Blessing #287
Repicient Hannah Davis
Patriarch Hyrum Smith
Date of Blessing 8 Jan 1844
Location Illinois
Age 27
Gender assumed by patriarch Female
Tribe Ephraim
Language English
Sister Hannah, I lay my hands upon your head in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, and place and seal a promise upon your head to come to pass in the future, the same shall be a blessing patriarchal, prophetic touching futurity, touching that portion of man's existence that is most important. Behold, I say unto you Hannah, you shall be blessed in many things that you shall understand in the hour of their administration which shall inspire your heart and give you knowledge beneficial to your existence both present and future and the blessings of your husband you are to share in common with him. When honor shall come to his head, the same shall crown your head. When the laurels of his victory are won, they are the laurels of your victory, answered in the seal of the Everlasting Covenant and in the fullness of the same, made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and again as touching your house and habitation, and your inheritance shall be in common with your husband as also your father's house, being of the same lineage, and the promise that shall be sealed upon your head shall be had in connection with the residue a crown celestial, a mansion prepared, a name and place as Sarah and Rachel, the same to be perpetuated until the latest generation with days and years to be multiplied upon you. The blessings I seal upon your head, even so, Amen.
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This patriarchal blessing contains the following promises, which occur in blessings with the corresponding frequency:
A Crown 25%
A Home 24%
Blessings of Abraham 38%
Exaltation 52%
Knowledge 29%
Longevity 41%
Marriage 70%
Name Held in Remembrance 13%
New and Everlasting Covenant 16%
Non-Specific Blessings 57%
This Patriarchal Blessing 31%