1874-02-05 |
Let thy heart rejoice for thy last days shall be thy best days.
1874-11-26 |
Thy last days shall be thy best for all thy desires shall be granted unto thee in righteousness.
1878-01-03 |
I bless thee and prophesy over thee that thy last days shall be thy best days. Thy children's children shall be a great blessing unto thee in thy old age and thou shall never lack the good things of life.
1879-07-04 |
Thou shalt have joy and rejoicing in thy labours and thy last days shalt be thy best days. Thou shalt be blessed with long life and see good days in the land of the living.
1888-12-30 |
The Lord loves thee and will bless thee, and thy latter days will be the best.
1896-12-03 |
Having lived the life of the righteous, your latter days shall be sweet and comforting.
1897-10-11 |
The riches of the earth are abundantly thine and thy last days shall be thy best days. Thy children will bless thee and delight to do thee honor in thy declining years.
1900-06-17 |
The promise of the Lord is unto thee for good; even that thy last days shall be thy best days.
1902-02-02 |
Be faithful unto the whisperings of the spirit and to the counsel of your husband and your last days shall be your best days.
1902-07-01 |
Thy last days will be the most peaceful on earth.
1930-08-27 |
I bless you that your last days in the earth shall be your best days. Surely the spirit indicateth that your latter days shall be your best days.
1936-06-23 |
Your children shall honor and respect you by making your last days your best days.
1939-07-02 |
I bless you that your latter-days shall be happy ones for you may reflect upon the fruits of a well-spent life.
Blessing #49 |
Be strict in living the word of wisdom that you might be strengthened in body and in mind, that the number of your years may be lengthened, and that your last years may be some of your best.