwell in the Celestial Kingdom with your good wife, your family and other loved ones and friends, as you and they are worthy. You will move on to a more glorious life and will live forever with your Heavenly Father, His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the Lord's faithful Prophets and all the many other qualified people through the ages.

These blessings, and many more, are bestowed upon you. These words of instruction and counsel are also offered to you at this time. They are given and said in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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This patriarchal blessing contains the following promises, which occur in blessings with the corresponding frequency:

A Good Example


A Home


Blessings of Abraham






























Membership in the Church


Non-Specific Blessings




Performing Miracles


Power over the Devil






Temple Work




The First Resurrection


The Priesthood


Wickedness in the World
