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5% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Doubt.

Put away all doubts and fears and trust in God. Because of thy youth and inexperience thy mind sometimes becomes fearful, thy spirit unbelieving, but as age and experience comes on thou shalt be more stable in thy ways and no power under heaven can change thy course.

I pray our Father that if there are any misgivings in your mind that they may be banished from you and the spirit of the Lord take the place thereof.

Let not the deceitfulness of the learned men of this world affect your faith, for the Lord is ready to answer all questions and mysteries that may trouble you, and will give you divine assurance so that your soul will be at peace regarding questions of a religious nature.

If you are in doubt ask of Him who giveth to all men liberally, for He has made this promise to all who seek Him in prayer, and He will answer you.

There shall come a time when all doubt shall be brushed away for the Spirit of the Lord will come to you in such power that you shall know the purposes of the Lord and His will concerning you.

Remember the Lord loves you, so never doubt your ability to serve him. Be on guard for that evil one will seek to destroy your faith.

Though there have been troublesome thoughts and unanswered questions, these will diminish in time and I bless you with peace and comfort through your faith and knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

God is mindful of the ongoings that exist and the troublesome things that, from time to time, confront you as they confront all mankind.

Do not let learned men lead you from the simple truths of the gospel. The gospel will be plain and simple to you throughout your life. You are not to complicate it or seek the mysteries.

You have a great ability to be able to feel of the Spirit. Those feelings at times will not feel strong, and you will wonder if they are just your own thinking. If those thoughts and those feelings lead you to do good, then they come from your Father in Heaven. If you have doubts about what you should be doing, then they do not come from your Father in Heaven.

You will have experiences and see things and hear of things that you would rather not know. I bless you that through your faith in Christ that these things will not be a stress to you. You will see people who lose their faith. I bless you that this will not disturb you that you will be sympathetic to their position but it will not cause you to lose your faith.

You knew that there would be doubts, perhaps depression and turbulence in this life. But you knew that the Lord would have already suffered for your sins, shortcomings, illnesses and frailties.

Blessing #74
Satan knows your strengths and he knows your weaknesses. At all times he attacks us in our weakest point. He would attempt to use doubt and despair and discouragement and temptations and stumbling blocks of all kinds, because those are his, and he will try to get you to do those things which are not pleasing in the sight of the Lord, and to lose faith in those things which you know to be true.