Blessing #240
Repicient Miriam Jones
Patriarch Hyrum Smith
Date of Blessing 6 Mar 1843
Location Illinois
Age 33
Gender assumed by patriarch Female
Tribe None
Language English
Sister Miriam I lay my hands upon your head in the name of Jesus of Nazareth and place and seal a blessing upon you that the desires of your heart may in part be realized. Behold you are blessed and shall be numbered with the blessed, and shall have a name and a place with the sanctified when your days of trial shall have ended, and in the days of your probation your calling and election shall be made sure and the past shall suffice and in future prosperity shall begin and spring up round about you, that your heart may be fully satisfied of the bounties received by the hand that hath sustained you in the days of your perils and of weakness. The same to begin not far hence both in your house in your habitations even unto the field and unto the flocks and in basket and in store and in the labor of your hands and in health which shall spring up around about you, and in the spirit and by the spirit and its communion in dream, in visions, in fellowship, in communion with the saints also, henceforth, if your faith fail not as it now is, and you shall be blessed also in the benefits derived from the Priesthood, and from your inheritance, and the blessings unto your Children, and the name that shall be had in honour until the latest generation shall be received and had in common with your husband being an heir of promise and to the same inheritance. And you shall be blessed with days and years to be multiplied upon your head if you will but ask and they shall be given you. Now I seal you unto eternal life to come forth in the celestial kingdom at the sounding of the first trump. Even so, Amen.
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This patriarchal blessing contains the following promises, which occur in blessings with the corresponding frequency:
Calling and Election Made Sure 3%
Children 82%
Conditions 72%
Exaltation 52%
Faith 45%
Financial Stability 39%
Health and Strength 32%
Longevity 41%
Marriage 70%
Name Held in Remembrance 13%
Non-Specific Blessings 57%
The Priesthood 45%
Trials 41%
Visions 8%