Book of Mormon Translation Process
Palmyra Freeman Article
Palmyra Freeman
11 Aug, 1829
It was said that the leaves of the Bible were plates, of gold about eight inches long, six wide, and one eighth of an inch thick, on which were engraved characters or hieroglyphics. By placing the spectacles in a hat, and looking into it, Smith could (he said so, at least,) interpret these characters. |
No images of the original are available online. This article was reprinted in the August 27, 1829 issue of the Niagara Courier and the August 31, 1829 issue of the Rochester Daily Advertiser and Telegraph, which can be read here.)
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Preface to Book of Mormon, circa August 1829, Joseph Smith Papers
Preface to the Book of Mormon
Joseph Smith Jr.
Aug, 1829
I would inform you that I translated, by the gift and power of God, and caused to be written, one hundred and sixteen pages, the which I took from the Book of Lehi |
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"Golden Bible." The Gem: A Semi-Monthly Literary and Miscellaneous Journal (Rochester, New York), 5 September 1829: 70
Martin Harris Newspaper Account
Martin Harris
5 Sep, 1829
By placing the spectacles in a hat and looking into it, Smith interprets the characters into the English language. |
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The Joseph Smith Papers, Articles and Covenants, circa April 1830 [D&C 20]
Articles and Covenants
Joseph Smith Jr.
Apr, 1830
God visited him by an holy angel, whose countenance was as lightning, and whose garments were pure and white above all whiteness, and gave unto him commandments which inspired him from on high, and gave unto him power, by the means of which was before prepared that he should translate a book; which book contains a record of a fallen people, and also the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles and also to the Jews |
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Daily Albany Argus, Vol 5, No 1435, May 25, 1830, pg 2, col 4
The Wayne County Republican
Daily Albany Argus
25 May, 1830
A fellow by the name of Joseph Smith, who resides in the upper part of Susquehannah county, has been, for the last two years, we are told, employed in dictating, as he says, by inspiration, a new Bible. He pretended that he had been entrusted by God with a golden bible which had been always hidden from the world. Smith would put his face into a hat in which he had a white stone, and pretend to read from it, while his coadjutor transcribed. |
This article is a reprint from the Wayne County Republican, which is not available online. It was subsequently reprinted in the Cincinnati Advertiser and Ohio Phoenix on June 2, 1830, which can be read here or here.)
The Painesville Telegraph
Painesville Telegraph
16 Nov, 1830
The book, it seems, has made its appearance in this vicinity. –It contains about 600 octavo pages, which is said to be translated from Egyptian Hieroglyphics, on metal plates, by one Smith, who was enabled to read the characters by instruction from Angels. |
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"The Golden Bible, or, Campbellism Improved." Observer and Telegraph (Hudson, Ohio), November 18, 1830
Hudson Observer and Telegraph
Observer and Telegraph
18 Nov, 1830
To him, they say, was given the spirit of interpretation; but he was ignorant of the art of writing, he employed this Oliver Cowdery and others to write, while he read, interpreted, and translated this mighty Revelation. |
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"Communication," Brattleboro Messenger (Vermont), November 20, 1830, Vol 9, No. 40
Brattleboro Messenger
18 Oct, 1830
You have probably heard of the Gold Bible taken from the earth by Joseph, the money-digger. This he has translated from the Egyptian reformed language to English, by a air of stone spectacles (provided by an angel) and a dark hat before his eyes. |
According to the source, this is an extract "taken from a letter written from a town in the State of New York, where, as I had been previously told, this Jos. Smith had resided some years, and from which he set out, with an attendant, in pursuit of the gold plates, which he found, as they say, about one hundred and fifty miles from the place of starting." This town was likely Colesville, NY, or in the vicinity.
No images of this paper are available online. Please contact us if you have any additional information)
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The Mormonites, Illinois Patriot (Jacksonville, IL), September 16, 1831, Vol 1, No. 8
Illinois Patriot
Illinois Patriot
16 Sep, 1831
A preacher of this sect visited us last Sunday... The preacher said he found in the same place two stones, with which he was enabled by placing them over his eyes and putting his head in a dark corner to decypher the hieroglyphics on the plates! This we were told was performed to admiration, and now, as the result, we have a book which the speaker informed us was the Mormon Bible |
No images of the original article are available online. It was subsequently reprinted in the Albany Argus here, as well as other papers here and here.)
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The Joseph Smith Papers, Minutes, 25-26 October 1831
1831 General Conference Minutes
Ebenezer Robinson
25 Oct, 1831
Br. Hyrum Smith said that he thought best that the information of the coming forth of the book of Mormon be related by Joseph himself to the Elders present that all might know for themselves.
Br. Joseph Smith jr. said that it was not intended to tell the world all the particulars of the coming forth of the book of Mormon, & also said that it was not expedient for him to relate these things &c. |
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The Joseph Smith Papers, Revelation, 1 November 1831-B [D&C 1], pg 126
Preface to the Doctrine and Covenants
Joseph Smith, Jr.
1 Nov, 1831
After they having received the record of the Nephites yea even my Servant Joseph might have power to translate through the mercy of God by the power of the Book of Mormon |
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The Joseph Smith Papers, History, circa Summer 1832, pg 5
1832 Account
Joseph Smith Jr.
the Lord had prepared spectacles for to read the Book therefore I commenced translating the characters |
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Letter of Joseph Smith to N. E. Seaton, Esq., The True Latter Day Saints' Herald (Cincinnati), August 1862, Vol 3, No. 2, pg 27
Joseph Smith 1833 Letter
Joseph Smith Jr.
4 Jan, 1833
The Book of Mormon is a record of the forefathers of our western tribes of Indians; having been found through the ministration of an holy angel, and translated into our own language by the gift and power God, after having been hid up in the earth for the last fourteen hundred years, containing the word of God which was delivered unto them. |
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Joseph Knight reminiscences, Church History Library, pg 5
Joseph Knight Reminiscences
Joseph Knight
Now the way he translated was he put the urim and thummim into his hat and Darkned his Eyes than he would take a sentance and it would apper in Brite Roman Letters. Then he would tell the writer and he would write it. Then that would go away the next sentance would Come and so on. But if it was not Spelt rite it would not go away till it was rite, so we see it was marvelous. Thus was the hol translated. |
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"Mormonism," Protestant Sentinel (Schenectady, New York) n.s. 5/1 (4 June 1834): 4-5
New England Review Account
New England Review
May, 1834
In the year 1828, one Joseph Smith, an illiterate young man, unable to read his own name, of Palmyra, Wayne County, New York, was reported to have found several golden plates, together with a pair of spectacles, relics of high antiquity. The spectacles were designed to aid mental vision, under rather peculiar circumstances. They were to be adjusted, and the visage thrust into a close hat. This done Smith could interpret the sacred mysteries of the plates, in which lay, by the hypothesis, in the top of the hat! |
This article was reprinted on June 4, 1834 titled "Mormonism" in the Protestant Sentinel. No images of the original are available online. Please contact me if you have any information.)
Isaac Hale Statement
Isaac Hale, witnessed by Charles Dimon
20 Mar, 1834
The manner in which he pretended to read and interpret, was the same as when he looked for the money-diggers, with a stone in his hat, and his hat over his face, while the Book of Plates were at the same time hid in the woods! |
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Latter Day Saints' messenger and advocate, Volume 1, October, 1834, pg 14
Oliver Cowdery Account
Oliver Cowdery
Oct, 1834
Near the time of the setting of the Sun, Sabbath evening, April 5th, 1829, my natural eyes, for the first time beheld this brother. He then resided in Harmony, Susquehanna county Penn. On Monday the 6th, I assisted him in arranging some business of a temporal nature, and on Tuesday the 7th, commenced to write the book of Mormon. These were days never to be forgotten-to sit under the sound of a voice dictated by the inspiration of heaven, awakened the utmost gratitude of this bosom! Day after day I continued, uninterrupted, to write from his mouth, as he translated, with the Urim and Thummim, or, as the Nephites whould have said, "Interpreters," the history, or record, called "The book of Mormon." |
A transcript of this account was also created in Joseph Smith's history dated 1834-1836 which can be read here.)
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"Mormonism," New York Weekly Messenger and Young Men's Advocate (29 April 1835)
The Pioneer Account
The Pioneer
Mar, 1835
the writing on them was in the "Reformed Egyptian language,"-that he was inspired to interpret the writing, or engraving, by putting a plate in his hat, putting two smooth flat stones, which he found in the box, in the hat, and putting his face therein-that he could not write, but as he translated, one Oliver Cowdery wrote it down. |
This article was reprinted on April 29, 1835 as "Mormonism" in The New York Weekly Messenger and Young Men's Advocate. No images of the original are available online. Please contact me if you have any information.)
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Joseph Smith's Journal, 1835-1836, 9 Nov, 1835, The Joseph Smith Papers
1835 Diary Account
Joseph Smith Jr.
9 Nov, 1835
he said unto me I am a messenger sent from God... also that the Urim and Thumim, was hid up with the record, and that God would give me power to translate it, with the assistance of this instrument... I obtained them, and translated them into the english language; by the gift and power of God and have been preaching it ever since. |
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Truman Coe to Mr. Editor, Ohio Observer (Hudson, Ohio), 11 August 1836
Truman Coe Account
Truman Coe
11 Aug, 1836
The manner of translation was as wonderful as the discovery. By putting his finger on one of the characters and imploring divine aid, then looking through the Urim and Thummin, he would see the import written in plain English on a screen placed before him. After delivering this to his emanuensi, he would again proceed in the same manner and obtain the meaning of the next character, and so on till he came to a part of the plates which were sealed up, and there was commanded to desist: and he says he has a promise from God that in due time he will enable him to translate the remainder. This is the relation as given by Smith. |
No image of the original is available online. Please contact me if you have any information regarding it. This article was reprinted on August 25, 1836 in the Cincinnati Journal and Western Luminary, shown here.)
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History, 1838-1856, volume A-1 [April, 1829], The Joseph Smith Papers
Oliver Cowdery and the Urim and Thummim
Joseph Smith Jr.
Two days after the arrival of Mr Cowdery (being the seventh of April) I commenced to translate the book of Mormon and he commenced to write for me, which having continued for some time I enquired of the Lord through the Urim and Thummin and obtained the following revelation. |
"The following revelation" as mentioned in this quote refers to what is presently known as D&C Section 11)
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History, 1838-1856, volume A-1 [23 December 1805-30 August 1834], The Joseph Smith Papers
Canonized Account
Joseph Smith Jr.
there were two stones in silver bows and these put into a breast plate which constituted what is called the Urim & Thummin deposited with the plates, and that was what constituted seers in ancient or former times and that God had prepared them for the purpose of translating the book. |
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Orson Hyde, Ein Ruf aus der Wüste, 1842, pg 27, The Joseph Smith Papers
Orson Hyde Account
Orson Hyde
(English Translation)
Two transparent stones, clear as crystal, were found with the records. They were called "seers" and were used by the ancients. The manner in which they were used is as follows: These two stones, called Urim and Thummim, in diameter the size of an English crown but a little thicker, were placed where there was no light. Those using them then offered prayers unto the Lord and the answer appeared written with letters of light on the Urim and Thummim, but disappeared again soon after. Thus: "The light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not" [John 1:5] - In this manner these records were translated into English. |
The English translation is available here.)
Pennsylvania Newspaper Account
Independent Republican
Dec 6, 1869
The Mormon Prophet, Joseph Smith, says the Independent Republican, resided in Susquehanna county for several years, about the time he was "translating" the Book of Mormon... He and one Harris, who was employed with him in the translation, would work a day or two at haying or harvesting, buy a bag of corn, get it ground, and live on it till it was gone, in the meantime working away at the translation, which was accomplished by Smith's looking through a stone at the "plates" concealed in a hat, and dictated to Harris, who wrote down the translation. |
This is a reprint in the Pittsburgh Weekly Gazette. No images of the original article in the Independent Republican appear to be available online. Please let me know if you have any information.)
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The Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star Vol 44, No 6, 6 Feb, 1882, pgs 86-87
Martin Harris according to Edward Stevenson
Edward Stevenson
4 Sep, 1870
Martin Harris related an incident that occurred during the time that he wrote that portion of the translation of the Book of Mormon which he was favored to write direct from the mouth of the Prophet Joseph Smith. He said that the Prophet possessed a seer stone, by which he was enabled to translate as well as from the Urim and Thummim, and for convenience he then used the seer stone, Martin explained the translation as follows: By aid of the seer stone, sentences would appear and were read by the Prophet and written by Martin and when finished he would say "Written," and if correctly written that sentence would disappear and another appear in its place, but if not written correctly it remained until corrected, so that the translation was just as it was engraven on the plates, precisely in the language then used. Martin said, after continued translation they would become weary, and would go down to the river and exercise by throwing stones out on the river, etc. While so doing on one occasion, Martin found a stone very much resembling the one used for translating, and on resuming their labor of translation, Martin put in place the stone that he had found. He said that the Prophet remained silent, unusually and intently gazing in darkness, no traces of the usual sentences appearing. Much surprised, Joseph exclaimed, "Martin! What is the matter? All is as dark as Egypt!" Martin's countenance betrayed him, and the Prophet asked Martin why he had done so. Martin said, to stop the mouths of fools, who had told him that the Prophet had learned those sentences and was merely repeating them, etc.
Martin said further that the seer stone differed in appearance entirely from the Urim and Thummim that was obtained with the plates, which were two clear stones set in two rims, very much resembling spectacles, only they were larger. Martin said there were not many pages translated while he wrote, after which Oliver Cowdery and others did the writing. |
According to the source in the Millenial Star, this is from the "Monday Evening News, Steptember(sic) 5, 1870", which would place the account given on September 4, 1870.)
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Letter from Emma Bidamon to Emma S. Pilgrim, March 27, 1870
Emma's Description in a letter to Mrs. Charles Pilgrim
Emma Smith Bidamon
27 Mar, 1876
Now the first that my husband translated was translated by the use of the Urim and Thummim, and that was the part that Martin Harris lost, after that he used a small stone, not exactly black, but was rather a dark color. |
No image of this letter is available online. Please contact me if you have any information regarding it.)
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Last Testimony of Sister Emma, The Saints' Herald, Vol 26, No 19, 1 Oct, 1879, pgs 289-90
Emma Smith Last Testimony
Emma Smith Bidamon
9 Feb, 1879
Q. What of the truth of Mormonism?
A. I know Mormonism to be the truth; and believe the Church to have been established by divine directions. I have complete faith in it. In writing for your father I frequently wrote day after day, often sitting at the table close by him, he sitting with his face buried in his hat, with the stone in it, and dictating hour after hour with nothing between us.
Q. Had he not a book or manuscript from which he read, or dictated to you?
A. He had neither manuscript nor book to read from.
Q. Could he not have had, and you not know it?
A. If he had had anything of the kind he could not have concealed it from me.
Q. Are you sure that he had the plates at the time you were writing for him?
A. The plates often lay on the table without any attempt at concealment, wrapped in a small linen table cloth, which I had given him to fold them in. I once felt of the plates, as they thus lay on the table, tracing their outline and shape. They seemed to be pliable like thick paper, and would rustle with a metalic sound when the edges were moved by the thumb, as one does sometimes thumb the edges of a book.
Q. Where did father and Oliver Cowdery write?
A. Oliver Cowdery and your father wrote in the room where I was at work.
Q. Could not father have dictated the Book of Mormon to you, Oliver Cowdery and the others who wrote for him, after having first written it, or having first read it out of some book?
A. Joseph Smith [and for the first time she used his name direct, having usually used the words, "your father," or "my husband"] could neither write nor dictate a coherent and well-worded letter; let alone dictating a book like the Book of Mormon. And, though I was an active participant in the scenes that transpired, and was present during the translation of the plates, and had cognizance of things as they transpired, it is marvelous to me, "a marvel and a wonder," as much so as to any one else.
Q. I should suppose that you would have uncovered the plates and examined them?
A. I did not attempt to handle the plates, other than I have told you, nor uncover them to look at them. I was satisfied that it was the work of God, and therefore did not feel it to be necessary to do so.
Major Bidamon here suggested: Did Mr. Smith forbid your examining the plates?
A. I do not think he did. I knew that he had them, and was not specially curious about them. I moved them from place to place on the table, as it was necessary in doing my work.
Q. Mother, what is your belief about the authenticity, or origin of the Book of Mormon?
A. My belief is that the Book of Mormon is of divine authenticity-I have not the slightest doubt of it. I am satisfied that no man could have dictated the writing of the manuscripts unless he was inspired; for, when acting as his scribe, your father would dictate to me hour after hour; and when returning after meals, or after interruptions, he would at once begin where he had left off, without either seeing the manuscript or having any portion of it read to him. This was a usual thing for him to do. It would have been improbable that a learned man could do this; and, for one so ignorant and unlearned as he was, it was simply impossible. |
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Correspondence, The Saints' Herald, Vol 26, No 12, June 15, 1879, pgs 190-91
Michael Morse Interview
William Wallace Blair
22 May, 1879
He further states that when Joseph was translating the Book of Mormon, he, (Morse), had occasion more than once to go into his immediate presence, and saw him engaged at his work of translation.
The mode of procedure consisted in Joseph's placing the Seer Stone in the crown of a hat, then putting his face into the hat, so as to entirely cover his face, resting his elbows upon his knees, and then dictating word after word, while the scribe - Emma, John Whitmer, O. Cowdery, or some other, wrote it down.
Bro. Cadwell enquired how he (Morse) accounted for Joseph's dictating the Book of Mormon in the manner he had described. To this he replied he did not know. He said it was a strange piece of work, and he had thought that Joseph might have found the writings of some good man and, committing them to memory, recited them to his scribes from time to time.
We suggested that if this were true, Joseph must have had a prodigious memory – a memory that could be had only by miraculous endowment. To this Mr Morse replied that he, of course, did not know as to how Joseph was enabled to furnish the matter he dictated. |
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Testimony of David Whitmer, is it True, or False!, The Saints' Herald, Vol 26, No 22, 15 Nov, 1879, pg 341
Traughber Argument
J. L. Traughber, Jr.
13 Oct, 1879
Editors Herald: -- In the Saints' Herald of April 15, 1879, I notice an article from the pen of Elder T. W. Smith, which originally appeared in the Fall River (Mass.) Herald, in which article the writer makes mention of the testimony of David Whitmer, as published in the Chicago Times, in 1875, and further says:
"I personally heard him state, in January, 1877, in his own house in Richmond, Ray county, Mo., in most positive language, that he did truly see, in broad day-light, a bright and most beautiful being, an 'angel from heaven,' who did hold in his hands the golden plates, which he turned over leaf by leaf, explaining the contents here and there."
I have heard the same from the mouth of Father Whitmer, more than once; and every time I ever heard him tell the particulars of that glorious scene, he always told it just the same; and as far as I have ever heard, from reliable witnesses, he has always told the same story -- "straight as a nail." Had Elder Smith stopped at the end of the above quoted sentence, I would have had no ground for bringing his name into this article; but he did not. He further adds:
"He also described the size and general appearance of the plates, and he further said that he saw Joseph translate, by the aid of Urim and Thummim, time and again, and he then produced a large pile of foolscap paper closely written in a very fair hand, which he declared was the manuscript written mainly by Oliver Cowdery and Martin Harris, as the translation was being read by the aid of the Urim and Thummim of the characters on the plates by Joseph Smith, which work of translation he frequently saw."
I, too, have seen the "manuscripts" and examined them. I, too, have heard Father Whitmer say that he was present many times while Joseph was translating; but I never heard him say that the translation was made by aid of Urim and Thummim; but in every case, and his testimony is always the same, he declared that Joseph first offered prayer, then took a dark colored, opaque stone, called a "seerstone," and placed it in the crown of his hat, then put his face into the hat, and read the translation as it appeared before him. The was the daily method of procedure, as I have often heard Father Whitmer declare; and, as it is generally agreed to by parties who know the facts, that a considerable portion of the work of translation was performed in a room of his father's house, where he then resided, there can be no doubt but what Father David Whitmer is a competent witness of the manner of translating. said.
I am aware of the fact that the "Urim and Thummim" story has long been foisted upon the world as the true account of the origin of the Book of Mormon, but the times demand, and the interest of truth demands that the truth should be told. We need not be afraid of truth; and I greatly doubt if anybody will be ultimately benefitted by the perpetuation of a falsehood, which was invented for the purpose of gaining prestige, in the minds of the people, for ambitious leaders.
The proofs are clear and positive that the story of the Urim and Thummim Translation does not date back, for its origin further than 1833, or between that date and 1835; for it is not found in any printed document of the Church of Christ up to the latter part of the year 1833, or the year 1834. The "Book of Commandments" to the Church of Christ, published in Independence, Mo., in 1833, does not contain any allusion to Urim and Thummim; though the term was inserted in some of the revelations in their reprint in the "Book of Doctrine and Covenants" in 1835.
Who originated the Urim and Thummin story, I do not know; but this I do know, that it is not found in the first printed book of the revelations to the Church of Christ, and there is other testimony to show that it is not true. It is proper to notice what it is claimed the Urim and Thummim was. P. P. and O. Pratt both say that it was an instrument composed of two clear or transparent stones set in the two rims of a bow. It is also confounded with the "Interpreters," which were shaped something like a pair of ordinary spectacles, though larger. |
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Kansas City Journal, June 5, 1881
David Whitmer Newspaper Account
David Whitmer
5 Jun, 1881
Soon after I received another letter from Cowdery, telling me to come down to Pennsylvania and bring him and Joseph to my father's house, giving me a reason therefore that they had received a commandment from God to that effect. I went down to Harmony, and found everything just as they had written me. The next day after I got there they packed up the plates [did not say "packed up the plates"] and we proceeded on our journey to my father's house where we arrived in due time, and the day after we [he, Smith] commenced upon the translation of the remainder of the plates. I, as well as all of my father's family, Smith's wife, Oliver Cowdery, and Martin Harris were present during the translation. [I did not wish to be understood as saying that those referred to as being present were all the time in the immediate presence of the translator, but were at the place and saw how the translation was conducted.] The translation was by Smith and the manner as follows:
"He had two small stones of a chocolate color, nearly egg-shape and perfectly smooth, but not transparent, called interpreters, which were given him with the plates. He did not use the plates in the translation, but would hold the interpreters to his eyes and cover his face with a hat, excluding all light, and before his eyes would appear what seemed to be parchment, on which would appear the characters of the plates in a line at the top and immediately below would appear the translation, in English, which Smith would read to his scribe, who wrote it down exactly as it fell from his lips. The scribe would then read the sentence written, and if any mistake had been made the characters would remain visible to Smith until corrected, when they faded from sight to be replaced by another line. The translation at my father's occupied about one month, that is from June 1 to July 1, 1829."
"Were the plates under the immediate control of Smith all the time?"
"No, they were not. I will explain how that was. When Joseph first received the plates he translated 116 pages of the book of 'Lehi,' with Martin Harris as scribe. When this had been completed they rested for a time, and Harris wanted to take the manuscript home with him to show to his family and friends. To this Joseph demurred, but finally asked the Lord if Harris might be allowed to take it. The answer was 'no.' Harris teased Joseph for a long time and finally persuaded him to ask the Lord a second time, pledging himself to be responsible for its safe keeping. To this second inquiry the Lord told Joseph Harris he might take the manuscript, which he did, showing it to a great many people, but through some carelessness allowed it to be stolen from him. This incurred the Lord's displeasure, and he sent an angel to Joseph demanding the plates, and until Joseph had thoroughly repented of his transgressions would not allow him to have the use of them again. When Joseph was again allowed to resume the translation the plates were taken care of by a messenger of God, and when Joseph wanted to see the plates this messenger was always at hand. The 116 pages of the book of 'Lehi' which were stolen were never recovered nor would the Lord permit Joseph to make a second translation of it.
[It is my understanding that the seer stone referred to was furnished when he commenced translating again after losing the 116 pages. My statement was and now is that in translating he put the seer stone in his hat and putting his face in his hat so as to exclude the light and that then the light and characters appeared in the hat together with the interpretation which he uttered and was written by, the scribe and which was tested at the time as stated.] |
No images of this paper are available online. Please contact me if you have any information.)
William Smith Account
William Smith
he translated them by means of the Urim and Thummim, (which he obtained with the plates), and the power of God. The manner in which this was done was by looking into the Urim and Thummim, which was placed in a hat to exclude the light, (the plates lying near by covered up), and reading off the translation, which appeared in the stone by the power of God. He was engaged in this business as he had opportunity for about two years and a half. |
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David Whitmer, interview by Zenas H. Gurley Jr., 14 Jan. 1885, typescript, LDS archives.
David Whitmer interview with Zenas Gurley
Zenas H. Gurley
14 Jan, 1885
19 Q. Were the plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated in Joseph Smiths possession while translating and seen and handled by several different persons, if not, where were they?
Ans -- I do not know.
20 Q. Did Joseph use his "peep stone" to finish up the translation? if so why?
Ans -- He used a stone called a "Seer stone," the "Interpreters" having been taken away from him because of transgression.
25 Q. Were you present during any of the time of translation, if so, state how it was done.
Ans -- The "Interpreters" were taken from Joseph after he allowed Martin Harris to carry away the 116 pages of Ms -- of the Book of Mormon as a punishment, but he was allowed to go on and translate by the use of a "Seer stone" which he had, and which he placed in a hat into which he buried his face, stating to me and others that the original Character[s] appeared upon parchment and under it the translation in english, which enabled him to read it readily. While Brother Whitmer was too feeble to write much, being unable to write the answers to the foregoing 25 questions in person -- Yet it was with his consent and in his presence that I wrote them and corrected them, as they appear here. |
This comes from a typescript of the personal notes of Zenas Gurley taken in Richmond, Missouri in 1885 as part of the Gurley Collection in the LDS archives. An image of the typescript is not available online. Please contact me if you have any information.)
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The Daily Inter Ocean, Chicago, IL, 17 Oct, 1886, Vol 15, No 207, pg 17
David Whitmer in Chicago Newspaper
David Whitmer
17 Oct, 1886
Much of the translation of the plates was accomplished at the house of Peter Whitmer, the father of David, and the latter witnessed demonstrations, on more occasions than one of the prophet's manipulation of the stone spectacles. He states that the work of translation occupied fully eight months, and that at times this peculiar instrument would refuse to perform its functions. On such occasions the prophet would resort to prayer, and after a short season he would return to his work to find that the urim and thummim reflected the words of the translation with its wonted power. He had to be humble and spotless in his deportment in order that the work might advance. On one occasion the prophet had indulged in a stormy quarrel with his wife. Without pacifying her or making any reparation for his brutal treatment, he returned to the room in the Whitmer residence to resume his work with the plates. The surface of the magic stone remained blank, and all his persistent efforts to bring out the coveted words proved abortive. He went into the woods again to pray, and this time was gone fully an hour. His friends became positively concerned, and were about to institute a search, when Joseph entered the room, pale and haggard, having suffered a vigorous chastisement at the hands of the Lord. He went straight in humiliation to his wife, entreated and received her forgiveness, returned to his work, and, much to the joy of himself and his anxious friends surrounding him, the stone again glared forth its letters of fire.
The urim and thummum, in this strange process of translation, would reflect number of words in pure English, which would remain on its face until the party acting as scribe had got it correctly written, and the occasional disposition of the characters to remain long after they had been so written was ways an infallible evidence that there was something wrong in the translation of the record, and a close comparison would invariably reveal this fact. When the necessary corrections has been made the words would instantly disappear from the urim and thummum and new ones take their place.
The first 116 pages when completed were by permission of the prophet intrusted to hands of Martin Harris, who carried them home to his incredulous relatives in triumph, hoping by the exhibition to convert his family and kinfolk from their uncompromising hostility to the religious premises he had adopted. Upon retiring at night he locked up the precious pages in a bureau drawer, along with his money and other valuables. In the morning he was shocked find that they had been stolen, while his money had been left untouched. They were never found and were never replaced, so that the Book of Mormon is today minus just 116 pages of the original matter, which would increase the volume fully one-fourth its present size. This unpardonable carelessness evoked the stormiest kind of chastisement from the Lord, who took from the prophet the urim and thummum and otherwise expressed his condemnation. By fervent prayer and by otherwise humbling himself, the prophet, however, again found favor, and was presented with a strange oval-shaped, chocolate-colored stone, about the size of an egg, only more flat, which, it was promised, should serve the same purpose as the missing urim and thummim (the latter was a pair of transparent stones set in a bow-shaped frame and very much resembled a pair of spectacles). With this stone all of the present Book of Mormon was translated. |
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M. J. Interview with David Whitmer, cited in
David Whitmer Interview
M. J. Hubble
13 Nov, 1886
Joseph Smith was informed that for his transgressing the command, to keep it always under his care, he would be punished and the "gift" of reading through the spectacles was taken from him for about 3 months & never was allowed to see the "plates" again but at the end of his punishment, he was told that he might translate the book of Mormon, instead of the book of Lehigh but would not be permitted to see the "plates" that the "Characters" would appear before him & when he translated correctly they would disappear & new ones come in their place if not translated correctly the first time they would remain until they were which in several instances he knew to be true because he said Joseph Smith was a man of limited education could hardly write legibly...
He said Smith translated by means of a pair of large bound Spectacles ie the "Book of Mormon", that the Characters would appear in the air & stay until correctly translated and then disappear that Smith was ignorant of the Bible that when translating he first came to where Jerusalem was spoken of as a "Walled City" he stopped until they got a Bible & showed him where the fact was recorded - Smith not believing it was a walled city. |
This is taken from a handwritten account of an interview M. J. Hubble had with David Whitmer on November 13, 1886 in Richmond, MO. An image of the original document, part of the Hubble Family Papers, is not available online. A full transcript is given in this document.)
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An Address To All Believers in Christ, 1887, pgs 11-12
David Whitmer in An Address to All Believers in Christ
David Whitmer
I testify to the world that I am an eye-witness to the translation of the greater part of the Book of Mormon. Part of it was translated in my father's house in Fayette, Seneca County, N. Y. Farther on I give a description of the manner in which the book was translated...
I will now give you a description of the manner in which the Book of Mormon was translated. Joseph Smith would put the seer stone into a hat, and put his face in the hat, drawing it closely around his face to exclude the light; and in the darkness the spiritual light would shine. A piece of something resembling parchment would appear, and on that appeared the writing. One character at a time would appear, and under it was the interpretation in English. Brother Joseph would read off the English to Oliver Cowdery, who was his principal scribe, and when it was written down and repeated to Brother Joseph to see if it was correct, then it would disappear, and another character with the interpretation would appear. Thus the Book of Mormon was translated by the gift and power of God, and not by any power of man...
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Naked Truths About Mormonism, Vol 1, No 1, pg 2, col 6
William Hine's account
William Riley Hine
Jan, 1888
Soon I learned that Jo claimed to be translating the plates in Badger's Tavern, in Colesville, three miles from my house. I went there and saw Jo Smith sit by a table and put a handkerchief to his forehead and peek into his hat and call out a word to Cowdery, who sat at the same table and wrote it down. Several persons sat near the same table and there was no curtain between them. |
No images of this source are available online. Please contact me if you have any information.)