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12% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Confidence.

Thou shalt not be ashamed of the Lord nor will he be ashamed of thee before the Father.

You shall minister wisely amongst your sex and fear not nor tremble, but speak as the Lord will give you utterance. You shall constantly teach the principles of righteousness and virtue and in doing so you will be surprised in the light that God shall give unto you and the words that you shall speak, and therefore I say unto you again, fear not nor be dismayed in their presence.

Fear not.

I seal upon you the blessings of confidence in the Lord, in yourself, and in your destiny.

We can use our influence to increase faith and love and confidence in the hearts of His people, and to this end, dear sister, the Lord will bless you and accept of your labors.

Your faith shall not be shaken, neither shall you be afraid, for the arm of the Lord shall sustain you.

You shall look forward to the great day of Judgment with anticipation and without fear.

You shall never be ashamed of the gospel but shall be a valient witness of the Lord and the Church at all times and in all places.

Do not be afraid..

Be confident all the days of your life and let not anyone deter you from your appointed destiny.

I bless you to be a happy person, that your personality will develop and you will gain confidence. Do not be afraid of your friends or strangers. Again, I bless you to be a confident person, able to stand in front of people and communicate and lead with ease. Both young and adult women will look to you for leadership and guidance. Do not fear nor be timid. The Holy Ghost will support you as you serve with an eye single to God's glory.

As you go through your life, do so with confidence and faith in the Lord, for He will stand beside you.

You will help others to come to know that they have the power within themselves to live lives of righteousness and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Have confidence in your judgments, yet humility before the Lord.

I bless you to stand in faith against all obstacles, and you will need not fear in times of darkness, for the Lord will sustain you because of your faithfulness.

Moments of discouragement will flee quickly and you will go forth in the brightness of hope with trust and faith in your Savior.

The Lord will give to you the words, the confidence, the feelings, and the beliefs that are necessary for you.

I bless you with confidence in yourself and in your ability to teach, and I bless you with discernment of the spirit in those you meet that you might be guided in thought and deed as you reach out to them in faith.

Express your confidence and your conviction in the truth of the Book of Mormon and in the calling of the Prophet Joseph Smith and of the restoration of the gospel.

Go forward with confidence so that you can achieve all that the Lord intends for you to do.

You need not fear life nor be frightened because of the coming of the prophesies events of the Last Days.

Have confidence and courage in your reliance upon the Lord and He will bless you and strengthen you even unto the end.

As you go forward with that faith that you need, with that courage that you need to bear testimony and to witness of the Book of Mormon and to help strengthen those good saints and others who are seeking knowledge and seeking truth, you will be brought to the understanding that you need of what to say and how to help, how to inspire and how to teach.

I bless you to sense God's nearness, and to have confidence that He is always available.

I bless you with hope and confidence that this will be a day of rejoicing. I bless you with confidence, with happiness, with optimism that you might truly have the joy that is intended for the righteous in this state of mortal probation.

It is important that you will always be an example of one who is not ashamed of the Gospel or ashamed to tell others of it.

I bless you with courage and confidence.

You have been blessed with the capacity to be confident, to stand on your own, and to resist being pressured to do things that are alien to your special spirit. Go with confidence in yourself and faith in God.

Blessing #6
*****, fear not. Be not afraid. Go forth from this blessing knowing that HF loves you.