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Blessing #152

Date of Blessing
18 Nov 2012
Gender assumed by patriarch

My dear Brother *****, by the authority of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood, exercising my office as Patriarch, I lay my hands upon your head and bestow upon you this wonderful Sabbath Day, your Patriarchal Blessing. *****, it is an honor and privilege to lay my hands upon your head this day, and to give you a blessing. I sense in you a deep and abiding spirit. You were numbered among the great ones who fought with Michael and his angels in the preexistent wars of heaven, for the Plan of Salvation and the principle of agency. You are to become a soldier in the army of God on earth.

The Lord reserved you to be born of your goodly parents, your loving mother and the wonderful example of your noble father. You have had the uncommon privilege of being raised in a home filled with love and the Spirit of the Lord. Can you not see how highly favored that you are as a son of God? Look about you in the world, and see how blessed you are. There is a reason for this, *****. That reason is because of who you were in the pre-mortal world. You were a valiant son of God. The Lord has sent you to fulfill a sacred mission on earth, and you have been blessed with spiritual gifts to assure your success.

You have the gift of faith. You have faith in your Heavenly Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ. Your faith is established upon the Rock of the Redeemer, wherein you shall never fall nor fail. The Lord is on your right hand and on your left. Angels of heaven have charge over you, to watch and to protect you. You have the precious gift of the Holy Ghost. Always listen very carefully to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

You have the gift of strength. You are a powerful spirit. You are gregarious, outgoing and capable. You have the ability to accomplish any righteous desire of your heart. Your strength will never fail you. You will become a pillar of strength and righteousness. You will become an immovable tower of strength. This will serve you well, *****, for though this is one of the greatest times in the history of the world, it is also one of the worst of times. Sin and iniquity about on earth. Commotions and calamities will continue. The evil one is reviling against the children of God, for his time is short. The adversary knows who you are, because you were so valiant in the preexistence. The adversary knows of your great strength, your service to the Lord, and that you were with Michael and his angels in the war for the agency of man. Fear not. The evil one will shrink from your presence, and will tremble at your purity and righteousness.

You have already been called as a full-time missionary by a Prophet of God. This is a responsibility that you have inherited by virtue of being a son of God, and through your holding of the holy priesthood. You will be called as an Elder on a full-time Mission. I bless you that you may look forward to the day you go out into the world to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You will do so with excitement. I bless you that you will be happy with the field of labor to which you are called. Your calling will be from the Lord, and people will be waiting for you in that very place. Be content and happy wherever that calling is located.

You have the gift of tongues. I bless you that your mind and intellect will be quickened, that you will learn language easily through study, prayer and fasting. By doing so, you will soon see that you will be able to speak other language. You also have the gift that you will be able to understand other language and cultures. You will be called into nations and countries of the world during your lifetime. You will have opportunities of service to the children of God wherever you are called and serve.

You will bring light and hope to those who feel hopeless, discouraged and despair because of the mists of darkness and philosophies of men. You will be like a light. You will lift, bless and serve the children of God through the priesthood you hold. Follow the example set by President Thomas S. Monson. He serves so faithfully the children of the Lord. Go out as he does, to be with them, love them, be a friend and a help. You are given the priesthood to be a true servant of the Lord.

You will receive the high and holy priesthood of God, the Melchizedek Priesthood. This is the same power and priesthood that was exercised in the creations of heaven and earth, the seas, lands and everything therein. You will hold that very priesthood.

You have the gift to heal, and to be healed. By the power of the priesthood and the exceeding faith that you possess, you will lay hands upon people and raise them from their beds of affliction. You will cure illnesses, and bear them up from sorrows and grief. *****, you are one of the great sons of God, and you have a serious mission to perform on earth.

Under the influence of the Holy Ghost, I declare that you are of the lineage of the Tribe of Ephraim, through the pure and faithful Joseph. As a son of Ephraim you are a natural born leader. You have every quality, spiritual gift and talent to become a great leader in the Church, the Kingdom of God, and in the world. As a son of Ephraim you will be responsible to teach the Gospel to everyone you meet. Ephraim is responsible in the gathering of the Tribes of Israel. This is occurring even in these days. Ephraim is principally responsible to declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the children of God unto the ends of the earth. As a son of Ephraim you are responsible to help prepare the world for the eventual, glorious return of the Savior. You, your children and posterity will all have a part in this, the greatest work on the face of the earth.

You will be blessed to be married in the Temple to a beautiful daughter of God. This is the single most important decision of your life, *****. Pray, fast and listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost as you are directed by the Lord. Your happiness, joy and success in life will largely depend upon who you marry. Be careful and prayerful. You are a handsome young man, greatly gifted and talented. There will be many who will seek your companionship. Beware, there are those whose standards are not the same, nor as high as yours. Keep only the company of the best, most virtuous and spiritually beautiful daughters of God.

Seek a high education. Study beyond the undergraduate degree, and be educated in the graduate work of masters or doctorate programs. You have the gift of intelligence. I bless you that your mind and intellect will be quickened, that you will love learning, and that you will have the desire to learn all the days of your life.

You will become successful in your work or profession. You will want for nothing. You will always be able to provide for your wife and children.

You will be a man of honesty and integrity. People will respect and admire you for your honesty.

I bless you with courage in a world that is challenging. There will be challenges in your life. Trials come to all of the children of God. I bless you that you will exercise your powerful and great strength at such time, that you will never be discouraged or overcome by adversity. I bless you that you will always have a positive, happy spirit.

You will hold high and holy callings in the Church. You will have opportunities to preside in priesthood quorums and over Auxiliaries. I admonish you to remain humble in these callings. Always have a heart filled with kindness, compassion, grace and understanding for people. Carefully judge your words before you speak them. Remember, not every son or daughter of God are as equally blessed as you. You must compensate for that difference. You do that by exercising the love of Christ that is in your heart.

I bless you that you will become an honorable father, grandfather and patriarch of your home. I bless you that you will lead your family with love and kindness. Never speak harshly to your wife or to a child.

The Lord has blessed you with many other gifts and talents. I admonish you to ponder, pray and discover those talents you possess. Magnify and share them.

I bless you that you will love the world. It was created for your joy. I bless you to love all music, the sacred, classical and happy music. Study and love the masters art and dance, all things bright and beautiful. Go out into the majestic mountains and observe the beauties of nature, the trees, flowers, plants and animals. Observe the beautiful azure oceans and seas. What a beautiful world. It was created that you might be happy here. When challenges, trial and commotions occur, you will find peace and happiness in these gifts of God.

One of the reasons that this is the greatest time in the history of the world is that you belong to the true Church of Jesus Christ. The everlasting priesthood of God has been restored, and you hold that priesthood. Temples dot the world as was prophesied. The windows of heaven have been opened in this dispensation. The Lord will pour out His blessings upon you and your loved ones.

You will find that the ultimate peace is found in the House of the Lord. You will be endowed with power on high. This will bless you as you serve your mission, and in every aspect of your life. Attend the Temple frequently.

All you have to do *****, is keep all of the commandments of God. Abound in good works, and Christ, the Lord God Omnipotent will seal you His.

I bless you to come forth on the morning of the first resurrection. You will return to the presence of your Father in Heaven, and the waiting arms of the Savior in glory. You will be at the right hand of God in the highest degree of the celestial kingdom with your beloved eternal companion, children, grandchildren and posterity, serving the Lamb of God day and night in His Holy Temple.

I seal these blessings upon you, through your faithfulness, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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This patriarchal blessing contains the following promises, which occur in blessings with the corresponding frequency:

A Career


A Good Example


A Home


A Keen Mind


Art and Music








Companionship of the Spirit














Favor in the Pre-Existence


Financial Stability


Free Agency




Gifts of the Spirit


Good Parents




Health and Strength
















Membership in the Church


Ministering angels


Non-Specific Blessings






Power over the Devil


Power to Heal the Sick




Prepare the Earth




Return of the Lost Tribes


Sensitivity to the Spirit




Serving a Mission




Teaching Others


Temple Work


The Endowment


The First Resurrection


The Priesthood








Wickedness in the World
