In the authority of the Holy Priesthood, according to my calling, a Patriarch in Israel, I place my hands upon your head and confer upon you a Blessing, with a prayer in my heart that it will be acceptable unto our Heavenly Father, unto the fulfilling thereof.
And I say unto you, you are a chosen vessel in the hands of the Lord to bear the Holy Priesthood, reconfirmed upon your head by the servants of the living God in mortality. And it will be your right and privilege to bear the message of the truth and gospel to people of the earth in places foreign to the land of your nativity.
And I say unto you, be mindful in observing closely the commandments of the Lord and prize your virtue, your personal purity of life, as a pearl of great price. And through your purity and earnest desires the Lord will prepare you for a greater work and you will enjoy the revelations of the Holy Spirit to guide and direct you. You will be given strength to overcome evil and temptation and live above the besetting sins of the world.
For you are of the chosen seed of Abraham, through the lineage of Ephraim, the Royal House of Joseph, who was sold into Egypt. And the Lord is raising up a nation of leaders of men and it is your right and privilege through obedience to be a leader.
I bless you to this end and confer upon you the rights, privileges, and blessings of the New and Everlasting Covenant; to be an honorable father and a great father in Israel. And may the Lord bless you with health and vigor of body and preserve your life from accidents and the ravages of disease until you have filled your mission to the full measure of your creation on the earth.
And through your willingness to serve you will have joy and satisfaction with your labors. And no hand shall stay your progress.
I confer these blessings upon your head and seal you up unto Eternal Life, to come forth in the Resurrection of the Just and receive crowns of glory in the Kingdom of our Father. I seal these blessings upon your head by the authority of the Holy Priesthood. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.