Dear Sister *****: According to your desire and by the authority which I hold as a Patriarch in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I give you a blessing which will be of great help to you as you journey through this life. God has been pleased with you in your work which you have performed here upon this earth. You have had the privilege of being married to one of the sons of Zion and of being a mother of beautiful children. This privilege does not come to every woman who comes here upon this earth. You have been faithful in the past, and if you are faithful in the future in your duties in the church, as a counselor to your husband and as a mother to your children, your days here upon this earth shall be filled with joy and happiness. I bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ with health and strength. You shall go upon your Journey with your husband and family and shall arrive in peace and safety at your destination. You shall be blessed in your storehouse, in your basket. You shall never want for a home in which to live. You shall never suffer for the necessaries of life. As you journey through life day by day do not forget to give thanks to the Lord for the blessings which you have received.
You have been blessed with a beautiful voice, and when the opportunity comes and in the proper places sing the beautiful songs of Zion and bear your testimony to the truthfulness of the Gospel which you have, and I promise you, that you shall never lose that testimony as long as you perform your duties.
You are of the seed of Ephraim. You have come through the loins of Joseph, that same Joseph who was sold into Egypt by his brethren.
I seal you up to eternal life. You shall come forth upon the morning of the first resurrection with your husband, with your loved ones and many of your kindred.
I seal these blessings upon you, upon the condition that you are faithful to the Gospel of Christ, and in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.