Blessing #383
Repicient Amelia May Hammond
Patriarch Henry Moyle
Date of Blessing 29 Dec 1901
Location Utah
Age 24
Gender assumed by patriarch Female
Tribe Ephraim
Language English
Sister Amelia May, in the name of Jesus Christ and by authority of the holy priesthood, I pronounce and seal upon thee a patriarchal blessing. Thou art one of the fair daughters of Ephraim, and through thy faithfulness the blessings of Sarah of old shall be continued upon thee, even the blessing of eternal increase, which I seal upon thee, for thou art precious in the sight of God, and the arm of His love surrounds thee. Thy mission thus far through life has been directed by the providential hand of the Almighty and thy future destiny is great and glorious. For thou shall be honored in thy day and generation, as one of the chosen handmaidens of the Lord. Thou shall win the love and esteem of many surrounding thee throughout thy life with thy words and deeds of kindness. Thou shalt sit in council and preside among the daughters of Zion, and through dreams and through visions and revelations of God, thy mind shall become enlightened and joy and gladness shall accompany thee. Thou shalt be numbered with those who shall tread the sacred portals of that holy temple that shall be erected in the center stake of Zion, and thy eyes shall behold great and glorious manifestations therein, even the face of the Redeemer. Thou shalt be anointed a queen and a priestess to thy Lord. And a great labor thou shall perform for thy departed kindred. And every blessing thy heart may desire in righteousness I seal upon thee. And I seal thee up unto eternal life to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection, a savior upon Mt. Zion, and with thy Lord to inherit thrones, principalities, and powers throughout the countless ages of eternity, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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This patriarchal blessing contains the following promises, which occur in blessings with the corresponding frequency:
Callings 52%
Compassion 10%
Conditions 72%
Exaltation 52%
Joy 43%
Leadership 27%
Living until the Second Coming 17%
Love 40%
Non-Specific Blessings 57%
Temple Work 49%
The Endowment 16%
The First Resurrection 66%
The Redemption of Zion 12%
Visions 8%