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Blessing #23

Date of Blessing
Gender assumed by patriarch

*****, by the authority of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood which I hold and in the name of Jesus Christ and as my calling as Stake Patriarch, I lay my hands upon your head to give you your patriarchal blessing. Your patriarchal blessing is based upon your faithfulness and upon the will of the Lord.

You were sent to this earth through the royal blood of Israel and the household of Ephraim. You are entitled to the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Our prophets have told us that those of Ephraim will have leadership responsibilities within the church. Another responsibility will be to bring others into the church.

You will soon be called on a mission and will fulfill this responsibility in a pleasing manner unto the Lord. You will be sent to a land where you will be effective in teaching the gospel. You will set a good example for the other elders and be called to leadership positions in your mission. You will serve in many places. You will teach by the spirit. At times, you may wonder what the spirit is. As you teach, you will realize the things that the Lord wants you to say and use this spirit to convert people to the church. You will see many baptisms through your labors and the testimony that you bear.

You will go to the temple before you go on your mission. You will listen very closely to the covenants that you make in the temple and realize the importance of these covenants. You will return to the temple often. The time will come when you will return to the temple with a young woman and there be married for time and all eternity. You will be active in genealogy and will seek out your ancestors. The majority of this work will be accepted by them. You will do endowments, baptisms, initiatory and sealing work in the temple. You will be a temple worker and receive many important callings in the temple.

You are blessed that you will be able to continue your schooling when you return from your mission. You will be successful in your school work and many of your expenses will be paid through the work that you do at college. You will continue to do very well academically. The Lord has given you many gifts. One of your gifts is being able to comprehend things very quickly and to use what you have comprehended. You will be successful in obtaining a profession where you will use your knowledge. You will be a leader amongst your peers. You will be admired by many for the work that you do.

You will receive leadership callings throughout your life in the church. You will also receive callings of teaching and serving. Any church calling that you receive is where you are needed most at that time. The most important calling that you will ever have is to be a good husband and a good father. You are blessed that your children will be choice children. The Lord will expect you and your wife to teach your children. You are blessed to have the means that your wife will be able to stay at home and teach your children. Your children will love and want to spend time with you. As you plan your time, you will be successful with your family and in your callings. Take time for family vacations and doing activities with your family. You will realize the importance of the family organization and take your children to visit with their parents and grandparents. Have your children know the eternal family that they will be part of.

You are blessed to know that you need to be thrifty throughout your life. Use the funds that the Lord gives you in a wise manner and not on unimportant things. Do not live lavishly. As you are diligent in paying your tithing, you will receive many blessings. You are blessed that there will not be any misunderstanding or unhappiness caused by money within your family. There will be sufficient to meet all things that you desire to have. Remember again, not to seek those things that will make you prideful. Be willing to give of excess funds to others. You are blessed to have a desire to be of service to your fellow men. You will receive callings where you can be of service and lead others into areas where they can also be of service. You and your wife will serve additional missions.

You are blessed to know at this time of your life that it is important that you be an example to all. Your sisters will see in you how a young priesthood holder should live. By your example show them how young men should treat them. You are blessed that you will always treat women and girls with great respect. You are blessed to speak kind words, to have a gentle disposition and to be slow to anger.

You are blessed that you will follow the admonitions of our prophets and our leaders as you raise your family. You will have family home evening, family scripture study, family prayer and prayer with your wife. You will be the leader in seeing that these activities happen. Your wife will be supportive of you and a helpmate in accomplishing these things. You will be thrilled as you grow older to see your children doing these things with their children. You should look upon the things that your parents have taught you and the example and help that they are one to another. You are blessed that you and your wife can have the same type of relationship. You will be a good parent and one who will be able to provide the necessities that your family needs.

You are also blessed that you will always live the Word of Wisdom and as you do so, you will be blessed with good health and a good mind. You will also receive spiritual blessings through living the Word of Wisdom.

You are blessed to always be prayerful. You should make decisions and then ask the Lord if these decisions are what He would want you to do. The Lord will affirm your decision if it is correct. The Celestial room will be a place where you can grow very close to the Lord. Go there often when you are seeking answers.

You are blessed to associate with people who are not members of the church. As you do so, set the standard and let them know what you believe. You will find that they will be supportive of you and even protect you from evil. You are blessed to hold very tightly to the iron rod throughout your life.

You are blessed that the Holy Ghost will be very active in your life. You will heed the prompting that you receive from the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost will only prompt you to do good things and he will protect you. This is a very wicked world you are living in and Satan too may prompt you to do things. If you have feelings of uneasiness or know it is something you should not do then that prompting would not be from the Holy Ghost. You are blessed to know that Satan will not spend much time with you for he will know through your actions that he is wasting his time. You are blessed to always be strong in the gospel and do those things that you should.

As you devote time to the church, to your family and in service to others, the Lord will provide you with the ways and means to accomplish any calling that you have. You are blessed to answer in the affirmative to all church callings that you receive. There will be many great callings, greater callings than have ever been had within your family before.

You will be called forth on the morning of the first resurrection and receive Celestial Glory even the highest degree in the Celestial Kingdom. You will labor in paradise and help convert others to the gospel who did not hear it on this earth. You will be united in the Celestial Kingdom with those you have loved, those you have served, and those you have helped bring into the church.

This blessing and other blessings not mentioned I give unto you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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This patriarchal blessing contains the following promises, which occur in blessings with the corresponding frequency:

A Career


A Good Example


An Eternal Family


Blessings of Abraham












Financial Stability






Health and Strength






Non-Specific Blessings




Power over the Devil






Sensitivity to the Spirit




Serving a Mission


Temple Work


The Endowment


The First Resurrection


The Word of Wisdom




Wickedness in the World
